RPGM - None - [Translation Request] [ToraToriToru! ~A Maid-teasing RPG~] [RJ316251] [INAZUMA SOFT]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Awsome thing. Buzz me in in if you know alike. I've played many games but this is... is like one of the best.

    Story 3\5 - Nice
    Night walk - 4.5\5 - Verryyy nice
    Leveling Up? - 4.5\5 - Verryyy nice
    Gameplay? - 5\5 - Awsome
    Graphics? - 4\5 - Nice

    Missing voices - Sad.

    I am not much of a text writer, but if you are reading this, you should know that Idid make like 2 full walkthr this one. It is somewhat unique in sence of night adventures and alike. Heh. If only we had more of content here... Recomended.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I played the Translated Version.

    The translation is well done. The game is about a Shota who tries to get more and more naughty with his maidens.

    This RPG has no fights in it, but still can end up a bit grindy. Since you need to grind relationship points and Naughty / Good boy Points to earn skills which are your interaction options. Playing around with some combination is fun and the pictures are well done, but in the end it could not hold me long enough to finish it.

    -The developer put a huge emphasis on the dead mother on the Michelle Arc, That really killed the porn game vibe some times.
    -Only 2 Body-Types. Its better than other games but you only got the petite type and big ass, big tits type.
    -Only because your game is an RPG you don't have to make it grindy. I have the feeling everyone wants to find a grind system. Fun is not enough it seems.
    -It's just pictures. No animations.

    +Fun base game. It has fun gameplay. Experimenting with skill combinations for example, but it could not motivate me to finish this.
    +Story is okish. Enough to make the setting clear.
    +Personalities are okish too. Except for the outings I read every dialogue.
    +Good Artwork. I liked it. But pictures aren't enough for me looking at the gameplay and the grind.

    Iam close to finish all basic arcs with the ladies in 3-4 Hours. But the gameplay is not that deep and you could have easily lower the playtime and have a better experience with the game.