VN - Ren'Py - Triple Ex [v0.24] [Azrayal]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Stringy Bob

    Excellent game, different from your run of the mill adult game. Interesting fully rounded characters that feel full of life . I like that there's friction between them & MC doesn't immediately dominate the women but at the same time isn't a wimp. Story a bit fanciful with plot holes but still far better written & takes a different path from your average harem game. A lot of people seem to hate the sister because to be honest she's an asshole but that's quite refreshing & she's a really interesting character.

    Good character designs as well.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall a nice enough story where it takes the time to explore the characters a bit without being overly long. Not the AVN of the year but still pretty solid

    Some say MC is a wimp, I'd say this AVN tries to depict something real (keeping in mind that this is a harem/incest story), he has his ups and lows and keep pushing forward.

    I found the thing pretty engaging
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I like this game a lot, it's not perfect but it has its moments.

    The general game is mostly slice of life type commentary. You get full-on discussions about menial topics here and there, but the author takes some liberty in brevity and shortens a lot of otherwise long-lived dialogues.

    The girls are visually and characteristically imperfect, which I find to be hard to find in many AVNs.

    The only reason I don't rate this game 5 stars is the manufactured drama that seems a little too much at times. There are just a few too many ULTIMATE BETRAYALS that happen in the main plot that make me click through without remorse. This game has a lot of content at this point, but honestly I couldn't even succinctly summarize the "betrayals" posited throughout the game, but the main character seems to move pretty swiftly past them, provided he is able to fuck the women involved.

    Most of all, I appreciate the developer continuing to tell the story they want to tell, even if it doesn't conform to the giga-chad no-nonsense MC that F95 users seem to idolize.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I just had to stop ... Jesus h. christ! So freaking boring. The dude from "spec ops" is a dumbass? a woos good for nothing, he runs away, his sister just changes out of nothing, you have a girlfriend and dont even kiss her in three days and shes cool with that, the actual autistic person in this game is the person writing this. Mc's stupidity is too much to really enjoy this, 3dcg is the only actual tag in it, someone wrote "I’d guess 20 to 30 hours at least but hard to tell with the amount of skipping I’ve had to do to make it through", 50 shades of "Oi, behave!" It is just unbearable, terrible realtionship growth with any character, not even romantc or bdsm or any tag you have, its just excruciatingly slow without a reason. Im latino and have seen shorter novelas with more interaction with love interests. I really respect the person doing this, pulling rabbits out of their arses and writing a bunch of nothing for hours... Just write a costumbrist novel with a pinch of mistery? not a visual novel for f95
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Just one word is needed for the premise of this game and it's gaslighting. The MC, yet another man with no spine of his own, has been gaslit to oblivion to the point that he sees himself as responsible for everything. Even his wife's disappearance once he learns his wife's half-baked thinking he still blames himself. I get falling off the wagon it happens to all of us, but this is seeing the aftermath of a trainwreck only to have the person throw themselves at another train. To top it off the MC get's no choice here because everything revolves around the true MC who is the sister.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I gave this game a go for the second time, and yeah I just can't. I see Jake (MC) as just a scum bag. Even if the creator thinks pointing it out makes it better, it doesn't if anything it's more like it's an excuse since he makes no effort to change. I just can't get into the game when I just can't stand how much he'd rather think with his dick than actually be a decent human being. Outside that the game is okay, but the writing is weak, I felt Marie's reasoning for leaving just silly and the lying on top unforgivable for a mother, since she could have easily told the truth once Milly was older, but chose just to lie instead.

    Deb is just as much as a scum bag as Jake, so it doesn't matter if she's attractive because she's ugly where it matters for me. I would have been more behind the game if I could control Jake and put him on a better path, but no the creator decided to have it that I can't stop Jake from being a horny tool, so I'm not interested in a game where choice is an illusion.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    I tried really hard to like this, but i just can't.

    MC is a dickwad that seems to just repeat the same mistakes over and over again.
    Loads of options that are not obvious will lock out content while monumental issues are forced and not able to make any choices based on those.

    Images are grainy AF and models are just mehh.

