A solidly average game. Average gameplay and average scenes, though it functions poorly as a porn delivery device. It won't feel like a grind and is over in an hour or two, but if you're hoping for a game about the sexy consequences of falling into traps, keep looking.
The scenes are simple, with good art and decent writing, but also infrequent. Some are obtained by performing fetch quests in the camp at the start, others are given at the end of short dungeon sections. None really feel like they're given as part of what should be the core gameplay of dungeon exploration. The puzzles are simple andstraightforward. They waste none of your time, nor offer any real challenge.
There's nothing sexy about the gameplay. The intro section is a series of fetch quests in camp. The dungeon exploration is trap-dodging and simple puzzling. Seeing an outfit get torn when you're hit by a trap is fine, but the incentive is still there to not get hit by traps. So the player just rushes through each section to get to the end. None of it contributes to tone - it's just kind of there to get through. After the end there's a new game plus mechanic, but no reason to play the game again since there isn't anything new to see.
The game weirdly teases a gameplay loop that never manifests. You spend the first half the game or so running around camp to get ready for your quest. There are places to rest, things to buy for your upcoming delve, an exchange system... It really feels like it's building up to a gameplay loop of dungeon exploration and resting/socializing in camp. In actuality, once you step into the dungeon, you're there until the end (about an hour later), so the camp is just there to front-load some content. This is better than nothing, but feels like a missed opportunity.
In summary, the scenes aren't bad and the game doesn't waste your time with grindy mechanics, but also isn't anything special. You won't miss much by skipping this one.