Identify Trying to remember the name of a game


New Member
Dec 15, 2023
Hey guys I'm trying to find the name of a NSFW game I played a while back. The goal is to corrupt the girl you live with and you can go to the library and the black market and corrupt the girls there. You have a shopping, YouTube and Instagram meter to control by slow change the main girls content to more naighty things. It's in 3d art style. I believe ita a renpy game. The meter bars at the top of the screen for the YT, insta and shopping are pink. I believe the main girls name is Maria or something starting with an M Can

its a male MC I think the girl is a family member but I'm not sure.

in the house where you stay most of the time their is a bell you ring and it gives the girl a lolipop.

anyone help me find the name thanks