Art's great, voices are pretty good, and the characters are pretty...standard.
I think my expectations were unrealistic. I dropped the game because the MC was too passive and lame for me to stay interested in the already tepid story.
Trap characters and pretty pictures, sure. Riveting story and compelling dialogue? No. And for a supernatural slice of life rom-com, the "forbidden romance" and "ideological conflict" are so watered down that I felt like double-checking the tags a few times. Like the arguments didn't exist to drive the story, but to stretch out the run-time and make the player click through more sentences.
Honestly my only real complaints are that the story was so light-hearted that it had basically no heart, and the MC seems to epitomize that.
Not terrible. Just terribly bland.
I think my expectations were unrealistic. I dropped the game because the MC was too passive and lame for me to stay interested in the already tepid story.
Trap characters and pretty pictures, sure. Riveting story and compelling dialogue? No. And for a supernatural slice of life rom-com, the "forbidden romance" and "ideological conflict" are so watered down that I felt like double-checking the tags a few times. Like the arguments didn't exist to drive the story, but to stretch out the run-time and make the player click through more sentences.
Honestly my only real complaints are that the story was so light-hearted that it had basically no heart, and the MC seems to epitomize that.
Not terrible. Just terribly bland.