Ren'Py - Twisted World [v0.1.5 Remake] [SnatsGames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    [v7.3] (TWOG) Twisted World: Original 8/10
    [v1.5] (TWRE) Twisted World: Remake 6/10

    This review is going to focus mainly on the remake and the development behind it, but before that I would like to briefly discuss the original version and what it did

    1. [TWOG, An Introduction]

    TWOG is genuinely one of the most unique and most charismatic games of its genre. Never have I seen such amazing build up to story/scenes, striking and expressive characters, and a setting that I've never witnessed being explored well before. Seeing the learning curve that Snats goes through as you progress throughout the game was quite fascinating to see and is very much a fact that deserves it own respect given that he did it on his own (look at MC's dick in the beginning of the game compared towards halfway, it horrendous). Even though towards the end of its run there is a noticible decline in quality/story progress (Remember this and the sentence before), it still managed to hit off on a good note.

    2. [TWRE, A New Genesis]

    Now let us discuss TWRE, it's short comings, it's development, and potential. Snats first announced the remake at the end of the 7.2 update for TWOG, a decision he began to partake sometime in the 2022 winter. I was beyond worried for the game and its fans. I was concerned that Snats was potentially going to pull what ICSTOR and Beggar Of Net have done to their games and fans and swindle them for years on end for their money. Yet, I held for hope. Seeing the progress that he has accomplished previously gave confidence in my belief that he was making this decision out of genuine passion for the game and not in hopes of a care-free money printer. Not only that, as Snats released sneak peaks at the new characters and their designs, plot elements, and locations I became quite excited. Yes, there were some decisions that I still don't really agree with but nonetheless I saw great potential and a year and a half later, the first version of TWRE was released with an introduction and the first half of the prologue. As I progressed through the introduction into the prologue, there was something that just felt off. Visually, the game looked great, the characters were stunning, and I was bopping with the music a bit, no lie, but there was something that was just irking me. It wasn't until I got to the scene where you have sex with the blue demon where I realized what was wrong, it reminded me of the end TWOG. You might be wondering "what's wrong with that, didn't you like TWOG? Hell you gave it a 8/10!" in which I say, I very much do! But despite my enjoyment for TWOG, the last couple versions of the game were awful compared to the mid-versions of the game. The progression and build up for the scenes became exaggerated, the movement of characters within the scenes were stagnate, scenes ended in error/crashes, audio was out of sync/playing when it shouldn't be, the writing became "straight-forward", and scenes were being reused. Though it was not as bad as it was in the final version of TWOG, there was still elements of it left over in TWRE. It felt like someone who wasn't well experienced in making games made it which is also what threw me off. Why did it feel like Snat forgot how to make his game, especially with how much he has done and accomplished before the TWOG finale? Why did it become like this?

    3. [Marozzo, A Cloak And Dagger]

    Snat hasn't been entirely honest about his development and production of TW, both in OG and RE, or at least has not been clear about it. As you may recall, Snats started the development of TW not long after learning the basics of coding and Koikatsu, as well as with many other programs. Though his initial start up and introduction of the game was phenomenal for his level, he had too much ambition and workload to efficiently take the game head on and had made the decision to pick up/hire help from someone who was more experienced and exceeded the development of the game. This decision is what made Snats and TWOG become a quick favorite among the community and the "era" that became from it is what most people think about when they refer to "the good ol' times" of the game's cycle with sizable seasonal updates that never disappointed. Unfortunately, sometime during 2022, the developer attempted to either hijack/scam Snats and his game but failed and was ultimately dropped. This is what lead to the sudden drop of quality in the later versions of the game that I mentioned before. With Snats now taking on the full load of the game, though now much larger and cumbersome than the initial prologue, he struggled with balancing the game's development and keeping up with his seasonal updates and is what I believe is the reason as to why the creativity of the late game became dull and as to why there were more bugs that would have never been there in the first place. This, plus many other factors both known and unknown, is what ultimately made him turn TWOG into TWRE for he could no longer keep up with his own game.

