Trainer games


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2017
Have you ever just wanted to toss your hat in the ring and try to make a trainer/corruption porn game?

If you did but haven't then what is stopping you?

Personally, I have, for a while now I've had 3 running around in my head.

A Filmore game which I pictured as a duel corruption where the player is Filmore undercover with Ingrid and based on their actions one or both characters becomes more corrupted and or broken.

A gravity falls game where the player is a bill cypher possessed bill corrupting mabel, pacifica, and Wendy.

A svtfoe game where you break star, Jackie, moon, and Angie playing as...well hell some of made of darkness... Ok here honestly there is not many antagonist designs I like so if I had done this it would've been some oc.

So why is stopping me?

1. I have no freaking clue how to program. I know there are a lot of porn "games" that are just visual novels and not really games and I wouldn't want that. I would've just drawn a comic if i wanted to go that direction.

2. I'm a traditionalist, this has been my biggest set back honestly...well second biggest. Even with my cintiq, trying to draw digitally just doesn't feel right to me and doing anything traditionally doubles progression time.

3. This has been my biggest set back at doing anything...coloring... When it comes to coloring...just no...i can't even...

So what about you guys and fbi agents out there?


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Personally, I think the best way to get started is to start off with modding. It's a smaller learning curve since you don't have to get to where you know enough to make your own game all at once. You can just learn things one at a time and add on to some existing game that you already like. You also get a feel for what sorts of things people like and have plenty of room for doing things wrong without anything really blowing up in your face.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
The only thing that stops dreams from being achieved is lack of determination and effort, it can be for a variety of reasons, be it that you don't have time or just life.

However many people want to make a game, but they have especific abilities, one may like drawing, another may like writing, another may like cod... nah no one likes coding XD.

But well, being a one man army requires quite a lot of effort, making what you want to make even more. Doing a visual novel? it's very easy, that's what I recommend for people that love drawing.

Do you like writing? well you have text based games, most of them are played on browser.

Do you like cod...? Who am I kidding, this question should be if you want to make something more complex, if you want then start with rpg maker, it has many free things and it's easy to make.


Active Member
May 2, 2018
I mean I have ideas for a lot of games that I don't have time to make. Something along the lines of a trainer/corruption game is among them. Making games (good games) is a lot of work. I personally think trainer and corruption games are a bit difference at least in how I see them. A trainer game involves some level of control, like a slave who can't really say no. A corruption game is more subtle it's the "how do you boil a frog?" situation. You push a girl's limits little by little until she doesn't realize what she's become. I think the corruption genre isn't normally done very well. The fuck her until she likes it mentality seems to be the main way to do corruption most times. This works in a trainer situation, because they are often not in a position to refuse. In my mind, the main difference is the agency of the subject being transformed. If they have to obey you, it's a trainer. If they have free will, it's a corruption game.


Apr 10, 2018
Ive tried to make a few. Mostly lack of knowledge on coding and how to start learning as well as a lack of art skill prevented me from going farther. I advanced with a few ideas and each time I learned more and more. But have since lost interest. Might try again one day but I'll only ever make simple RPG maker text games anyway, meh :p

My advice, either learn and plan in advance or accept the limitations your going in with.


Oct 2, 2017
I'm learning to program this lil games, cause I'm kinda interested in doing a svtfoe game... with routes of cucking star, or chessy game... plus the harem ending, I want to see how many out there chose cuckstar route... considering the memes, that became true and she was at some point I kinda bet 90% will do and then after having a laugh will chose harem route
