VN - Ren'Py - Twisted Memories [v0.9b] [BaiBai]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is maybe the most arousal game I have play on this site. Especially with the interaction between MC and LIs as he made them fall for him, either by romance or corruption. It's really feel like a hentai experience with the LIs sinking into carnal desire. Overall 9.5/10
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm trying my hardest to like this game, but the kinetic is just a little too strong here. I don't understand why some girls were optional(secondary) and others were not(primary). When will these devs understand that we do not want to play your story your way but our way. You want to establish a kinetic story thats fine as long as its interesting but every single Li should always be optional.

    -Stepanie. I really don't like Stephanie. I stop at the part where Stephanie is pushing for mc mother to link up with her dad. That was the final nail for me.
    She was already clingy, insecure af, and annoyingly jealous, but dev wanted to add disrespectful as well. Mc tells her no repeatedly and 2 seconds later she's telling Mc's mother that she should meet her very obvious drug-addicted criminal father in front of us. Ignore everything else about her up until now; this alone warrants a breakup. I see ppl in this thread feel sorry for her because mc let her turn into the school's bicycle later on and to that I say mc did not let anything happen. Stephanie is her own person and chose that life for herself. My frustration with her has peaked and I want nothing to with her.

    -Viktoria. While I hate Stephanie; I don't care much for Viktoria. Even if Dev wrote Mc as someone who forgot the first part of his life as if he has amnesia (lol more on that later) and promises were made; still doesn't justify her bullying. That girl needs a whole redemption arc just to become friends let alone a girlfriend. A redemption arc that I'm sure will not come because of how Dev wrote Mc thought process so I rather just not deal with her at all. For a more in-depth review on her search for @Revolving Mania. Their take on her and others for this story is spot on. Julia(Viktoria's mother) waiting room. (Or I should say I was in her waiting room. Now I'm not sure I want to keep playing anymore.) As long as Stephanie & Viktoria are not optional but mandatory; I'm not playing.

    -LIs. Its a harem game but you don't have the option to choose who's in your harem. Surprised that the second teacher introduced for the group project isn't one of the options and I felt like there should have been even a third teacher but who knows maybe that comes later. Abigail feels like the first secondary who's going to be forced on us like a primary. Aden's mother should be an option for obvious reasons. Is the dev planning to take this story to Z school(Highschool) since they keep repeating there's not much time left( a few weeks but probably a few months) of Y school(middle school). If so that would open the gates for even more classmates, teachers, mothers, neighbors, etc and welcome change in appearances between mc and a few of his Lis. This would also bring in more events with the older sister & Mya . (Since using context clues again they are not yet graduating and are 2-3 years older. ) Abigail seems to be 1-2 years older. Emily & Lola are 1-2 years younger.

    -Mc & The Plot. Dev wants us to believe ppl can forget someone close to them without Amnesia or Dementia. When Mc said he did not remember Stephanie; 1 of 2 close/best friends of a few years, that was probably a sign that I should have dropped this. Then later Mc had to be reminded of his childhood sweetheart. Using context clues from the story suggests that was even more than a few years. Just ridiculous. Remembering wrong or having twisted memories is one thing but having no memories at all is too much. The pacing of the story seems to be in rush mode. Dev wants Mc to be an Entrepreneur immediately, Jacky(mc's mother) must rely on him as soon as possible(her losing her job could have been pushed back to the end of the school year or summer), Mc needs to makeup with Viktoria using every school day possible (As if weekends and afterschool house visits don't exist because you know they're neighbors and they are in a group project if you needed the excuse but you really don't because they're childhood friends and their mothers are friends!) Where's the Julia content! The older sister beach trip could have also been pushed back to during the summer. Yet despite all of that you will feel like the story is not moving fast enough with the content. Some Li you would think you would be further along by now but nope the dev have pumped the brakes to milk. You establish a whole herb & potion shop and done 1 scene with it(massage).