    4. [Snats, A Redeemer]

    Snats has now been developing TWRE for nearly two years, but in that time what has he accomplished? For the majority of 2023, he spent on various programs designing and developing his characters, their designs, and the scenes/setting for TWRE. It isn't until around the beginning of 2024 where he started to narrow in his skills in coding and not long after this is when the first half of the prologue was released. As mentioned before, the gameplay of TWRE staggered but it certainly wasn't as bad is it was in late TWOG. It was, however, evident as to how much time he had invested into coding itself but the same cannot be said for the second half of the prologue (or rather the 3rd quarter?) that was recently released. Compared to version 1.0, version 1.5 is astronomically better in writing, scene build up/development, character designs, and above all the scenes themselves were actually enjoyable to see and were fluid. The quality that was there during the peak of TWOG has mostly returned but I still have my gripes and questions that I would like to be settled in the near future. Firstly, I do not like the sectioning of the prologue, especially with this second half of the prologue was itself halved. I understand the, claimed, reasoning behind it was that the sandbox section has been having difficulties with bugs and crashes. Though I am willing to believe this due to one of the prominent bugs with late TWOG was during the sandbox sections itself, I still don't completely appreciate with being given such a big cliff hanger at such a prominent turning point in the story unless the bugs themselves were truly game breaking. Secondly, I believe Snats should be more honest and open with both communities/fans of the discord and f95 forums about his development progress of the game and be blunt and straight forward as to when FULL updates would come out, rather than saying "I'm rushing to have it come out already" and it being half an update. I hope that the upcoming V1.6 update, the one that will finally include the sandbox section, doesn't take more than a month and a half for there will be an expectation of content that I simply don't believe would be there. Thankfully, for both the community and Snats, the majority of the upcoming updates has already been written with Snats stating that the first few "chapters" are essentially the entirety of TWOG condensed into said chapters, with scenes and characters appearing much sooner in the story.

    In my eyes, I don't believe and am not convinced that Snats is being a scammer and ripping off his fans nor that he has overall ill intentions with the game and it's community. I do think that Snats isn't honest with us with the development and truly do hold fact that he needs to get his act straight together. I'm hopeful with the next couple of updates and look forward to how the game progresses as a whole, I truly have faith in Snats abilities and believe that he has mostly redeemed himself for his absents over the last two years and the lack luster 1.0 release with the recent 1.5. I really did have a good time playing this recent update, even if it was cut in half.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Unless you're particular thing is painfully long intro sections and sex with faceless all white, black or red beings, you might want to avoid this one. The remake is so awful, the new intro takes forever to get through and get to the core of the game that is advertised and what people want(people with faces). If it was halved, it's too long of an intro. The game does get a star for the core characters, the eventual art and animations you get after this insane tutorial.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    it's impossible to say this game is good or bad yet because we haven't seen enough of it to judge yet but what is here shows potential. I'll make it clear for anyone that's reading this review this game seems like it is now prioritization it's narrative and characterization over the pornography. but if you like me and you like it when adult games do this this is wanna keep an eye on. My only suggestions would be don't give out the build on the highest tier 1st it gives more opportunities for piracy put it on the first or second tier and offer other rewards for the higher tiers. more people will be willing to pay for early access if it was 5 10 or 20 dollars then 50 to 100. Second don't rush out updates this update was clearly pushed out to meet demand for a new update this is why there's just a bunch cutscenes and no gameplay it would have been better just to wait until the hospital segment was finished and then release it but I understand why he didn't do that. All around this is a pretty good game I see this as the actual game in the original more like a proof of concept at this point.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Damn, the player base seems to be split in half if you like this remake or not, lmao.
    I personally really like it, the sandbox was the worst part in the old game for me, grinding out players affection was boring, but I do get the other side's take on how some of the scenes play out for too long. Like cumming 3 times, does make it seem excessive for a sex scene, but a lot of these guys who rated it bad don't realize that this is in its infancy phase and your choices will probably matter later in the game's development.
    I like too how the story is bounded, more like how we got hurt in the first place and the story line on HOW the prisoner escaped from prison to our apartment also our dad is also showing up more.
    One thing I am mixed on is the redesigns for the characters, though some of them I like our brother and mother, but our neet sister looks completely different and kinda not at all on how a neet looks like.
    I am looking forward for more updates though and how the story will play out.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Vexxxy V

    This Dev cared so much about this project that they rebuilt the game and the characters from the ground up,and even thow the original version was amazing they desided to make it better. I love all the characters visualy and personality wise, plus I'm very big fan of huge tits, traps,and futa. I love this game and I will continue to play whatever the Dev make in the future.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    EDIT: Having finished the current build my opinion has changed: I like more of the changed story than previously; the handling of a traumatized family just barley held together by protagonist is more interesting and grounded, the plot over HOW the psychotic prisoner escapes is a thread I like having more depth on, as well as I like the concept of the father trying too re-intergrade him self into at least one of his son's lives, and how one of the siblings is at least willing too hear him out, I don't like the change that the tomboy sister is gonna be more religious but I can also see a way that can add more interesting conflict moving forward. I also feel like the dev is trying too break the feel of being locked away in the house by replacing it with the hospital.

