True corruption


Mar 9, 2019
Just some thoughts to ponder. I am not a Satanist but I do have some respect for the satanic bible. It focuses on doing what pleases you. Whether it be sexual, greedy, glutunous, or whatever. But there is a place that states that you should never take away the freedoms of doing what pleases from anybody else. To do so is crushing your own beliefs of free will to do as you please. Corruption is something that satinist practice for sure, but they don't do it without consent of the other party. The moment they rape, rob, torture, or force anything on the subject, they have taken away their free will to do as they please. The satanic way of curruption is through slow introductions that can only be achieved through consent. Uses of BDSM devices are fine. Choosing to be placed in a pillory is fine. True corruption cannot be obtained by force or blackmail. Now I challenge the developers to keep that in mind and create challenging games that incorporate this kind of true corruption into their games. A victim can indeed obtain an addiction from abuse, but abuse also causes them to obtain resentment that never ever goes away. One day, it could bite the perpetrator in the ass. They will never be 100% loyal and true to their master or mistress. They might grow some fondness to their abuse, but they will always see themselves as a victim.