RPGM - Completed - Town of Passion [v1.1] [Siren's Domain]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Burner Dex

    Average RPG maker game, the puzzles are fun I guess.
    The CGs are good, even if drawn in a style that I don't usually like, but apart from those and the puzzles, it becomes "walking around and do the same shit every day" simulator, like lots of RPG maker games.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    A town of passion is more like a town of boredom.
    Here is a list of cons:

    1. Most of the girls look almost the same, with similar faces and characters.
    2. Animated scenes are barely animated and mostly consist of 3 phases, are mostly random, and take forever to reach.
    3. The game is a walking sim. 95% is spent just walking.
    4. It takes forever to have anything done without any help with progression.
    5. Pixelated sex scenes that are so small that they might not even exist.
    6. Sex scenes are plain and boring after the first few. They all feel the same.
    1. Multiple girls and some sex scenes variation

    Well, that’s pretty much it. The game feels like a waste of time, just wandering around expecting ANYTHING to happen. A lot of things are scripted, and if you go around the trigger with Noclip, it breaks progression.
    The game also has lots of basic puzzles that get boring after the first 5 of them, and there are a ton more.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Outdated game.

    Story is to simple and flat. Same old godness chosen one. Nothing new. Characters are empty. You don't really care about them, which make you loose the whole interest in the game. Animation and art look cheap.

    The only good thing about this game is puzzles and gameplay. It's simple but yet engaging. You could say they are well made.

    Overall its 3/5 but I will give 1 extra for gameplay.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    General remarks: It's not bad, it's also not that great. I feel like a lot of corners were cut in the art department. There are a fair amount of scenes with no art, and just pixel animation. If you like pixel animations then sure you'll probably like this one. But I feel with the requirements to unlock scenes, where some of the scenes to only see a pixel animation, and other scenes having very basic art, there is a feel of a lack of content in the art department..

    Music : 1/10 [It's (except maybe one or two songs) all just default royalty free RPGM music.

    Art: 5/10 [For the art that is in the game, it's decent enough, however like I mentioned above, there is a feeling of a lack of art when it comes to the H-Scenes, as well as there is a limited amount of characters that have H-Scenes in general. There are many characters that would have been great to be able to romance, but we are stuck with specific ones, that oddly all look a-like in one way or another. Possibly Artistic limitation? Another example would be you spy on the "Maid" masturbating many, many times, and there is no art for it, you just see a generic standing nude model. With the amount of times you are required to spy (cuz it wakes your character up every so often and you are required to go check before you can go back to sleep) you'd think there was be some teasing scenes of spying, but there isn't.]

    Gameplay: 6/10 [The puzzles are probably the best part of the game, although there are some things that are just plainly not explained, which can make you get stuck in the very first dungeon. For instance you have to specifically press and hold Enter on the Keyboard and use an Arrow key inorder to push certain objects around, when other objects can be pushed by just left clicking them, and that is not mentioned anywhere in the game which is the most confusing part as up until that point everything is doable with your mouse or at the very least explained to you before hand that you need to press Q or W... So someone can very easily get stuck on the very first dungeon and drop the game because of not knowing how to progress.. Other then that one major issue, the rest of the gameplay and puzzles are pretty fun for an H-Game, however in a way it feels like it was waste of time when it's all said in done, like I said above, H-Scenes and the art that goes with them are limited, and a lot of times you go through quite the amount of gameplay for a very simplistic scene, or for one without art and just pixel animations. So it ends up being that 6/10 because of the amount of time, confusion, and lack of reward.]

    Story: 5/10 [Feels like a missed oppertunity. In general the game feels like it cud be really big, and that is possibly where the developer was going originally, but it just sorta falls short, and feels like a generic "the worlds gone to crap, you're conveniently the only male in the town, and it's your job to bang all of us, because mysterious reasons of goddesses." With this sort of premise, you'd think there would be a bunch of art, and most all the ladies are lookin for something from the Male Protagonist, however like I said before, you have a fixed amount of people(6) that can be pursued, and there are definately a number of other that I wish would of rather been on that list. That could just be personal taste, but w/e.]

