I'll start saying that if you are not into lesbian/yuri contents then this game might not appeal you. I'm a great fan of yuri/lesbian focused games tough and this one just nails it.
The game is actually good for what concerns both the gameplay and the H scenes. It is a direct clone to Magical Girl Celesphonia and about this, there's some stuff this game does better then that game but this doesn't mean the game is better and at the same time it's not worst.
What it does better then Celesphonia?
The lust staging/lvls first of all is delivered better. At lust lvl0 The MC in this game starts off as kinda against sexual acts. At lust lvl1 (lust 100), she discover the new feelings but still admittedly feels bad during scenes, at lust lvl2(lust 300) she start being more into it and actually feel good toward end scenes and at lust lvl3(lust 500+ if im not wrong), that's when she shine compared to Amane. Her lines at the highest lust stage are great, erotic, she even ask for more sexual interactions and to feel more during scenes, which is what Amane lacks in MGC at Max lust being somehow still ashamed and flustered instead in many H scenes.
Some of the interactions with H npc's are actually better in this game compared to MGC. One clear example i can make is the train molester. In MGC it felt very uninteresting and rushed while in this game Lirika doesn't just get groped, she get kissed, fucked by futanari's on train and the more she cum the more turns the groper keep abusing her. To add up, when Lirika is at max lust there's a choice to let her beg/ask to be groped and fucked on the train. The molester doesn't bring you to a station WC and instead brings you to a love hotel with Lirika being able to pick the choice to beg getting fucked all night long and this make the molester interaction generically more erotic and interesting then the one in MGC.
The hentai scenes feels generically better like i mentioned before. The lines used are very erotic and the protagonist really become a Nymphomaniac when her lust reachs the max levels and i love to see that on a character that is supposed to be fallen into lust, which is what Amane in MGC fails at.
What does this game do at the same level of MGC?
Mainly everything concerning battle and character powering up. Crafting new gears to get stronger, getting abilities depending on which cores you equip, battle fuck and the overall combat experience and balance feels like the same you see in MGC. No complaint there, it's somewhat good, not the best maybe but not the worst either and i say this considering i think even MGC has it's own lackings in that compart.
What does this game do worst then MGC? And this is also what i consider being the ''negative'' aspect of this game and that's the reason why i did not gave this game 5 stars.
Mainly everything related to the artworks, both during H scenes and the enemies artworks. It's full of AI artworks. Some of which aren't bad x se but i consider it a big con. First of all cause i think that proper man made artworks are always better then AI artworks when used inside an eroge game and secondarily because this game tends to mix the few man made artworks that the author/artist created with AI artworks and that is something i hate to see, because either one style or the other stands out too much and they do not mix well together when you see them mixed up together on the same single scene. Enemies are all AI artworks with a few of them looking decent while the rest looks bad. The bosses luckily all look somewhat good but still, AI artworks doesn't really render at best.
Artworks that have been man made can be seen and you recognize them, they actually look good at exception of some details like tantacles, dildo's and futanari dicks that are actually very badly drawn and stand out even more when mixed together with AI artworks so to conclude, the author could've done way better on the artworks compart of this game and it let this game lose that one star.
I gave it 4 star overall or 7.8/10 in a 0-10 voting scale. The plot is good(could be better? maybe but it's not bad), the H scenes and images are very erotic(Images could've been better if it wasn't for AI but they are hot overall), the battle system is not needless complicated(standard rpgm fight with some battle fuck mechanics and a shields mechanics that serves to avoid getting restrained, turns based where agility parameter decide who attacks first, usual turn based which is acceptable), bosses might be hard even at normal difficulty but nothing too exagerated(some of them were a pain to beat but this is what i expect from a boss instead of it being a 2-3 hits/turns enemy), crafting system for new gears is easy to understand(just get materials and craft new gears moving on new chapter)and abilities system being tied to the cores equipped as well(sort of like engrams in MGC).
Good title overall, could be great up to 5 star for who loves yuri/lesbian contents but i decided to be objective and to do not give it a star out of my personal fetishes preferences. I hope this will get translated by someone cause i think the plot would be a lot more interesting and enjoyable played with a proper translation instead of being played using Mtool like i did but i fully enjoyed the game regardless. Definitely recommend for Yuri/Lesbian contents fans.