    Honestly i hate the fact i spent my time on this.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Yes, the main character of the game is still a moron who has a libido instead of brains, but the game, on the whole, is not very bad.
    Unfortunately, here, if we exclude incest and gerontophilia, everything is more vanilla and traditional, even the futanari mentioned in the description is after the operation (boring, yes).
    Maybe, and I hope, the game developer plans to spice up the content, I don’t know, but even in this form the product is still not very bad - in terms of graphics, idea, implementation.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    plot was good, choices and direction some times made no sense making no mention of pass decisions or mentioned to wrong one. had to walk away a few times and leave it for a few days to the frustration subsided. But give how many interactions there were and how convoluted it could be at times its to be expected. scenes great could have used more, great models though, no attraction the model for the daughter, Oompa Loompa on the roids so probably missed out of quite a few sex scenes.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't think it's a bad game, but I think a lot of its potential is lost.

    The protagonist is weak, of course, he is traumatized by the war, but even in that case there are 2 options:

    1.- The MC is depressed and the game focuses on how he overcomes that depression while creating bonds with those around him (Romance game - focused on a deep story).
    2.- The MC falls into a spiral of corruption where he becomes desensitized and leaves the past to focus on a new life.

    In any case the story flows, but in this game the MC has pathetic moments, and when it seems that he has overcome the event he returns to the same thing, his personality is simply stupid.

    Graphically it is not bad but they are not the best graphics for where we are.

    The sexual part (the relevant thing), at first it doesn't look bad, the MC has sex a couple of times, but as the game continues it is easier to see the MC's sister having sex than the MC, in fact the MC spends more time masturbating than having sex with someone, and we have to clarify that NO is not ntr, yes yes, the sister has sex but the MC doesn't really form a strong bond with any girl (he "tries" to, but it doesn't look real), plus the Sister does not seek to take anything away from the MC, she is just much more assertive and the MC always looks submissive or angry, it is difficult to have sex with that.

    The worst thing is that there is a part where the MC and his sister are about to have sex... only for the scene to cut to show "meanwhile", show a dialogue that doesn't matter and then go back to the MC and his sister when the action was over, who the hell does that in a porn game.

    Like I said it's not the best or the worst game, but I think it's wasted potential.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Overall story isn't that terrible but a super unlikeable MC and LIs along with horrid dialogue bogs down the VN.
    Models aren't bad but definitely not enough to redeem the glaring shortcomings.
    I get that MC's flaws are what land him in his initial situation but the writing fails to get the player/reader to relate to him which just kind of makes me not care about his reunification with his sister, daughter, mother, etc. because at the end of it he's just kind of a huge moron.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    A LOT of content.

    Chars mostly don't look good, in fact they mostly outright just look bad. I imagine this is allegedly realistic. But then you run into the problem at how ridiculous the writing and relationships are.

    I quickly started just clicking through not really reading to get to choices and see if there was a game there. Very few lewd scenes though and decisions didn't seem to do much of anything, so I eventually went to full skip. Unlike most other ren'py games this one removes the UI, but you can just choose to skip unseen text and hold ctrl. Eventually even that got boring, so I gave up. There is soooo much content though, I wonder just how much it has. I've seen devs and players of other games claim Bible length updates that would only last an hour or so and clearly couldn't have that much content. This however, yeah maybe it's bigger than the Bible, I dunno, I gave up. The Bible is more interesting tbh. Has more lewd stuff too.

    There are some pointless game overs, with locked rollback, but in that case the game will let you go back to the decision, and even remove the one that cause game over. So utterly pointless, but that's this game's design in a nutshell. It's some weird incest thing with a decrepit old MC that wants to also sleep with the elderly on top of his siblings and daughter. At least that's what I could gather from skipping through the inane text.

