Seeking Turn based combat games with a seduction option


New Member
Apr 28, 2021
Turn based combat games with a seduction skill or ability instead of being rape mid fight as the only H content during the fight.
Like Tales of Androgyny and Demon Queen Melissa

I'm looking for Animated and 2D (Preferably 2D. if not, that's fine)
I'm not looking for RPGM nor Futas



Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2017
Games like Vitamin Quest second attract and Drop Factory have the ability to seduce in combat all through the game. Both games have a seduction skill that causes enemies to become excited and rape the character and they have service skills that do MP damage and in the case of Drop Factory allow you to capture the creatures if its successful. If you dont mind lolier kinds of games then the entire line of Shoku games have fully animated scenes including during combat and once you reacha certain point the protag can reverse rape enemies.