The game is actually good for what concerns both the gameplay and the H scenes. It is a direct clone to Magical Girl Celesphonia and about this, there's some stuff this game does better then that game but this doesn't mean the game is better and at the same time it's not worst.
What it does better then Celesphonia?
The lust staging/lvls first of all is delivered better. At lust lvl0 The MC in this game starts off as kinda against sexual acts. At lust lvl1 (lust 100), she discover the new feelings but still admittedly feels bad during scenes, at lust lvl2(lust 300) she start being more into it and actually feel good toward end scenes and at lust lvl3(lust 500+ if im not wrong), that's when she shine compared to Amane. Her lines at the highest lust stage are great, erotic, she even ask for more sexual interactions and to feel more during scenes, which is what Amane lacks in MGC at Max lust being somehow still ashamed and flustered instead in many H scenes.
Some of the interactions with H npc's are actually better in this game compared to MGC. One clear example i can make is the train molester. In MGC it felt very uninteresting and rushed while in this game Lirika doesn't just get groped, she get kissed, fucked by futanari's on train and the more she cum the more turns the groper keep abusing her. To add up, when Lirika is at max lust there's a choice to let her beg/ask to be groped and fucked on the train. The molester doesn't bring you to a station WC and instead brings you to a love hotel with Lirika being able to pick the choice to beg getting fucked all night long and this make the molester interaction generically more erotic and interesting then the one in MGC.
The hentai scenes feels generically better like i mentioned before. The lines used are very erotic and the protagonist really become a Nymphomaniac when her lust reachs the max levels and i love to see that on a character that is supposed to be fallen into lust, which is what Amane in MGC fails at.
What does this game do at the same level of MGC?
Mainly everything concerning battle and character powering up. Crafting new gears to get stronger, getting abilities depending on which cores you equip, battle fuck and the overall combat experience and balance feels like the same you see in MGC. No complaint there, it's somewhat good, not the best maybe but not the worst either and i say this considering i think even MGC has it's own lackings in that compart.
What does this game do worst then MGC? And this is also what i consider being the ''negative'' aspect of this game and that's the reason why i did not gave this game 5 stars.
Mainly everything related to the artworks, both during H scenes and the enemies artworks. It's full of AI artworks. Some of which aren't bad x se but i consider it a big con. First of all cause i think that proper man made artworks are always better then AI artworks when used inside an eroge game and secondarily because this game tends to mix the few man made artworks that the author/artist created with AI artworks and that is something i hate to see, because either one style or the other stands out too much and they do not mix well together when you see them mixed up together on the same single scene. Enemies are all AI artworks with a few of them looking decent while the rest looks bad. The bosses luckily all look somewhat good but still, AI artworks doesn't really render at best.
Artworks that have been man made can be seen and you recognize them, they actually look good at exception of some details like tantacles, dildo's and futanari dicks that are actually very badly drawn and stand out even more when mixed together with AI artworks so to conclude, the author could've done way better on the artworks compart of this game and it let this game lose that one star.
I gave it 4 star overall or 7.8/10 in a 0-10 voting scale. The plot is good(could be better? maybe but it's not bad), the H scenes and images are very erotic(Images could've been better if it wasn't for AI but they are hot overall), the battle system is not needless complicated(standard rpgm fight with some battle fuck mechanics and a shields mechanics that serves to avoid getting restrained, turns based where agility parameter decide who attacks first, usual turn based which is acceptable), bosses might be hard even at normal difficulty but nothing too exagerated(some of them were a pain to beat but this is what i expect from a boss instead of it being a 2-3 hits/turns enemy), crafting system for new gears is easy to understand(just get materials and craft new gears moving on new chapter)and abilities system being tied to the cores equipped as well(sort of like engrams in MGC).
Good title overall, could be great up to 5 star for who loves yuri/lesbian contents but i decided to be objective and to do not give it a star out of my personal fetishes preferences. I hope this will get translated by someone cause i think the plot would be a lot more interesting and enjoyable played with a proper translation instead of being played using Mtool like i did but i fully enjoyed the game regardless. Definitely recommend for Yuri/Lesbian contents fans.