VN - Ren'Py - Tribulations of a Mage [v0.34.0] [Talothral]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I've tried the devs previous works, all of which i was forced to drop because the narration and the text is so bland and boring.

    I can barely follow the stories in any of his works because the sheer amount of filler and irrelevant text completely numbs my mind and ends up with me just skipping through most of the text.

    Characters are barely introduced, We the players/readers are expected to understand a character without the dev explaining anything about them.
    Likes: shaq9
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I admire the author's ability to constantly turn out updates, it is something to be admired and I respect it deeply.

    His writing style is very much tell not show for the most part, which isn't a good thing, he loves having his characters be established badasses at the start of stories, he's not one for character growth at all, the MC is more or less the same guy the entire time and the characters are as well. It's kind of interesting to see the MC's life unfold and learn more about him as the game goes on, but I'd like for the author to try and have us pilot the journey a little more instead of just reading the journey, if you know what I mean,

    Models are average, the story is alright, I just don't think this game is very good because there is nothing to attach yourself to. There is no hero's journey, you're just Mage McBadass who's been doing magic for years. Not a fan of that choice, it would be 2 stars if it weren't for the author's dedication.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Boehser Onkel


    i am done with actual content

    as in my first post here - can it beat Sorcerer ?

    it does with flying colors :cool:

    the story is well written and compelling

    the renders are great

    the lewd animations could profit from more variation , but we dont play Talothral games for this , no? :ROFLMAO:

    thank you so much for this game @Talothral
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Talothral's stories (in its best sense, btw) take us from far outer space to alternate magic realities right down to fantasy armageddon, updating his creations bi-weekly like clockwork. For that alone kudos galore, man.

    Most of their fans are not along for the adult scenes, I'm sure, but those are just topping anyway. Tal's wide cast of well rounded LI's, the sheer scope of narration and background as well as his pacing of relations make his works highly enjoyable.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Played author's work before, and this is more of the same. They are less of fetish collection and more of a story with wholesome sex and relationships sprinkled in heavily. Perhaps a bit of a pokemon, gotta fuck em all, if you want. It's not forced on you, at least the sex part.

    Personally, it's my jam.
    Author being regular & consistent with updates is a big plus. :)
    Oh! I think this game's combat scenes are only second to Projekt: Passion !
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I really tried to like this one. I dont know.. its just off.

    It was originally ok, but its long since been introducing the weirdest, (also the ugliest) girls to the game, and this mage has no problem diving right in to the most disgusting muff ive seen in games in a long time. Yes, you have the option to not have sex with any girl, but lets all be real its the whole reason we are here in the first place.

    The sex is boring, although the art itself isnt that bad.

    I dunno, just... not feeling it.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I'd love to give this game a 4/5, but the way it currently stands is that it'd be a 3,5 at best and since I can't give half points here I've decided to go with 3.
    The story is decent, not bad but also not great, the characters are good, it has good diversity and also seems to paint the different characters and races with different traits with good diversity, but the sex is an absolute chore in my opinion. It overall feels way too stiff, every scene is basically the same with the same positions and the dialogue during these scenes is cold and impersonal, like the weird voice acting of games like Resident Evil 1 back in the days of its release kinda bad. Also and I can't believe I'd say that, but the sex scenes seem way too long.
    Other than that I've enjoyed it so far although the writing could use some more polish as it seems like they make all these rather elaborate plans to deal with something and then it's over in 5 minutes or less.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Story is pretty bland and boring, alot of it can be blamed on the MC being submissive 99% of the time so everyone treats him like garbage and he shows 0 emotions, never gets pissed, in other words an emotionless robot which is really boring to play, the small fairy has more balls then MC....

    As for the story its pretty much pure kinetic as well, all you ever controle is fuck a girl yes/no and thats pretty much it, all the other choices changes a little dialog but nothing story related change.

    Also you keep getting more and more people in your group, why they want to follow MC i have no clue, apprently no one has a life of their own and just follow MC around to risk their lives for no reason what so ever?......i would kick everyone of them the fuck out of the party first chance i got...orc, fat girl, witch playing on for story when you dont even want to hear or look at them is tuff and story wise its weird and stupid as well since MC dosent trust them, like the first orc girl that "joins" the party, yet MC allows it? why?
    and the girls reasons to join is idiotic, one wants to kill necromancers, another wants to find a new orc why follow an MC that is just trying to save him self, it wouldent help any of the girls so why would they stay....

    Then theres all the nude people, ive always found it idiotic when devs make people walk around all nude, it dosent fit the story or the scene or anything and they arent even pretty to look at, they are damn ugly like Maevra or the black girl with her tits out, save that shit for people that are on their route and for sex scenes....

    Girls are bland and mostly big tittet bimbos or monsters, even some gilfs and none of them are even remotly cute or hot in any way, they all feel as emotionless as the MC and diversity in builds are very poor its all bimbo builds.

