Unity - Completed - Tower of Boin [Final] [Nenokuni Studio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A good game for killing time, like a clicker, helps to keep the mind awake during great universal reflections and deep reflexive dives into my mind, I was boing hole night through. In general, good pixel art and animations dilute this harsh esports business
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    If you are looking for a fap, this is probably not the game for you.

    The controls are simple and quick to get a grasp on. The way to failure in this game most likely coming during the short time it takes to figure things out or due to overconfidence.

    The music and graphics are kept in pixel quality. One might think of the SNES era of games while playing it.

    The erotic scenes in the game are kept to game over scenarios. But if you beat the game on the eastiest mode, you unlock the gallery, so no need to grind. There is a variety of ideas there with each enemy type getting a scene. They are kept short though so you might be kept wanting for more than just this.

    The story is kept simple and does not take itself seriously. Whoever made this game probably thought the same, as the opening text scrolls by faster than you could read at a relaxed tempo. It is good, that it is kept in a text file to read afterwards.

    I was thinking whether to give it 2 or 3 stars, but the little bit of absurd humor in there (especially the suggestion to post your score on twitter) decided it to be the 3.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Boring, gameplay is just boring . Warning, If you accidentally select controller in the option menu, you softlock yourself, you cant use the menu with a keyboard until you connect a controller. Not much "content" and even then not impressive in terms of sprite art. Gameplay is a platformer that is you just jumping up stairs, that's it. Not worth your time.