Trying to run a Wolf RPG Editor game, it doesn't seem to work...


New Member
Feb 25, 2018
I've been trying to find the issue to this problem for hours now, but no dice.

When I run the "Game.exe" file, I get this error in-game:


... Clicking a few times, leads me to this:


Let me list off what I've tried already -

I've re-installed the game

I've used a locale emulator

I've changed my locale

There is no japanese characters anywhere in the directory, so that's not the issue

This isn't the first time it's happened to me, either. It does this on certain Wolf RPG games (not all, though.)

Any thoughts on how I should go about this? It's a bit frustrating.


Active Member
May 31, 2018
Wolf RPG packages stuff in .wolf files, I think, so it shouldn't be a problem with a loose file. However, just in case, I would see if there is a \data\mapchip\ folder where loose files reside. If so, check the name of the one it's looking for. It's probably not missing, but the file name might be mangled. If the Japanese character shown in the path in your screencaps is replaced in that folder by a dot or some other gibberish, it could be that the extractor you used didn't name the files correctly during extraction. I've seen that happen with some Japanese .zip files when unpacked by the Windows native .zip extraction thing. Maybe try 7z for the extraction if you haven't done so.

If you had to run a file to decompress the game (probably that little ice cube icon--I don't know which packager that is but it shows up often with Japanese games), then that's probably not the issue.

Also, it's more normal for Wolf RPG's files to be packaged in .wolf files, so it's kind of a stretch.

It's possible the path is too long. I think that 256 is a limit that shows up even in the new Windows versions. Don't quote me on that, but try running the game from a shorter path and see if that does it. Maybe run it from c:\temp\ or something.
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New Member
Feb 25, 2018
Wolf RPG packages stuff in .wolf files, I think, so it shouldn't be a problem with a loose file. However, just in case, I would see if there is a \data\mapchip\ folder where loose files reside. If so, check the name of the one it's looking for. It's probably not missing, but the file name might be mangled. If the Japanese character shown in the path in your screencaps is replaced in that folder by a dot or some other gibberish, it could be that the extractor you used didn't name the files correctly during extraction. I've seen that happen with some Japanese .zip files when unpacked by the Windows native .zip extraction thing. Maybe try 7z for the extraction if you haven't done so.

If you had to run a file to decompress the game (probably that little ice cube icon--I don't know which packager that is but it shows up often with Japanese games), then that's probably not the issue.

Also, it's more normal for Wolf RPG's files to be packaged in .wolf files, so it's kind of a stretch.

It's possible the path is too long. I think that 256 is a limit that shows up even in the new Windows versions. Don't quote me on that, but try running the game from a shorter path and see if that does it. Maybe run it from c:\temp\ or something.
So, I tried a few things based on what you said

I use winrar, but I downloaded 7zip just to make sure. I also tried extracting it on my desktop to see if there was any difference, but not much changed.

The /data/ folder has nothing but .wolf, and .ttf files inside, and the MapChip.wolf seems to be spelt correctly. So unfortunately, I don't think any of what you said is the issue...


Active Member
May 31, 2018
Hm. Is it possible you have an old version of the game? I googled the RE number and found a copy that claims to be version 1.18, which is probably the latest. The version history didn't show any obvious bugfixes for this problem, so this isn't likely to be the issue either.

You could try redownloading from a different link, as maybe that file was corrupted in the rar you downloaded, although that's also kind of a reach.

Since the game worked on my system, I attached my MapChip.wolf. You could try downloading the attachment and replacing your copy of MapChip.wolf. I would back up your copy first, though.

You know, I tried renaming my copy of the file to emulate your error, and the error message was in Japanese. I don't know what that means. I also didn't get the "file read error" dialogs that you have before I got the "file not found" error like yours (but in Japanese, like I mentioned).

Anyhow, aside from what I've mentioned here, I don't really know if I have any more things for you to try. If these fixes don't work, then I hope someone else has some better ideas for you.

EDIT: Also, you might want to monitor to see if they come up with some solutions. It sorta sounds like some folks over there have had the same problem, and only one of the folks who asked about it seems to have solved it. So you don't appear to be alone in this boat.


New Member
Feb 25, 2018
Hm. Is it possible you have an old version of the game? I googled the RE number and found a copy that claims to be version 1.18, which is probably the latest. The version history didn't show any obvious bugfixes for this problem, so this isn't likely to be the issue either.

You could try redownloading from a different link, as maybe that file was corrupted in the rar you downloaded, although that's also kind of a reach.

Since the game worked on my system, I attached my MapChip.wolf. You could try downloading the attachment and replacing your copy of MapChip.wolf. I would back up your copy first, though.

You know, I tried renaming my copy of the file to emulate your error, and the error message was in Japanese. I don't know what that means. I also didn't get the "file read error" dialogs that you have before I got the "file not found" error like yours (but in Japanese, like I mentioned).

Anyhow, aside from what I've mentioned here, I don't really know if I have any more things for you to try. If these fixes don't work, then I hope someone else has some better ideas for you.

EDIT: Also, you might want to monitor to see if they come up with some solutions. It sorta sounds like some folks over there have had the same problem, and only one of the folks who asked about it seems to have solved it. So you don't appear to be alone in this boat.

Well, I downloaded the MapChip.wolf file and replaced it, but nothing's changed. It's very strange that your error was in Japanese - it may have been because mine was the English version of the game? Either way, for some reason the game doesn't quite work, still. I'm thinking of trying to download the Japanese version and seeing if that works, but otherwise I'm at a loss.

Thank you for helping me, regardless! I'll take a look at the thread you linked to