    Sex scenes are some of the most boring scenes ive seen as well, i had the sex dialogs set to ON but MC says nothing? MC feels like a statue and the girls dialogs are just plain bad and MCs face is like frozen its absolutly without any emotions which makes a really poor sex scene.

    The lack of animations really hurt as well, its the crapy picture to picture stuff where you have to click a million times doing a sex scene, its more annoying then anything else, so the chance are that you will turn down every sex scene to avoid it and thats just no good for an adult game.

    With the poor LI selection and lack of diversity in builds and no animations and a subpar story where alot dosent make sense, emotionless sex and characters, theres just no real point in playing it.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I really tried to play this game, again and and again.

    But this just impossible. Yes there story, but MC is just dull and empty, also has no balls, he gets pushed by anyone, no-one respects him, he is so much unlikable .....

    Story - 2/5
    Characters - 2/5
    Graphics - 5/5
    Sex scenes - 1/5

    also there no choices to be more manly or be polite, or there not many I'd say.

    the sex scenes are boring, MC is like a corpse, and no-one enjoying it, the sex talk is horrible, especially from MC side.
    I'd say only thing I like is graphics , cause even story is dumb, he suppose to be covered agent of emperor, and he shows his emperor seal to every villager. every time he comes somewhere he treated like shit on shoe, and he never pushed back.
    Dwarf and Ayaka are so unlikable I'd kill them myself if I could.
    and what is that with his pencil dick.... with all those weird girls his dick looks like a joke, well pretty much like MC himself.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    SUMMARY: I really tried to enjoy and keep at this game but its lost me...

    1. Good story, lore rich
    2. Very well written and structured
    3. Interesting story.
    4. Many characters and love interests.
    1. Long winded, too much attempt at intrigue, political plots and random encounters end up making me feel like the story never goes back to the main agenda and plot. These only detract from the greater story which hardly gets airtime. Waste.
    2. Lack of animation and models are boring and plain, not built to the standard we have become use to, thus looks dated.
    3. No kinks or anything other than vanilla sex scenes, which are very boring and dull, its actually so bad already that you could almost remove those scenes completely and focus purely on the story...not kidding...
    4. Characters and dialogue feel robotic and completely unemotional, its one thing to have the MC act this way, he only has half a soul so...but everyone else also feels like they are paper characters that are reading from a script. This is compounded by poor art work and little effort with regards to the scenes or any real way to convey emotion.
    TLDR: Interesting world, lore and plot, but thats it, rest is dull and boring and not worth even calling an adult VN.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    The Goblin Slayer

    Always love Talothral's work, and here's another banger!

    The girls are gorgeous in this, particularly the non human/magical ones. I get very fond flashbacks from Sorcerer when playing it.

    Also, I adore our dear feline Familiar. She's epic!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    After playing Sorcerer as well as TRS1 & 2 my expectations for this game were quite high. And for me, Talothral delivered again. Story and writing are really good - no feeling of incoherency or awkward dialogues/monologues. Characters are likeable to me and the interactions are fun and not, which is important, cringe.

    I like Talothrals rather pragmatic outlook on world and character building - there's no over-arching attempt of moral virtue-signing where certain actions are always "bad" and others always "good". It's more constructed in a realistic way of "rarely everything is black and white" but rather a lot of grey.

    Visuals are well made with quite some care for details and composition. Are the sex scenes the best ones on this site? I wouldn't say so. But to me this is not a deciding factor since i would still play this game even without them. Although some spiciness is still good and adds to how the interpersonal relationships between characters are perceived.

    Overall a very good story-focused game like the ones before and I'd recommend to give it a shot.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Saint Blackmoor

    The game is well-paced, in my opinion, and I felt like I was seeing scenes at a good pace the whole way through. The art and dialogue are very good. It's easily one of the best games on this site. There is a large amount of content and a nice selection of actors. The game is quite addicting; I spent many hours on it. I would recommend this game to anyone. The game is updated regularly.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    As of 0.19.0 I find the overarching story interesting albeit rushed and due to that rushed nature I don't find the love interests very interesting because they've had no time to develop.

    The story jumps ahead days to weeks at a time with minimal onscreen interaction with said love interests and as such I don't find myself giving a damn about them. A major shift after the Dev's previous game, Sorcerer.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I think RandomHornyDude hits the nail on the head for this game but given the general quality of the stories I've encountered here over the years I have to bump the rating up one more star to four instead of his three because of the overall quality of the story and its presentation in general.
    If the sex animations were up to the modern standard with greater range and types of motion then this would be a shoe-in for 5 stars.
    I turned off the sex dialogue after watching a few scenes because it made the boring and uninteresting sex scenes take longer because you had to acknowledge each line of dialogue. When turned off you still have to wait for the scenes to complete and they are profoundly uninteresting. With the next update I may turn the sex scenes completely off as the story is interesting enough without them. In fact. I really think they are only there because this site expects a story to have them. In that sense they are clearly gratuitous rather than essential plot elements.
    Anyway - I really enjoy the story as it develops and I hope the authorship team completes this without losing interest.
    This is one of the stories here that I think would make a good movie.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    If you are familiar with the creator's previous work then you know pretty much exactly what to expect.

