VN - Ren'Py - Twisted Fates [Ep. 4] [Aigas]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    [Review as of Ch4]

    I don't have a ton of good things to say about Twisted Fates. The plot is dull and the pacing is a mess. The porn dialogue is a mess and a turn-off. The rest of the dialogue and writing is just awkward, wooden, and boring.

    The core plot utterly lacks tension. The MC has a long and storied past, but none of it is told to you at all, meaning the characters are constantly making decisions based on context you don't have. The overpowered MC plus lack of clarity on what's going on robs any tension with the scenes, so you just kind of watch as the MC SFXes his way through non-problems. I tend to enjoy fantasy, but I just can't bring myself to care about anything happening in Twisted Fates.

    The VN is also tonally all over the place. It leaps between confrontations that are presumably supposed to be tense, teenage drinking games, and the like with seemingly no interest in continuity. Scenes are frequently set up for no reason and go nowhere: for instance, at one point in Ch4 several of the characters go to a spa, and we're showed a few lines of dialogue where they realize that it isn't open yet. That's it. This wasn't important, nothing happened, and it isn't returned to. And then a few moments later they're apparently going to some party or other out of nowhere, and again it's hard to care because it comes out of nowhere and means nothing. We're introduced to a bunch of throwaway characters without accomplishing anything in the narrative, and then that scene ends because it's time to go back to progressing the plot. It's like reading a sequence of vignettes which happen to involve the same characters, except none of them actually stand on their own either.

    The porn, just... doesn't do anything for me. In addition to the characters being relatively bland, the dialogue is just atrocious. The scenes read like they're ripped from poorly translated JVNs, but the characters don't even maintain consistent personas during them. The MC, for instance, speaks like a blushing virgin one line and confident/controlled the next. The romantic relationships are just as bad: the MC and his main LI, both of whom are in their 30s or older, both act like fifteen year olds when asked about their relationship. Hell, not only do they conceal it from the world, they even conceal it from the reader. I'm four chapters in to a story, allegedly from the MC's POV, and I still barely know what he thinks about anyone.

    I'm perplexed that, as of writing this, this VN is rated as high as it is. There are lots of VNs that I understand a wide range of scores for: they might have obvious rough edges, controversial material, strong stylistic choices, a bad first few chapters, or big weaknesses to offset their strengths. This is none of those. It's just poorly written and a reminder that, even by the low standards of fanfiction writing, the bar is often underground.

    I can tell that a lot of effort went into putting this together and I hope it turns around, but I can't see myself returning to Twisted Fates. It needs a complete rewrite from the ground up. The dialogue needs fixing, the narration needs fixing, the plot needs fixing, the pacing needs fixing, the editing needs fixing. It's just a mess.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Girls are fine. Animations are good. Music is copied from other AVN's. The one's that aren't are ok. Some of the superpowers are also copied from a popular anime. Literally to the T except for the name lol.
    Has potential but only if author starts using his own ideas.
    Even some jokes are from viral videos you see on youtube or reddit.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Writing this as of Ep 4

    Really enjoyed this game. The pacing is good, the story is intriguing, and I like the girls presented so far.
    Some might find the mc a bit OP, but I like these types, so its right up my alley.
    Definitely something worth checking out, cause it got potential :)
    Looking forward to further updates for this one ;-D
    Likes: Aigas
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    VN promising, the characters are interesting. The general atmosphere is good, it reminds a bit of eternum or ripples, which for me is a good point.
    The lewd scenes are a little light, but it's not something essential, it's still the icing on the cake.
    Likes: Aigas
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Really like the concept.
    I found episode to be better than the others, good action with the girls.
    Some inconsistencias like when Irena was in pain during sex whe days before she was fucking herself silly with a massive sized dildo. Artistic liberties I guess
    Likes: Aigas
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn, I really like the story so far. It has great characters, so I am going to play it till the end. The character designs are appealing to me. I like the scenes so far. It's great that all of the characters have different emotions. Every character has a unique story to tell.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm writing this as of version 3.0.
    first ill start with what i thought was done well before i pick this apart. i think the story is pretty good so far. it starts off like one of those anime that takes a few episodes to kick things off! the character development is nice and we learn a bit more about the characters as time goes by or other characters are introduced that give us new info on existing characters. (for those that like anime with a bit of mystery and those type of stories where the details of the story unfold slowly and at times character development or character traits are purposely held back to create a sense of tension.... this is one of those sort of stories)

    the combat scene at the end of act 1 was pretty awesome (even if it was the MC just showing off how badass he is against monster this time instead of thugs)

    i see this having potential if some things are fixed to make it more immersive.

    this leads me to the things i feel need work, polishing, or just fixed completely! the big and most notable is the sudden change to Yuki toward the end of act 2! when she came on screen i was like "who is that?"! I had to read the name in the dialogue box to realize Yuki had got a makeover and I don't think it was for the better in my opinion!