    Character Romance: 4/10 [First, I want to just flat out say, this game is 100% Corruption based. It's just done in a more light hearted way. You basically go into their minds, and steal their heart. Thats the writters words, not mine. So when you see this game has Corruption as a tag, that is for every single h-scene. Nothing is achieved without manipulation. Besides that, In general, it feels like it was rushed in one way or another. For instance, some characters you get to see them change over your missions, where they end up falling for you slowly. Others just suddenly have an extreme 180 turn around (at the end of their mission) in their feelings for the protagonist. Because of this embalance, various character (of the 6 you can "romance/corrupt") will suddenly just bang you for no reason, and with the limited art, it often feels like a waste after going through the trouble of completing all the dungeons and missions to see it.]

    Overall: 3/5 [The game is decent, and I have seen much much worse. However, I have played much better. In general, the game feels like the Developer had a lot of plans for the game, and then slowly lost interest. And as this isn't investor based, they tried to sum up the game without making it extremely noticable, so they could move on to a different project. Not a bad game, but there are definately others more worth your time. Unless you really like this sort of art style (not specifically my forte) then it will likely be more worth it for you. However, if you feel this art style is just okay, then there are quite a few other games a lot like this one, with similar premises, and relationships, that are more worth your time. If you've felt like you've gone through most the good ones, and you want to play a lighter corruptions based game, then pick this one up. Myself, I thought the corruption part would either be limited, or a choice. But it's 100% forced in all situation for the main 6 "romance-able" characters. There is a few other side characters that get a scene here and there, but they aren't really worth mentioning. And like others have said, this game isn't really "Fap Material." More like a RPGM Puzzle game with adult content.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is pretty good. Completing the game feels a bit tedious but it is enjoyable, just don't do it in one sitting. The characters' personalities are diverse and unique enough. The scenes are OK, the art is Good. Not a good fap material in my book. Still would recommend.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    — many different female characters
    — interesting puzzles
    — big world and decent amount of content
    — interesting arts, probably not for everyone, but stand out from the piles of mediocre ones
    — not much grinding

    — pretty linear, you have no much choice
    — quite ordinary dialogues
    — stat-system is poorly thought-out

    — mc is a child
    — incest
    — peculiar graphic style
    — non-human characters

    although some aspects of the game may be tedious (at least for me), the game itself is worth the effort. especially if you like rpgm games.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    + Quests, puzzles and things to explore.
    + Dating Sim elements, where you progress with each girl. But no limits, you can go for everyone.
    + A few characters have a few or many costumes, which can be set. Gives kind of a unique feeling
    +/- No real fights. Rather stat leveling, quests and tasks to progress with story and/or girls.
    - Grind-reward imbalance exists. Game is kind of stretched
    - There is no real "choices and consequences". Game could have been shorter, but replayable, if there were consequences, so, you wouldn't be able to go for every girl in a single run.

    Frequency of Scenes:
    +/- Takes a bit until you get more scenes

    +/- Considering the whole game length, the amount of dialogues is okay.
    - The story feels kind of generic, turning the game into a CG-Hunting game rather than offering an interesting plot. Maybe only the riddles, puzzles and quests keep you going.

    - MC's dubious age.

    --> All in one: I usually don't judge art. But to be honest, the art was the only reason I kept playing the game. But that aside, I think it is too stretched and there is a grind-reward imbalance. You need to do a bit too much, to get a scene. The story wasn't convincing either. But since I kind of like riddles and puzzles, it was okay. It is not like it wasn't fun. But if you are an impatient adult-game player, then this one might be challenging. 5 of 10.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the art style, Love the game play. Keeps it interesting from start to finish, and I was a bit sad when I ran out of content. Always love games that make you earn your lewds which this game does. It has a bit of grind but nothing that gets too much. 10/10 great game.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    If you're looking for a game that's just a quick fap this probably isnt the game for you since it takes a while to get going and sometimes there can be a larger gap between scenes.

    With that said, it has a good story, good gameplay, interesting characters. A little grind heavy, and never a huge fan of playing what appears to be a literal child which prevents it from getting a 5/5.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Town of Passion [v1.1] [Siren's Domain]
    A good game that deserves the classic 6/10.

