I'm usually not one to leash out reviews and much less negative ones but this game really has it all.
I'll try to keep it as objective as possible, just for keeping this somewhat ordered I'll divide stuff into 3 main topics: visuals, writing (dialogue and scene planning), and execution (gameplay, or how the game feels)
Let's start with visuals:
I've uploaded my share of assets before so I know what some of the stuff he used is supposed to look like, and let's just say that if the artists that dumped hundreds of hours into those assets were to see how they look here they'd crawl their eyes out, and this isn't a hardware issue, this game looks worse than stuff like house party, which isn't supposed to be a realistic rendering engine.
Most of the poses I saw (granted I didn't get to finish what's done of the game) are just default ones, undressing (mrdot's style) means one render with clothes and the next one in the exact same pose without them.
Character creation (perhaps due to wanting to make so many) is very lackluster, they don't have much time into them (some of the males being straight out preset models) and look bad, blurry, no reflection on their skin, to the point that a couple times I asked myself if it wasn't opengl or 3delight, and I'm still not convinced it isn't.
On the topic of character creations, the female characters that aren't models downloaded off here, it's clear they follow the I make boob -> I make big boob mentality, and there's nothing satirical about it. In fact, it varies from render to render whether mc's scalp is under or over his skin.
DForce and DOF (depth of field) straight out don't seem to exist other than in certain scenes where it looks like characters and some props were rendered separetly and put over the enviroment render (that looks diffused throughout)
The story seems to be heading towards the same old "boy fucks world" tale we know and... love? With the "mistery" (that I saw on the post, never encountered) spin, and some setup for ntr I think.
This might seem like a silly complaint but you can't even name mc, I'm all for giving every other character a name (gives them some actual distinction) but MC is just one variable that we've grown used to having (even if we put some meme in there).
I might be off on this one but it seems like the dev isnt a native english speaker (neither am I for that matter, maybe that's why I get that gut feeling), but this goes to a whole other level.
I often struggle with dialogue because I find it cringey and completely inorganic, it makes me cringe and I go read twitter or discord for a while and then come back to the game, this game was like that but on steroids. In storywriting, not everything you want to say needs to be written, expressions, poses (body language) and general intuition is what we use in day to day life to communicate, that should carry over to what you write.
So mom explaining exactly why she doesn't feel hot anymore going into detail about her tits being saggy and her friend trying to put her at ease in a very explicit fashion (and I don't mean getting handsy, even though it happens, but instead the dialogue itself) leaves the render that's supposed to be a part of the story as an icon of utter incompetence.
Regarding that scene, it's basically repeated in two time frames not in the scene that it's the exact same scene, but it could be, same things are said for 70% of the convo, word for word.
Black kid:
-"Listening to my mother and sister bitching all day about my grades at school and successful guys that they know or date"
-"And what about you? How are your mom and sisters?" (because asking how are things? family doing alright? would be too complex and unnatural)
-"Mom is giving mi hard time aboyt my grades at schol, and sisters are dating some idiots that they think are successful and beautiful"
Who even wrote that? I can't even imagine who in their right mind would write that, grammar aside, this game has a lot of this, even though mc is a perving useless piece of shit, he's the good guy and good guys finish last and all that, so we have to get rid of those corrupted money hungry short dicked assholes right?
Bridging to the next topic, I know there are some sensible people out there, but not everything is about cock size, having mc with a cock that reaches his chin and other guys with a 4" penis doesn't make for a very compelling story arc, it doesn't make him a better person and it sure as shit finished up throwing realism out the window. If you're silent enough you can make out the "OMG it's so big" after you burst into a room or bathroom you weren't supposed to, or how rape just feels right when it's with a horse cock.
Here's where you could judge me for not getting past the first few events, but it's not entirely my fault. The game has a short intro and then you're thrown straight into the "sandbox" (biggest piece of bullshit devs came up with), at the end of the intro your mom tells you should go to mrs x's (can't remember right now) house, and you don't know what she looks like, where she lives, with so many useless characters and a very poor travelling system, it's just too broad of a task, at some point I got to her, I know because I talked to everyone in every time period possible, and yet nothing out of this first "mission" came up, one of the characters asks you to tell your mom she'll de dropping by the next day, yet you go tell her and nothing happens.
Before in this review I mentioned a scene is almost identical to the next in dialogue, almost word for word, but that's not the only way scenes repeat themselves, but rather this lie about vns with sandbox tags, makes you repeat scenes over and over without any progression whatsoever. For example, one of the scenes with mc's aunt, you peep on her while she showers (typical right?), she catches you, wraps herself in a towel and scolds you, right after that, no, not the next day, but rather the second that peeping scene ends you can go to the shower again and for whatever reason she's showering again, catches you, again, and gives you the exact same speech, getting surprised about the same stuff, again.
You never know if a scene will skip time or not (some indication would be nice, in case you don't want to miss a time frame).
Briefly touched on this before, but the ui and traveling system is horrid, the UI for some reason is embebed within the renders, and to go from one place to the next you're forced to go to the street and click on a random miniature to see if that's the place, when it isn't, you have to go back to the street and try again.
I actually didn't want to be a dickhead with this review, I just came here to find a walkthrough, didn't find one, went to check up his patreon page to see if he at least was making one and I see he wants to make 3k a month for "better gear - more content" aka buying a new pc, this one actually triggers me because I've seen it one too many times, if you want to live from the game and do it full time write that, but you don't need a stable flow (much less 3 FUCKING K) of income to get a better graphics card, it's 500-550 for a 2070 super, more than enough to get you started on rendering, say that his country has the worst taxes in the world (haven't seen any with worse than mine so I'll just use them) and you end up paying double, that's 1000-1100.
While it's true I spent more time writing this review than playing the game, it's for good reason, this game isn't worth your time, at this stage at the very least.