Identify trying to find this game


New Member
Jun 10, 2023
hi all. trying to find this game. I don't remember much except for one scene so let me apologize now for that.
I feel like I've looked through every single game at this point and haven't' found it again.

It's seems sort of like Pale Carnations but its definitely not that.

Male MC walks into a back office and a woman is seated in a chair and another woman on the couch. Woman in chair directs woman on couch to satisfy MC. Woman on couch keeps looking at woman in chair for direction.
Woman in chair eventually joins in.

I vaguely remember something about the MC having to move to this new town and having to get a job. I think scene above takes place at his job. He also starts out good but then starts going down a darker path.

sorry again for the lack of details.
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