    the next thing is the plot holes or lack of continuity in some parts. the biggest culprit of this is the scene in act 2 where the girls (Ely and Alisa) are supposed to be staying over at the MCs place because of the rain/storm outside. then a few scenes later after an argument they go home (back to Elys house) and no more staying over. I get that English isn't the devs first language and that's why I'm not mentioning some of the grammatical errors and odd wording which are probably literal translations with no adjustment for context that make the characters English sound bad (i can handle that). but sometimes scenes jump around and make things a bit confusing.

    finally I think the biggest thing I was disappointed in was the erotic content. (or lack of...) the whole time I was playing I was waiting to see who the MC was gonna hook up with and when he had the shower scene with Ely I thought things were finally gonna get good... but no luck! so disappointing! when we did finally get to some erotic content late in act3 it was unfortunately a rape scene! while the girls are hot I wasn't really feelin that! (here's hoping the MC boosts his charisma skill so that he can persuade that villan girl to join his side cause she's smokin hot!)

    anyway as I've mentioned before the game has potential but may need a kinetic novel tag as I've only seen a few choices in the game and don't think they have much effect on the story (unless that's something the dev plans to add later)
    my overall score is 4/5 stars because its a nice story and looks to have promise if some minor issues are cleaned up! technically, I didn't run into any bugs while playing and the only factor that had me drop the score was probably the lack of erotic content and the couple of plot holes/continuity errors I ran across!

    final verdict.... would recommend for the story but if your looking to fap (while the girls are cute) there's nothing there to qualify for late night "research"!
    ...but that's just this guys opinion! take it or leave it!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    So the game starts off with some pace, a bit slower than what I'm used to, but that's not so bad. It hits differently in that it works to establish the characters in the first episode. Something that isn't often done, I've played quite a bit of VNs, especially the western ones on this site and this is one of the few cases where the girls don't feel like they're just rotating in on a conveyor belt for the MC to plow and move onto the next one with. There's the element of mystery that leaves one to be curious about the project's story and where it is going. While there are scenes that feel sorta out of nowhere I'd say the writing is well but there could very well be some improvement in structure. The characters specifically the main ones are easily likable. The music picks throughout the game are nice and the render quality while starting out a bit rough smoothens out each chapter. Especially in the recent one that just released (as of 0.3).

    One last thing is to address the elephant in the room. There is a lewd scene in the game that players may be distressed by its content. ( I personally didn't see a big deal with it.) That sort of sets the atmosphere of just what kind of characters we're dealing with as this project progresses. IMO it makes it clear this atmosphere is not just sunshine, cupcakes, and rainbows. It's a dangerous world with dangerous entities lurking in the background. With that said I enjoy this change of atmosphere and rate this with 5 stars.
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2553135

    A game that had a lot of potential but threw it away with a couple scenes.

    Graphics are fine
    Semi-original and interesting story line
    MC was not weak

    The LI's are sometimes alright, sometimes not

    Unavoidable lesbian rape scene
    Only true sexual content is none-MC related
    Some NPCs are annoying

    Game that had potential but threw it away with the unavoidable sexual stuff (you really want a LI that is capable of rape?). If you can stand that stuff, it may be an alright game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)



    An incredible start! Feels like a really good anime in VN form. The characters are all fun and look great so far. The humor is fun. The slice of life moments are done really well and are very wholesome. I went in blind and didn't expect a full power/magic system that is yet to be fully revealed to the reader.
    Even though it's really early, I think this is one of the better reads on this site. The English is typical 'sorry I'm not very good at English' so it's perfectly fine and easy to understand! All in all, Twisted Fates is something I highly recommend playing and keeping up with! It's quite promising!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Too early for a proper review but so far I am enjoying it. Plot seems interesting, grammar is pretty decent, I do enjoy honey select graphics so I find the visual to be fine. The girls are nice. Its pretty early so nothing too lewd yet. Looking forward to more.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Twisted Fates v0.1

    This one got potential to become a great game. Absolutely loved the story. Seems like this one is giving for importance to the story part. That's a big plus for me. FYI there is no sexual content yet. Characters are funny, loved the sister character. Another big plus is MC is not perverted nor asshole. He is a caring person he has a certain past, he got some super powers. More information about it is not revealed yet. And game ended on a cliff hanger.

    There are some anime references on the game but it has nothing to do with the game's story. Dev is just a fan of animes.

    + Story rich
    + Sound effects
    + Good looking MC with good personality
    + Humor
    + Lovable characters
    + Slowburn

    Looking forward to the next update. But dev has plan to rework the the renders of this version. But renders are not bad either, reworking means next episode wil take time. Anyway it's Dev's choice. If you are looking for a game with good story give this one a try