    Great art-style.
    Gameplay for maxxing skills not too boring since it doesn't take too much time to max out all the skills.

    One thing that positively surprised me was the mapping, it's not incredible, but you hardly notice good mapping in RPGM h-games.

    One thing that really bothered me is the protagonist. I don't appreciate when they give an age of 18 to a character who is clearly 10 and I'm not just talking about looks, his character is also childish, he's not 18.

    The rest of the game is mediocre (story, sound department, dialogues and so on).
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Sheepy Cloud

    I think it's bad and that's it.

    I haven't even spent 20 minutes in the game and it already has some pretty major annoyances that make just playing inconvenient, and that's not going into the Aptitude tests, of which there is no logical reason to make so annoying.

  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like full fledged porn games. This game does so many things right. They nailed the map design, the character design, the music, and the gameplay.
    I know it's all royalty free music, that doesn't matter. The song chosen for each area and event still fits perfectly and adds to the game regardless.

    Such a good game. Certain things really turned me off, like the quality being suddenly lowered during animations(android), or not being able to see the sprite animations, and there are some animations and art that I just didn't like. It was pretty hard to decide between 3 or 4 stars, because there are things I really loved about this game.

    A few more things I didn't like.
    • The boss fights are build up by the game so much, it's the thing you work towards the whole game, the biggest challenge for our hero and what separates him from the common man. You reach the boss and instead.... you see a ganon that's so weak you can throw a rock at them and they'll die. This was so anticlomatic to me that it was funny. They didn't even look nearly as threatening as it was build up to be. ADD MORE SPECIAL EFFECTS!
    • The game expects the player to know that Rose and Mary are sisters, but Rose rarely mentions that she's her sister. Very few lines hint at it and can be easily missed.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Will always hold a special place in my heart. The writing isn't going to win any awards, and neither will the art, but they fit together very nicely. Nice little story with sexy art, and it's fun to play. I may be a little biased since this was the first NSFW game I ever discovered, but it's got some great stuff in it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Rajat Saigal

    If the capitalising didn't give it away, I really enjoyed Town of Passion. Looking forward to other Siren games.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    6/10. Pretty average game.
    It is simple and overall doesn't has much difficulty, it also has recollection/gallery to replay the h scenes. Beginning story is also pretty fun, the 'raising stat' grind isn't tiring, a good way to spend time on.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    For H games it's fine, the gameplay is pretty boring, there's a lack of diversity in girls, and most of it feels like filler, so it's basically just like the majority of other H games. Still, it's not godawful, the art is unique compared to most stuff so thats at least a plus, still if you don't like grind or mindless wandering this isn't for you.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5143451

    I played this game twice, nice graphics, nice games. I love it that you cannot die, and can just try it again, and again.

    Actually I love almost you whole series (except for Zombie's Life). And that they connect a little bit with each other.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Did I enjoy this game YES! Then why im giving it 3 stars? My playtime so far is over 10 hours I unlocked most scenes with most characters, and there is more to be seen. This game has so much going for it; we got a nice story hot characters, and a WAST world, I do like slow burner games and would absolutely love this game but there are barely any sex scenes. You sleep with a character once and that's it, one character one scene that's it. There is Mary and Jane that have more, but even with that - let's have a threesome and you get one boobjob twice (two encounters) even with them only one anal scene in the whole game ONE!!! It's a game if I don't like it I won't select it just put it in as one frame picture. Every character gives you a blowjob or titjob but only one in the whole game anal - what a waste of time.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    it lacks of scene varieties with specific characters.. there are some arts which feels inelaborate.. rest of the game is cool.. stories development, characters relations and advance of the protagonist are well balanced, in game economy and char demands are reasonable..worth your time..
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Let me start off my saying that overall I enjoyed the game. The 2D art was generally nice, although it was a little jarring that certain scenes or characters were drawn in a style that was inconsistent with others. The CG of Nyx at the very end, for instance, struck me as very out of place among the much more detailed and good-looking CGs in the final part of the game.