    If this game at least had great kinks I could even absolve it, but it doesn't really.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    This VN is pure prolonged fuckery. I mean it. It starts off strong and quickly drifts off towards spending hours in dialogue with no progress being made. Oh and if you do want to make progress, the MC has to be an asshole to his sister constantly. Always treating her like she doesn't know what the fuck she's doing. And you'll have read through dialogue of the MC losing his fucking shit for literally no reason other than to add more complications to his life and those around him. Seriously I've been going through this for hours and only now had his personal relationship rating with his daughter and sister become positive. But there are plenty of sex scenes right? Well, there's plenty of encounters but very little actual sex. Most of it is teasing, fingering, blowjobs and flashes. It's fucking insane. If this were to have a completely different name it'd be "Foreplay Ad Nauseam." I will say the majority of the character models aren't bad looking which was a plus. Except the daughter. Jesus, she's built like brick shithouse. Seriously, she's basically a pro body builder for ... literally no reason. And you may be thinking, "oh, well that had to do with her relationship with her father or mother right?" Nope. Her mother was a busty twig and her father was nonexistent for the majority of this life. There were literal times I thought she was going to be revealed to be man and that was literally after seeing her pussy. And either the dev did some reshaping of her face a bit later to softened her up a bit as the VN matured or I ended up getting a bit of Stockholm Syndrome. All of this was very up and down. But Jesus Christ nothing brought this VN down to it's knees more than the teasing dance of "will they won't they." By the time it actually happened I literally didn't fucking care. I gave up on that so long ago I accidently skipped it when I just start speeding through all of the bullshit. I had to go back and check. Sure as shit it happened. And it's not like there isn't plenty of opportunity. Oh, there is a vast ocean of opportunity knocking on this assholes cock. But the MC always talks himself out of it and decides teasing is the best way to deal with it. Leaving every idiot reading this shit saying, "are you fucking kidding me?!" Never mind the fact that he's been banging his sister from the start and his daughter clearly wants it literally from the very beginning when she fucking hate him. Also it's heavily implied early on that this is the relationship he has with every female member of his family, but later it's somehow ... not? I don't fucking know, it made now sense when his mom came to pick him up and there's more teasing and knowing looks and but no fucking. At all. That confused the shit out of me. And was about the point where I had had enough. I literally started skipping text up to the family reunion because nothing was fucking (literally) happening. But eventually the MC commits. He gets over his dipshittery and bangs his daughter. Yay. And all it does is make you realize this was the most prolonged bullshit for no fucking reason other than to milk the backers of this VN and it's pretty fucking evident given how absolutely absurdly batshit the story this.

    This story couldn't make sense if you tried. It has the MC interacting with Yakuza, former military personal, mafia, becoming a school janitor and more bullshit. And none of it leads to or concludes anything. Of course not, that would imply the dev actually knows where the fuck the story is going. And that is clearly not the case when the MC learns that his Sister knew "They" were here the whole time and yet she didn't tell him for ... reasons. Gotta prolong those patreons somehow. Look, I have nothing against the dev for this in reality. You gotta make money somehow, but dude, at least make your story conducive to the plot. I've read better fan fiction of Where's Waldo. Marvel Phase 4 is more entertaining and makes far more sense than this and that's giving way too much credit to Disney. If at no point you don't ask, "what the fuck," I'd be shocked. And in reality, all of this the foreplay, the bad story, whatever, would be absolutely workable if the MC wasn't such an unlikable piece of shit.

    I've met statues with better personalities than this MC. He's irrational, uptight, manipulative, and unhinged. This asshole walks throw life thinking everyone should do what he says for no other reason than he exists and when some "betrays" him he doesn't even ask why. And you maybe thinking "well that's up to you, the player, isn't it?" You'd think ... but if the MC doesn't act like an uptight twat you don't even get the teases in this shit and become a submissive sack of shit. Personally, I'd like a character that has some fucking balance to their insanity but according to the way the game plays out you have make the MC out to be this nutjob of a human being in order to make any headway. Why? Well if you ask the MC it's to "protect his family." But if you asked me it's because the writer doesn't understand what makes a balance human being and how relationships truly work. And who is the MC protecting everyone from? No fucking clue. Seriously, it's never explained and doesn't make any sense. It's just heavily implied that someone is out to get him and that's it. "They" killed his ex-wife and that's why he has to protect his daughter. It's shame more assassins don't work this way, we'd have victims living long healthy lives. Oh and at this point I fully expect his ex-wife, the reason he showed up to see his daughter in the first place, to be alive and working in the background to "protect the family" but in reality it's to bring him home to fuck his daughter. In fact, I'm willing to put money on it at this point.

