Based on episode 2
The game is only average currently the content is lacking (but reasonable as the game was just released and will take time to mature). The renders are good but so fucking what. It is 2019 and almost every game out there now has high quality renders, it isn't something to be excited about. Animations are primitive and the sex scenes while they show potential seem to be a bit rushed. Sex scenes take a lot of renders to do well and most devs tend to rush sex scenes as it takes so many more renders ergo time and effort to do a decent sex scene compared to progressing the plot of the story.
The plot is a decent spin on things and when I assumed succubus, I was wrong, So that was nice to see a spin on the sex demon idea that was unique.
i'm hoping that as the dev improves the story and game will improve. This game is like so many others at release two, filled with potential but can so easily go off the rails into something terrible or perhaps become something great.
I'm not sure this game is worth a download today but by episode 4 there should be enough story content and sex content for you the player to decide if there is enough here to follow the game. The other high scoring reviews seem not to be reviewing what is actually here but what the game could deliver in the future, but there is no guarantee that the future will bring a great game as they hope it will. Also the dev is working on two games at once which sounds like a REALLY bad idea based on past experience either outbreak or this game is likely to wither on the vine or both are likely to suffer. Splitting your resources between to games being made at the same time just sounds like a terrible idea, At worse the quality suffers for both games at best the games progress at a snails pace because each game is only getting a portion of the content it could be getting as the other game is getting that content. Games requires resources to make and all those resources take time to make, be it QA, renders, writing, bug hunting or editing, These things don't happen magically they take time so doing two games at once must mean both games suffer content wise. I expect the dev to burn out quickly working on two games as well. This really isn't a recipe for success.