    -Leo. I know the herb & potion shop could have done him some good. It doesn't feel like these two are best friends at all and feels more like Leo is best friends with stephanie. Why doesn't ppl feel like Leo also 'let' stephanie became a bicycle. I mean he was there too and worse he was closer to her.

    -The grammatical errors and typos seem to keep increasing as you dive further into the story. Whoever was proofreading seems to have checked out. I'm not even a grammar nazi. It went from you'll catch some mistakes or misspelled words every couple of scenes to now every other sentence and with a story like this where there's a lot of inner monologues & narrations...

    As always I'll change my review and continue supporting when things change but until then I'm gone.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Omg this one is amazing. The writing is fantastic even with the errors. With a little editing, your looking at professional author quality. The story is fabulous and no matter which routes you choose there is something fabulous with each girl.
    I can't wait for the next update.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I like it but the potential isn´t fully used yet.

    The story is good I really like the concept of being thrown back in time, the pacing was a bit meh at times and there are some worries I have like, I hope there won´t be anymore supernatural stuff or that the time travel is explained both would be very bad, and the Gao stuff with the potions feels like filler at the moment.

    The dialogue is mostly good but there are a lot of typos or wrong words, like "ant" instead of "and" or "fishing" instead of "wishing", it isn´t a big problem but there are many of such errors which should be looked over again.

    Gameplay is mostly just choices which leads to "do you want a seduction point or corruption point" or for the side characters "do you want to do lewd stuff with them or not." But it works the love and corruption routes are different enough.

    Music isn´t amazing but always fitting and sets the tone.

    Sex scenes and animations, are mostly good, sometimes they are too robotic or theres clipping but nothing too bad.

    Models are good.

    Characters are decent I will say something quick to each of them.

    Mother is pretty standart nothing really unique too many "funny" moments.

    Emily is also very boring just standart little sister who loves you and then does perverted stuff and loves you more nothing really unique.

    Alyvia is good she is cute I really like her seduction route, the corruption route I am not a fan of yet but maybe the direction will be more interesting later on.

    Leo boring best friend who has nothign unique but I like that you kinda help him get a girlfriend.

    Stephanie I like her but hope somethign more interesting will be done with her it feels like her story is pretty much she is your girlfriend now and not much else.

    Cathrine, I really like how sudden her corruption route escalated, love route is meh right now, she is also kind of boring.

    Viktoria i am biased towards becuase I really adore that trope of bully who bullies you because you broke love promise.

    Mrs. Clements, is good mostly because she actually feels bad for having done lewd stuff.

    Her daughter is only in one scene butit seems like you can´t romance her if you don´t romance her mother which I like.

    Lola is cute a lot better then Emily.

    Viktorias mother is cute too.

    Mya I like that she isn´t just the slut best friend of sister who does slut stuff because she is a slut, I like that there is actually love.

    I hope there won´t be much more new characters added because I like how the MC is shown rejecting multiple easy sex scenes like which Melena or Viktorias friend, it makes the sex scenes with the characters more impactfull instead of feeling like just a sex scenes which is why I kinda fear the "other" section in the characters tab, because I really don´t want random one-off scenes with random girls who are just there for sex. And I also like that the characters aren´t easy to convince to make a harem.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game! Just wish i found it in the future so i wouldn't have to wait for the whole story. Can't wait to be a millionaire from selling aphrodisiacs and buying my little sister wife some cool swim suits!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I wasn't a huge fan of the models at first, but they grew on me quickly. I am shocked at how good this VN is in terms of pacing, length, relationships, etc.
    I wouldn't call it a con, but if I had to give it any stikes it would be just a couple of weird graphical things, and I'm not a huge fan of the whole gargantuan dong thing, but it plays into the story, so it didn't bug me too much.
    All in all, I am mind blown at the quality. It is a game that made me want to keep playing just to enjoy it, which is rare in the genre.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I played maybe for 5 hours, and not finished the all the content but... It already tell that I loved this game so much. The writing of this game is top notch in my opinion. The feeling of the mc into other females is feel natural as it should to be. I never in my life playing the porn game that the story is exciting as this game. The quality of this game storywriting is that engage me into this game. I also feel sadness to the mc, really.. YES, never in my life playing porn game that make me feel sadness as I am the mc. To be honest this wast the first game that make me reading the whole text to get known the mc feel into other character. He is not such a jerk person, he is indeed a gentleman. Saving the family, and seduce the heroines is a true Sigma.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I will be honest, I did not expect it to be as good as it actually turned out to be. The front image painted quite the different picture, not to my liking but maybe good to waste some time is what I thought. But nope. It was awesome! Completed it in few days and missed some hours of sleep because it was that great! Story is interesting and engaging, the dev knows what he is doing. The one and only thing I did not like is not even with the story, but with text errors that, ideally, should've been fixed ages ago but for some reason not.
    Sex scenes? Yep, they are one of the tops, in my opinion. They appear as they should, there is no "WTF, why did that happened?" moments at all. It's all expected and feel natural. The scenes themselves are written so good that I actually did not skip them and they were interesting (which is REALLY rare for me), and the image/animations are just awesome, they are fluid and actually good to look at.

