Identify trying to remember this game from last year


Aug 13, 2023
You worked I.T. and after a while you got a promotion and was to lead a team. You work with an older horny guy, a woman and someone else.

After a while you take a co-worker you have known for almost a year out on a date, she loved it, and tells her roomate it was one of the best dates she ever had, especially the kiss.

The other girl you meet at the gym door, it was raining and closed. Later you hear somebody that sounds like they are in trouble. You see the girl you met and she is accussing her friend of being pregnant, but she had food poisoning at the gym. You say you remember the girl, and her friend says is this the guy you where talking about. you have a lovely workout with her, and later meet her on a bench.

your girlfriend at the start goes home to south korea to work, you are devistated. evenltually at your job, you are told that some other people from the company from south korea are coming. you meet two old gentleman and your ex girlfriend.

The game ended here, and I think season 2 came out but I can not find as I do not know the name.