    Bottom line is the story and the MC make this a no go for me. I just can't continue this bullshit. At least I can say animations are nice, most of the models are really well done, and I never encountered a bug which is more than I can say for a lot of other VNs out there. For that alone I gave this 3 stars. Hats off to the dev for making the VN run so smoothly. But, what the fuck do I know? Give it shot and judge for yourself. If you like it, support the dev.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Had to rate this after seeing all the 2 stars, I think most of their problem is that they don't agree or like the story/decisions the character makes. However there is plausible reasoning that is explained for why things go this way even if they are feeble. Though I didn't agree with MC decisions, I still found the story engaging enough to keep my interest and the fact that things didn't always go my way kept me guessing at how it would progress.

    Most of the girls do look a bit odd, but I still found them sexy
    - Story has few grammar issues (I think there was some where a name was representing the wrong person and possibly a couple misspellings but definitely readable)
    - Way more fleshed out than I was led to believe by the 0.2 version number, definitely a good 7-8 hours + worth in it at this point

    I have no regrets in playing it.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The protagonist is completely unlikable and generally verbally abusive to everyone that you can't really buy into a harem story or that anyone would wanna be around them longer than they have to. It also is packed with bugs that hit consistently and really I give it a 2 for those reasons because I better MC and this is a good game.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Huh…I’m not quite sure how to rate this since a lot of effort and content went into this but it also has a lot of issues. Not really my cup of tea but I struggled through to the current end so thought I’d give others a headsup on what to expect, which I think means more than a 2 or 3 star rating. Hopefully this isn’t too disjointed since I wrote some of this after stopping for a break from the story and then returning later adding or editing as I went.

    At the start, this comes off as a clusterfuck. Would be better if the sister was considered the MC, since the this MC is her little bitch for at least the first third of content. She has more balls than him and she isn’t even trans. For a 30 something ex military and “convict” he’s pretty much a blubbering idiot. Honestly, I’d like the game more if the dev made the Sis trans and she literaly fucks the guy in the ass rather than figuratively. Maybe she’ll use a strapon eventually.

    The daughter also basically controls the MC, making him move into the frilly pink bedroom when his friend/girlfriend comes and later you get femdom vibes from her both at college with other girls and then later in the bedroom with you.

    Everyone lies to the MC to “protect him” And how the hell does this not have either a cheating or NTR tag when I’ve seen lesser examples get forced with the tag.
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    Once he finds out he’s pissed but of course later forgives everyone.

    The game starts off with mediocre renders and the sis and daughter are not very attractive. Eventually the dev improves renders and the girls get makeovers.

    Maybe if this game advertised itself differently, it’d get less people complaining about this start and not so much negative feedback. Possibly something like, don’t self-insert as MC unless you enjoy playing a 30 something immature idiot, with a strong female batshit crazy family. People into that, would probably like this story. With so little regard for a typical AVN audience, I feel like the dev is basing this story on real life events and so needs to stick near to how this messed up story actually went rather than adjusting it to make it a more enjoyable experience.

    For the first third of the content, there are several minor choices but you have very little control over major situations. You and a possible LI flirt, a 3 some is suggested with your sister. You decline…so your sister goes and fucks her. You can choose not to see the scene (skip) but then are forced to watch it on your phone and jack off to it, like wtf??? I mean, he fucks someone on a plane while grieving his wife and worrying about his daughter but now he’s conservative days later?? Also the girl from the plane comes to see him, wants to have sex, but MC has to have Sis watch and somewhat participate…. Eventually you are given more choices to refuse possible new LIs at least. You can even choose whether you let your daughter be a dom with her college friends so maybe she can share them with you, or choose not to see that.

    Besides blue balling himself, the MC also blue beans several of the girls by fingering them, etc. but doesn’t bring them to climax. At one point, I actually root for the girls to go to Sis since she’d follow through having fun with them at least but at this point sister’s been uncontrollably sidelined because you finally stay pissed at her whether you want to or not for several chapters. The amount of flirting, naked and/or sexy scenes to the actual amount of sex is exponentially awful imo.