    Overall - 9/10, where the last 1 is taken out just for the text errors since they actually harm the immersion, believe it or not.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This Game Is Great :)

    Now, generally speaking, I'm the kind of guy that enjoys a good story. The story of this game isn't that crazy, but it isn't bad either. What they give you instead is essentially two different stories in one. If you're looking for straight goonery, then you can choose the corruption route, which is obviously for those who don't care much for subject matter and simply want to dominate the girls, which is fair, but what I found while playing the Seduction route was that, although there was a lot of cringe moments, overplayed "innocent horniness" and bad jokes riddled through, there was a pretty heartwarming narrative of this hopeless guy finally writing all of his wrongs, and making something of himself. I unironically found this part very good.....

    .....Until the typos started raining in.
    Don't get me wrong, I don't mind a couple typos. Translators work hard to get this shit done usually so it's hard to find me complaining, however... I swear this guy wasn't even trying to translate the text coherently. I was genuinely very invested until a certain point, right after the date with Emi, where the very few spelling mistakes turned into spelling mistakes on just about every other word of the text. There were multiple sentences that were genuinely undecipherable to me, and I almost gave up playing at that point. Taking my time reading everything bit by bit, I was still able to piece together everything relatively easily, but this was an absolute chore that should never have to be done in ANY game.

    Despite this crippling fact, I still have high hopes for this game, as the animations are incredibly crisp, the character models are incredible, and since it's not finished, all of the mind numbing text-related issues should be polished by final release. At the end of the day, this was a game I never expected to like so much, and am truly glad that I ended up giving it a chance.

    Q - Would I recommend this to others?
    A - As of right now, my honest answer would be no. Many people would not be able to look past the grammatical errors like I have, and I genuinely believe that without them this game could be elevated to one of the best VN's I've ever played.

    Q - Are the H-Scenes worth it?
    A - Absolutely. Out of all of the 3dcg Renpy games I've played, this is ABSOLUTELY in the upper echelon in terms of animation, fluidity, and modeling. The scenes are spaced out appropriately to the story, and become more frequent the further into the game you progress, and they DO NOT disappoint.

    All in all, what I'd like to say is:
    When this game is finished, polished, and packaged with a nice little bow, it will be incredibly worth it to sink your teeth into and give it a try!

  10. 3.00 star(s)


    As games go it's pretty good but it suffers from issues which tend to plague games like this so all in all it doesn't seem to be doing anything really out there to make it a true great.

    The plot is interesting but at times feels like an afterthought. The MC's wasted his life, dies and is reincarnated but really from that point the whole thing becomes an afterthought. Half the time the MC isn't remembering what happened to the point he can't even remember actual people he's interacted with. You could remove that entire premise and the game wouldn't change one bit which is kind of weak. Why go to the effort of introducing this plot element only to ignore it beyond the occasional reference to "something bad happened" or "I think I remember her from school".