    And really, Nyx's CG feeling as though less effort was put into it makes sense given that she only shows up at the very end, and somehow it is symptomatic to me of the state of the ending overall. Now, the story and characters of the game were passable by adult game standards most of the way, with some characters and story-lines being better than others, but the ending felt very rushed. It felt like they were trying to do an ending along the same vein as Monster Girl Quest - a VN I actually enjoyed, including the overtly cheesy ending (and which I only just now realized has a sequel that I'll have to take a look at) - but without going all-in on it and just sort of get it done and over with. The ending was very disappointing compared to the rest of the game, but "luckily" the consequence of it being so rushed also means that it's over quickly.

    I was surprised that nearly everything in the game was accomplished through different varieties of puzzles rather than battles, as is the general trend with RPGMaker games, but it was a nice surprise. The puzzles were generally easy enough that I didn't get stuck on them for more than a minute or so (aside from a boulder-pushing puzzle near the start of the game, which took me a while to figure out simply because I insisted on starting with the wrong move), yet interesting and challenging enough that it gave that little bit of a "heh, I'm so smart"-feeling to solve. Once again it was only at the end, during the final quest, that I started getting genuinely annoyed with the "enemies chasing you"-puzzles, purely because it started throwing way too many fast-moving enemies into the areas. Combine that with the fact that enemies can spot and start to pursue the PC through obstacles, that one of the final areas involved repeatedly traversing portals and that there is no delay between going through portals and enemies spotting and attacking you, and it can get frustrating very quickly.

    The adult scenes were pretty good overall, mostly vanilla which suits me just fine, with at least one scene per NPC involving vaginal penetration. The game featured a variety of angles, positions and character dispositions, the animations and sounds ranged from passable to good... yeah, not much to say regarding that.

    That being said, there are a few things that annoyed me about Town of Passion:

    Adult content-wise, I find it both strange (and very disappointing due to my own preferences) that despite the game taking place in (an area? A world? In hindsight I'm not entirely sure how widespread it's supposed to be) a place where the PC is literally the only male, not a single female NPC gives any indication of being a virgin aside from appearing inexperienced, neither verbally or visually. In fact, even Haru, the youngest and supposedly most inexperienced and innocent character seems sexually proficient. Similarly, even though almost every character has at least the option of receiving a vaginal creampie, there is not a single mention of the mere possibility of pregnancy by any character throughout the entire game.

    The game could also do a better job at communicating useful information to the player. A good example of this is that when I started the game I quickly determined that there were certain characters I was more interested in pursuing than others, either for sexual preference (Haru and Aunt Rose, for instance) or for story purposes (Haru and Akane, for instance). I only checked the "relationships" menu after a few in-game days, only to feel my heart sink at the realization that characters were divided into categories of "Passion" and "Lust", and that completing character arcs increased the related stat in the PC. I immediately assumed that these stats were used to determine the ending of the game, and that one was probably "better" than the other, which led to me pointedly ignoring all the characters in the "Lust"-category. Only much later, after finishing all the "Passion"-characters, did I realize that both categories were beneficial and that the stats and endings were not mutually exclusive. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that was the case, but it could have been communicated better to the player.

    Which brings me to my last, and possibly greatest, annoyance: the NPC named by the player, default name: Mary. At first I thought it was an odd, but potentially neat idea to have a girl that you could decide the relation to the PC yourself to suit your tastes. I thought "Maid" and "Client" was an extremely strange default relationship, and - to suit my tastes - set their relationship to "Sister" and "Brother".
    Only much later (since this relationship is set at the very start of the game) did I realize why Mary was like that; to get around Patreon's rules, because from everything else in the game (most blatantly by the fact that Aunt Rose repeatedly refers to Mary as "Sis") it is fairly obvious that Mary is supposed to be the PC's mother. I was incredibly frustrated for a while at this, and only somewhat alleviated that frustration when I googled my way to finding the Cheat Stone to allow me to change the relationship with Mary to what it was supposed to be. And lo and behold! The second the relationship was "Mother" and "Son", dialogues actually changed to reflect that in ways beyond just inserting the word, like Mary starting to refer to herself as "Mommy" and such.
    I can see why they had to do that to get around Patreon's bullshit policies, but I really wish they had given at least a hint to the player at the time of setting the relationship with Mary that there was a "correct" answer, and what that answer was supposed to be.