RPGM - Completed - TRATRITLE [v1.3.5] [INAZUMA SOFT]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1999132

    This is such a hidden gem. started like the usual boring RPGM plot. but it is quite sweet and heartwarming to see the characters backstory revealed as you progress and your relationship with them grows.. no drama, no serious plot. but enjoyable

    long gameplay hours and many hidden ways to prank the maids. you'll be surprised at how many combination of skills you can do to get a new H event. for example, undress them, make them want to pee, and block their way to the toilet. this will make the maid piss on the floor and take a bath. then you can peep so on and so on. nice simple mechanic .
    what happens if you prank all three of them to the bath at the same time then?

    the only downside is that you are stuck in a mansion. and it can get a lil bit claustrophobic after a while.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy snap I was not expecting to have found a gem game. Played for like 7 hours and holy, this game is pretty addicting!

    From the tags, it seemed that this game is mostly female domination, but it's quite the opposite. Everyone's naïve and you're corrupting your maids to be more open in sex.

    Lots of unlockables, lots of events in particular times and places and lots of freedom to tease your maids.

    You'll love it if you like to slowly corrupt, rape them in their sleep, have TONS of CG scenes and like the idea of open scenarios instead of linear ones.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is similar to other simulation games where you manage your time and energy to build up your relationships with the heroines, gradually leading to more risque and sexy situations as your relationships progress. Unlike some other simulation games however, there is no time limit-- you can spend as much time as you want to play the game. There is no challenge. In that case, what is it about this game that justifies the 5-star rating? For me, it's the characters which sets this up as an excellent adult game.

    The three heroines feel well-rounded and developed considering the short amount of time we get with them. This is due to the following four reasons:

    1) A major part of the game revolves around knowing the heroine's schedules, which differs according to whether they are working, taking on more work when another heroine is off-work, or when they are off work themselves. Learning the characters' likes, talents, and duties organically happens just from playing the game and naturally observing these characters.

    2) There are different "stages" of affection that the heroines feel towards the player character as the relationships develop, and the characters react to the player's actions according to what stage of affection they're in. For example, a character may merely tolerate the player character groping them in the beginning stages, but then actively flirt and play with the player character by the end of the relationship. The game has a decent amount of different events which rewards exploring all your available options multiple times.

    3) The characters may do things outside of the events necessary to progress through their route or relationship. For example, at one point I was supposed to meet a character in their bedroom at night to develop the relationship, but the character was out of their bed at the moment as she was exercising. This led to a surprising yet welcome moment non-H moment developing the character

    4) And lastly, as the heroines grow more attracted to the player character, they may feel horny and actively seek out the player to have sex. I personally found it hot as hell to see a character immediately rush towards the player character when you enter a room to take the lead in the upcoming sex scene.

    Beside all that, the art and designs are attractive, the music is pretty good, and I appreciated that the character routes didn't necessarily all revolve around sex, but rather often featured romance and the maids' relationships with each other. A very solid title.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, more pervy than most so its a great addition, it has less sex more spying with alot of relieving yourself ON the girls clothes which is done really well, overall its got more effort than most other games and grinding dosnt really feel like grinding so thats a plus
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has everything, chill fitting background music, simple but hot art, few characters with fitting personalities. Lots of great scenes. Played the game for about 10hours and don't regret it.

    Art 4.5/5
    Story 4.5/5
    Gameplay - unlock powers -> use on girl -> get sprite, its simple but i like it 4/5
    Fapability 5/5
    Music 4.5/5
    Originality 4/5
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great. I am biased though, because I love sandboxe scene-hunter type games. I also love the artstyle, the emphasis on teasing, the cute characters, the gradual progression, and almost everything else in this game. Lots of enjoyable content here for several play sessions. No idea how it doesn’t have more ratings. Highly recommended, and consider buying the game on steam to support the developer and translator!