    So if you strip away one of the few unique elements about the whole thing you end up with an incredibly middle of the road porn simulator. The MC's got a magic dick and all the women want it and he can do no wrong. There's no "wrong" choices here, just a "what flavour of dicking do you want" and that's a shame.

    The characters are interesting but really the game's too busy. Each of the main characters are fleshed out rather well but because the MC is forced to split his time then no one really gets the chance to shine and although perhaps I just selected the wrong option, there's no real way of saying no, like I mentioned above it's simply a case of "what style of yes do you fancy"

    People will obviously love this game as it's your standard "magic dick and all the girls don't say no" simulator but there's enough there to suggest it could have been more.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    If it is the first -cest flavored Renpy game you ever played you might like this and give it a perfect score, but when I played this, this game felt like a replay of many other games with the same plot. AND the other games got some main plot to keep us distracted for corruption/dating sim mechanic from getting stale. This game is only a corruption/dating sim has nothing going extra. SO everything considered, I skipped most of the dialogue cuz I could see what was going to happen and follow the story just looking at rapidly advancing renders and 2 choice decisions which usually either give good guy or bady guy points to the relationship counter. The problem is that this game does things decent but inferior to other titles. Animations are fluid but not that great, models are decent but not that great etc. I can recommend this after you exhaust all the other better games on this site.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    it's rare to see a game of this quality. The writting is well done enough that we feel something for the characters, the animations are really really good which is very fresh compared to others work with Ren'Py. The dev is doing a great work.
    My only sugestion would be to let the player choose to romance or not the primary target but it is aditionnal work and I would understand if the game didn't offer a choice at all.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a pretty decent (or should that be INdecent?) game, but I cannot recall a game of this narrative and graphical quality so desperately in need of proofreading.
    Regular use of 'massage' where 'message' is clearly appropriate; dropped letters, like 'tart' instead of 'start'; some sentences where I have been unable to work out what is actually meant. These are just a few of the errors with which the script is so liberally peppered. And yet, the overall sentence construction indicates to me some ability to properly -- at times, almost lyrically -- communicate in English.
    The strain of having to wade through all this has knocked a star off what would have been an easy 4 and may well have merited a 5.
    Still, with a couple of paracetamol and a tranquiliser, this game is very much worth playing.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Just played the 0,9 Version, at the beginning it wasn't very interested, but when you keep on playing the game evolves and its quite good, hope to see more in the future. Some things were not my cup of tea, but at the end i really enyoyed it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Top-tier over-the-top sexapades. Author really knows how to charge a situation. I'm always excited to see an update. Can't wait to see more!

    Big breasts, big cumshots, big squirts, big penis, big feelings.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The is probably the best game I have ever played. The story, characters, girls face expressions, dialogs - all perfect! The developer is very talented. I almost fill jealous of people who will playing this masterpiece the first time. It is so hard to ply anything else after such an experience. I am going to become his/her sponsor.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Well written narrative, sexy as hell scenes and beautiful models, characters I can have fun with. Seriously my most favourite game on this site and it's not even that close for me!

    If I had to nitpick I'd say the spellchecking when a new update is released is a bit hit or miss, but that's usually fixed up not long after so I can't complain too much
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably once of the best wincest & harem games. Version 0.9 has lot of content and more to come. MC is cool. LIs are great. Sisters are best. Honestly would recommend anyone to check game.

    My personal complaint would be, having MC look better. later on games he get better but there still is room for improvement. Specially face.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply amazing, extremely well-written and has some good comedic relief. One of the top 10 AVN's I have had the pleasure of playing and reading this year. Looking forward to future updates as this is definitely a great find. I wish good luck and fortune for the creator/s.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one of the best incest + harem games ever

    Many different characters with different types. Thoughtful character buildup over long period of time. All in all nice scenario's. The passing of the game is also quite nice, packed to the brim into a meaningful progression.