I admire the author's ability to constantly turn out updates, it is something to be admired and I respect it deeply.
His writing style is very much tell not show for the most part, which isn't a good thing, he loves having his characters be established badasses at the start of stories, he's not one for character growth at all, the MC is more or less the same guy the entire time and the characters are as well. It's kind of interesting to see the MC's life unfold and learn more about him as the game goes on, but I'd like for the author to try and have us pilot the journey a little more instead of just reading the journey, if you know what I mean,
Models are average, the story is alright, I just don't think this game is very good because there is nothing to attach yourself to. There is no hero's journey, you're just Mage McBadass who's been doing magic for years. Not a fan of that choice, it would be 2 stars if it weren't for the author's dedication.
His writing style is very much tell not show for the most part, which isn't a good thing, he loves having his characters be established badasses at the start of stories, he's not one for character growth at all, the MC is more or less the same guy the entire time and the characters are as well. It's kind of interesting to see the MC's life unfold and learn more about him as the game goes on, but I'd like for the author to try and have us pilot the journey a little more instead of just reading the journey, if you know what I mean,
Models are average, the story is alright, I just don't think this game is very good because there is nothing to attach yourself to. There is no hero's journey, you're just Mage McBadass who's been doing magic for years. Not a fan of that choice, it would be 2 stars if it weren't for the author's dedication.