Identify Trying to find a visual novel seen years ago on pornhub


New Member
Jul 29, 2022
A long time ago I came across what was either a very short game or a demo on pornhub. This was some time before they deleted all none verified accounts, so it likely isn't on there anymore.

The game in question was a visual novel about a girl serving as a wizard's apprentice; but her magic often went awry in sexual ways. Examples include causing turnips to grow in the shape of dicks and sprouting a pair of breasts on a pig's back. The bit of gameplay seen was her finding a secret room/cave hidden by her teacher which contained a malevolent genie. After releasing it, she managed to put the genie out of comission by giving it a more sexualised body and making it unbearibly horny. Notably, the player could pick the genie's gender after the transformation.
Visually the game sported a 2D coloured art style with only still images, save for the genie's sex scene.

Does anyone know what this game was?