Seeking "True" Sandbox Games


New Member
Jun 19, 2017
I honestly don't quite know what else to call what I'm looking for, nor have I checked too far to see if anyone else has asked this same question, so if anyone knows about similar threads then please do say so. Now, On to the question. I'm looking for games that have a story, though you don't have to play the story to enjoy. Think uh, games in a similarly free to play how you please style as Princess Conquest. Other games with a similar degree of story, yet freedom to just do whatever you want, like Liliths Throne are also highly appreciated. Of course, the more complete the games, the better though it isn't a main facet of this request.
Freestyle type games. Interact in whatever ways you want, the more freedom you have in how you can play, the better.
That's about all I'm looking for. Though I understand if it's a fairly rare thing, I'm hoping to discover some new games with more to them than just..
"you fuck X character", scene.
"you fuck Y character", scene.
"you are the uber OP unbeatable MC", scene. (These types of plots do get very boring.)

For a quick rundown of games that I personally think fit this bill, that I have played previously and of course recommend.
Liliths Throne, Princess Conquest, Corruption of Champions, Trials in Tainted Space, Strive for Power: Conquest, Girl Life.

Finally, PSA to the Staff.
If this thread is incorrectly posted or formatted please do let me know, I usually just lurk here and download interesting stuff, occasionally comment, and that's all. So If anything is wrong with this, tell me please so I can correct it when available (if possible), or repost with the needed fixes.


Feb 8, 2019
I will watch this with great interest temporarily. Kinda hoping that you get a recommendation like Free Cities. Enjoyed that game a lot but I want a more compact one like it.

Edit: CoC2 is in the making. Make sure to check it out if you can. It's a very interesting experience to play it.