    For being an older game, it does have a lot of content (I’d guess 20 to 30 hours at least but hard to tell with the amount of skipping I’ve had to do to make it through) which is a positive and negative in this case. Like a Starfield review, if you can make it 10 hours through the first part, things start to get a little better or at least make a little more sense in the second half and MC maybe is improving, but it’s hard to trust anyone, including the MC after this much shit. Also the game starts falling into some of the problems with other harem games at this point by introducing way too many girls so you don’t feel really close to any except a couple of the OGs, but you don’t get to spend much time with any one…see blue beaning above. You get several body types and personalities including nubile college girls, several milfy 30 to 40 somethings, and then a gaggle of gilfs if you’re into that sort of thing (way too many for me). In addition the major plot line takes a backseat too much, even when we finally find the hidden item we’ve been searching for for so long and people have been killed or nearly killed for, we don’t bother to find out what it is right away but instead go out partying and get drunk–at least the last chapter refocused on that. There’s definitely some sexy moments and poignant family ones, but it's just surrounded by too much drivel or dissing on the MC. I literally struggled several hours to get through the remaining second half of the story so far, partially because I hate quitting something (sunken cost fallacy) and it’s kind of like watching a car chase that would normally take a few minutes at most go on more like the OJ Simpson car chase that dragged on forever.

    (Edited to add the following paragraph) One last point I forgot, that some will either love or hate. The game is full of British/Scottish dialect and idioms. It adds some realism and if you understand the regional idioms, humor, but after a while I found it tedious, and I can’t imagine how ESL folks and translations handle this.

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  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I had fun with this one.
    Characters: Unique and diverse, really enjoyed Milli's arc even though I could tell it is being milked a bit.
    Graphics: Decent, at moments it is on a lower end, but there are moments where it really shines.
    Game-play: little. It is a visual novel and chooses do matter but you are overall on rails, to me it is totally fine.
    Story: long a few hours, I like that.

    Issues/recommendations: Milly's arc could be shorter, there are a lot of characters and her story seems a bit stretched. Please get to her anal and wrap up her arc, then concentrate on the sister and others.
    Gallery could use a bit more improvement.

    Overall: Very good game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Uncle Loco

    Typically I don't write reviews of games much, but for this one, I felt I had to. I had recently picked up the game to try on a recommendation and was given no knowledge of what to expect.

    Now there are some themes in this game I am not a huge fan of like another female messing with a potential LI before the MC does, but I let it slide as I was very interested in Milly and I wanted to see how things would play out. I was so glad I did not give up on this one as the story kept getting better. Sure the MC is dumb as hell at times, but if you take into consideration what he did and what he went through it makes sense most of the time. The renders start off average at best and over time they improve. There are so many lovely ladies of all shapes sizes and ages to choose from so you should be able to find at least one to tickle your fancy. There are tons of interesting characters both LI and just background characters. I personally played for Milly (the redhead daughter), but I found so many other fun characters along the way. While I can see someone like Deb being put off by some people she is my second favorite character in the story. The game is filled with highs and lows, twists and turns, but is a great ride and one I would highly recommend. Love all the small movie and song references along the way and we all need a Nana just like the MC's to keep us in line, laughing, and well-fed. I have so much more positives I could say about the game, but I feel it is a story you have to experience yourself.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    I wouldn't say that this is one of my top 10 VN's I've played but its not a bad game. The story line seems ok but the models aren't the best, the renders aren't bad either also the game is updated a lot quicker than some of the other VN games I play.
  20. 3.00 star(s)



    Triple ex. Three times the bloat!

    Seriously this was so long I started holding skip after a while just to see if it ended. After my finger started hurting I just stopped.

    It is a *lot* of blueballing. Like holy shit you see tits maybe every... 30 images or something, and for a long time tits and nudity is so common it isn't even arousing anymore.

    The pay out isn't worth the wait imo. It's a day to day story like most of these VNs are anymore, but has little point to it at all.
    I lost interest eventually.

    Do I recommend it?
    Not really. There are better things to read for the time spent.
    If you're someone that prefers these VNs to other forms of reading, sure. It has a fairly large amount of content.