Unity - [Translation Request] [ACT] Another world hidden in the castle of desire [maorou/Flappy Fish]

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    Game is by far not fun or is only fun for an extremely short period due to the platforming and the entire game being tested via the easiest difficulty which gives an triple jump.
    This is extremely clear when you get to the first boss (out of 2 in the entire game as the game is extremely short too) since it's an Slime boss where you jump on it's head to hurt it. Easy enough but it's so tall that you either use the triple jump or you use it's minions to boost up and over. Problem comes with the fact that the minions needs to be pretty close to the boss which (if your killing minions as well) means you have one maybe two chances before the boss does it's charge attack...which uh everything in the boss fight is an instant kill...only one other enemy (an puzzle blocker robot which is an one time enemy) in the game and falling out of the level causes that. Making this be the horrible problem with the first since the hitboxes are also horrible as you can easily hit the corner and boop you lose and have to restart from scratch on that fight. (it's an 5 min fight I think if you get it right but it's not fun)

    The platforming/bad hitboxes do occur again shortly afterwards too since there final level before the 2nd and therfore last boss is one where you make it an majority of the way through before you hit a switch and either triple jump to the exit or run through the level again in it's now changed format. (via ghost blocks) But there's precisely player height slots that your meant to jump and slot into which with just one jump is extremely hard to get into I personally found. Did I mention that this level is one where you fall and die if you fail a jump most of the time after the switch is pressed?

    Anyway gameplay done with there's two things you can collect during your time playing which is fish and gold coins. I couldn't tell what fish gave (as I at one point tried to cheat past the slime boss which was a failure) meanwhile the gold coins you use at an shop level which it requires you to have an pretty high amount of coins to buyout everything (which is only Dev concept art, no animations) but if you run out of coins and you try to buy something you get an H-scene defeat with the shopkeeper. (there's an massive purchase option behind them in-case you have purchased everything)

    Now finally on to the H-content.......honestly it's one animation (with sometimes an VERY SLIGHTLY different variation in small details) per enemy which during gameplay you'll sometimes see half or all of it before you die from full HP. The type of H-content I would say is pretty much lesbian with a side of toys and a few tentacles. However due to the levels and the gameplay I doubt you'll want to fap no matter how much they match your fetish needs. Luckily you can unlock the gallery via save file editing where you set your levels done to 99.