Identify Trying to remember/find an old Item Shop Management Game


Aug 25, 2017
I remember it was an old RPG maker game, you played as a blond girl running the family store after your parents die. Takes place in a sort of Middle East Lite looking city with otherwise mostly default RPG maker assets for overworld. The world is the town, and if you leave it you go to a list of actual levels to go to, not an open world. A weird detail I remember is that it's one of the only games I can remember with a blond character having blond eyelashes.

You go out into the wilderness to find crafting ingredients and make stuff to sell. Harder to find material makes better items, but is in more dangerous locations and defeat means watching an H scene and losing all picked up items that day. I don't remember much else, I do remember there were a couple of different game over scenes usually involving getting sold into debt slavery or from the rare actually fatal defeat scenes.