Identify Trying to identify G8F clothes


Mar 25, 2021
I've stumbled across a dress for G8F on images which lead me to the Tori HD character by Fred Winkler Art and Sabby....that's where my search ended bearing any fruit whatsoever. I did however find another one I like in the pictures showcasing the character..which I also can't identify. Sadly didn't refer to anything or include the outfits with the character so either the assets are old and not available anymore or they are from a different store(?), can't really tell. So anyway, if any of you know or can find one/both of the assets it would be really neat, thanks a bunch.

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Mar 25, 2021
Sorry just noticed that this forum is just games and comics. I'll go dig a hole for myself and die out of shame. I reported myself, I'm not wether that was ok, sorry if not. If a mod sees this please delete this post I re-posted in general.

Edit: Not sure if that statement still holds true because something got moved around by a mod and I'm confused now, but I guess it's ok now maybe? Thanks mod (y)
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