Others [Translation Request] Please, can someone translate the two currently released Milk Factory games


New Member
Mar 2, 2019
The games of theirs have probably been the best VN's, from a visuals standpoint, that I have ever played great art, character design, animation, scenes, I love everything about these two games (besides one or two fetishes). The only issue I have is that I speak zero Japanese. Some of the scenes seem a bit odd without knowing what going on in the story (an example being multiple floating blue dicks. You can infer that its some kind of technology, but that's not satisfying enough). I would love it if someone could translate either of these two games if not both.

(for some reason DL Site only has one of the games)

Images for
111724.jpg 111725.jpg 111728.jpg

Images for
130560.jpg 130568.jpg
(sorry if the formatting is bad, i've only done this once a long time ago)
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New Member
Nov 24, 2018
Hey everyone, I machine translated the first game. It's not very great, I used google translate and I'm pretty sure I made a few mistakes, but for anyone who's interested, here you go:

I haven't run into any game-breaking errors from the translation but if there are any, just let me know and I'll try to see what's going on. Also, the ui and some other bits remain untranslated but everything within the text window should be translated.

More importantly, for anyone who wants to properly translate the game here are the text files for everything said within the text window ordered by scene. Unfortunately, the scenes did not come in order when I extracted them:

If anyone does take up the task of translating this game, if you don't know already, I can show you how to recompile the text back into the game or I can do it for you, whichever you prefer. Also, when translating the game don't mess with the numbers or symbols, just work with the words. Changing the numbers or symbols might mess something up within the game.

But anyway, that is it. Hopefully, we get a better translation of the game soon.

Also, for some reason, you can't change your name within the game. I honestly don't know what's going on there but I can't fix it, maybe someone else can.