    The visuals range between good and very good imo, especially the girls which I find very attractive. The characters themselves (how they are written that is) are serviceable. Nothing mind-blowing but they are decent.

    The story is honestly very interesting, the author is very good at world-building, never telling us everything in everyday conversations, but slowly introducing us to new things. I'd honestly play the game without any sex scenes and still enjoy it, and therein is kind of the major problem with the game.

    The sex scenes are boring and stilted, it is just a whole lot of clicking between two- maybe three pictures where the main characters waist is slightly forward or backward. The game lacks animations altogether and pretty much every sex scene is stilted and honestly all kind of the same. The dialogue during sex scenes is also turned off by default, something I find kind of odd.

    With animations and more varied and interesting sex scenes that don't end up with me skipping because I would rather see some story, the game would be a strong 4, maybe even a 5 if I am feeling charitable. Probably 4 though.

    Despite my criticism towards the scenes I will be playing the future updates because I find the world and plot interesting.

    TL;DR: If you are looking for hot sex scenes then go for something else, but if you want a very interesting fantasy plot with good renders then maybe give it a chance.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Lucifer Morningstar 99

    One of the best games I ever played. The story is amazing, so are the renders. Also played this game's developers other games as well so the guy knows what he's doing. The game deserves 5 out of 5 stars with out a doubt. Can't wait to see what's gonna happen in the future updates. Good Luck @Talothral.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    pure kino. Animations aren't gonna win any awards but the models are lovely, the story is classic high fantasy which some may bore quickly from but the characters and writing are interesting enough to more than enough make up for it. Also, actually laughed at a couple of points in the story. I enjoy the dev's humor. It's not a game for all but if you like high fantasy I'd highly recommend.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    V0.15.0 (no idea why the extra point 0. makes the numbers look more pretty? false sense of production? couldn't find a one? maybe it's renpy tourette's? possibly i am flummoxed)

    lets start with the art. not my strong point as i have always been a novel reader as opposed to picture book and i can draw stick figures. once did something that got approval from an art teacher with chalk as a young teen but otherwise, it either looks pretty or it doesn't.
    i'm okay with the non-sex stuff. sure it could be better but it does the job and i can agree i am entertained.

    adult scenes fail to even give me a chubby so i tend to just click through. bland would be a good word for me. i liken it to watching a favourite show until excitement takes a tea-break and i have to skip through the sex scene like it's an advert

    plot/story/writing is why i return to Talothral's work. this dev knows what a plot is, what plot devices are, how to construct a story and how to deliver it. it is never a dull read, quite the opposite. i find myself often immersed with consistency. like the mirror image other developers. a d and a k and something super spring to mind...curiously ;)

    yes there are a quite a few errors where writing is concerned but the story drives you past them, so becomes a minor flaw.

    has anyone ever seen a renpy error? i haven't. dev knows how to code. thumbs up

    i like it, just not aroused by it
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I would first like to say the dev has done a really nice job with the production. The MC looks amazing and this is one of the few AVN that has done a great job with the fantasy genre. You won't find any earth shattering renders but you will find the best mage character and use of spells in any of these AVNs. It is a mage who is confident, but flawed, intelligent and business like, caring and wise. A really well rounded, non Gary Stu kind of a character.

    If I was just rating it on the MC, then 5 stars as he is really excellent. The story, however, and the other characters, they are all just kind of average.

    The problem with most fantasy stories is they require a lot of exposition, and this is no exception. Because there are so many things the reader/player doesn't know about, it all has to be explained. Different countries with different politics, different races, intelligent "monsters", etc. So a lot of the time you are reading and trying to figure out what is going on.

    And that's okay, but in this case, the story seems to drag along. There is also not a lot of content and the ones you get are with things like a fairly who is the size of your hand or a dark dwarf. The weird part, is when you finally get to an H scene, there is zero exposition. Just one position transitioning to the next. There is no "ooh that feels good" or "fuck me harder"... nothing... just silence. And then the animation... just... not good.

    For me, I could look past that if the story was good, and in this case, it just kind of drags along. It's crazy because it has all the right ingredients to be really good. Unique characters, unique world, and a dev is who is dedicated to producing good, regular updates. It just doesn't really work. Between the lack of content and the plodding story, I find myself skipping scenes and losing interest.

    Having said that, if you are into this genre, chances are you might really like it so I would encourage you to download it and give it a try.

    Good luck to the dev!

    UPDATE: I have been informed there are options under preferences to change the dialogue during the h scenes so they are visible. I have never seen this option before so my fault for missing it.