I like it but the potential isn´t fully used yet.
The story is good I really like the concept of being thrown back in time, the pacing was a bit meh at times and there are some worries I have like, I hope there won´t be anymore supernatural stuff or that the time travel is explained both would be very bad, and the Gao stuff with the potions feels like filler at the moment.
The dialogue is mostly good but there are a lot of typos or wrong words, like "ant" instead of "and" or "fishing" instead of "wishing", it isn´t a big problem but there are many of such errors which should be looked over again.
Gameplay is mostly just choices which leads to "do you want a seduction point or corruption point" or for the side characters "do you want to do lewd stuff with them or not." But it works the love and corruption routes are different enough.
Music isn´t amazing but always fitting and sets the tone.
Sex scenes and animations, are mostly good, sometimes they are too robotic or theres clipping but nothing too bad.
Models are good.
Characters are decent I will say something quick to each of them.
Mother is pretty standart nothing really unique too many "funny" moments.
Emily is also very boring just standart little sister who loves you and then does perverted stuff and loves you more nothing really unique.
Alyvia is good she is cute I really like her seduction route, the corruption route I am not a fan of yet but maybe the direction will be more interesting later on.
Leo boring best friend who has nothign unique but I like that you kinda help him get a girlfriend.
Stephanie I like her but hope somethign more interesting will be done with her it feels like her story is pretty much she is your girlfriend now and not much else.
Cathrine, I really like how sudden her corruption route escalated, love route is meh right now, she is also kind of boring.
Viktoria i am biased towards becuase I really adore that trope of bully who bullies you because you broke love promise.
Mrs. Clements, is good mostly because she actually feels bad for having done lewd stuff.
Her daughter is only in one scene butit seems like you can´t romance her if you don´t romance her mother which I like.
Lola is cute a lot better then Emily.
Viktorias mother is cute too.
Mya I like that she isn´t just the slut best friend of sister who does slut stuff because she is a slut, I like that there is actually love.
I hope there won´t be much more new characters added because I like how the MC is shown rejecting multiple easy sex scenes like which Melena or Viktorias friend, it makes the sex scenes with the characters more impactfull instead of feeling like just a sex scenes which is why I kinda fear the "other" section in the characters tab, because I really don´t want random one-off scenes with random girls who are just there for sex. And I also like that the characters aren´t easy to convince to make a harem.