    This remake feels unnecessary given the prolog game play could have been patched in, I AM glad the Dev is taking the hit and bringing back as much of the original game as they could but as I said: did NOT need a remake.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Kyle Randall

    The remake is been great, up until now. I already loved the classic version but this is coming as a very fortunate surprise, with much more depth in the story, whitout losing any of the lewds we love. The less-shota look of many characters (including the MC) caught me a bit off guard, but it's just a matter of getting used to (wich doesn't take long). We waited for long to this update, but what we got was very satisfying, for sure. Dev really deserves my congratulations.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    i came back to this game after a year while really looking forward to an update. i see it finally got an update and uh... wtf did the dev do to this game..?

    the game was in a great spot and was remade into dog shit.. it went from a great home/apartment building sandbox based lewd game with minor fantasy elements to leaning heavily into the fantasy stuff while currently leaving out what made it good. idk how you could have a game thats doing really well and that people love and just decide to fuck it all up. i hope i can come back in two years and the games back to the content that made it enjoyable
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll admit I kind of wanted to have a worse review than this for the game going through what seems like 2 remakes and the amount of content that's probably on the cutting room floor but... The remake is really good!

    It adds more plot, more options, and a greater diversity of sexual content. I'll admit I'm curious if it will stay that way, or the strive for perfection will slow the game down to one scene a month.

    Who knows?
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    the developer of this game did this useless remake just to continue to take money from his stupid fans. and now he does an update every 8 months just to add 10 scene everytime. disgusting how he nearly finish the previous version and now he restart all over again just to make more money with the same game. 8sorry for my grammatical error but english is not my first lenguage)
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Whoever is saying the remake is better has never played the original or they trolling. This game was one of the top games on F95zone, however the dev decided they needed to do a remake for some reason and fucked it all up. The scenes make no sense, the girls lost their charm/unique looks. Not even the MC was sparred. This remake is like an inferior copy of the original. Just generic animations and so-so story. The original had it all and i hope that one day we will able to return to it because this ain't it chief.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    another mid remake of a game that receives almost no updates, joining the pile of trash like summertime saga of games that will never be finished while the dev milks paypigs, its a shame almost every decent game either ends too soon or ends up like this
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    One star due to the fact that the game did not need a remake, and the updates are not coming fast enough for the amount of content it offers. The latest update was a disappointment. Yes, the models look nice but not a good experience overall.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Snats still milking fans with the game and thread need to update with abandon tag. Don't expect much from a developer who wants us to pay $200 for 3-5 animations. If anyone still pays, they should pay for the best customizable AI chat bots, they will be happy.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Old version was great but with the rework there is no content and over a year for a supposed "update". Things have not progressed and I doubt there will be enough content if we even ever get to see an update
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Twisted World [v0.1.1 Remake] [SnatsGames]

    I'll just hammer the point down, remake is shit. Don't play it. Forget that it even exists. Try old build or just skip and watch some scenes.
    "Remember folks, when devs start proposing reworks of past content or straight up remaking the whole game, that is a big red flag. "

    Story - ~2,5 to utter nonsense/5. I regret time wasted on this.
    Gameplay - 2/5. whatever
    Characters - 2~1/5. Pretty one-dimensional. You won't really care about them.
    Models/animations - ~4/5. They're good. I'm really surprised how good they look.
    Grammar - 3/5. Eh, whatever.
    Updates - -9999/5 Whole ~year for a shitty remake. Started to feel like a scam.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Can only echo what a lot of the recent negative reviews had to say. Went from one of the most enjoyable games on this site to a sad shell of its former self with an unneccessary rework.

    While the quality of the content in the rework isn't downright awful, it took almost a year to release and barely takes 30 minutes to play through. It expands on the non-sensical lore of the world, which I'm sure most people don't care about. The sex scenes in the prologue are with some random angels/demons instead of the cast people have grown to like in the original game.

    At the time of this review, we're already 5 months in without an update and I'm only wondering how long it's going to take until the game has progressed again to a state, which is similar to pre-rework.

    The current version of the remake is not worth playing and I suggest that you wait a year or maybe a few years before giving it your time. (depending on hard the dev is going to milk his patreons...)
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    Pink & Powder-blue

    This review contains spoilers….you were warned.

    Ok so first off I want to start by saying I don’t intend for this critique to be rude, or an attack, etc. I was a HUGE fan of the original game and always looked forward to new content. With that in mind I just want to give a very honest in depth review on these new changes to the game. Especially since I was a fan of this game since its inception.

    I, personally, don’t like the changes made to the core storyline in this new version. Firstly with this painfully long and tedious prologue sequence. The original prologue, in my opinion, was perfect, as far as length, characters of importance, and pertinent story development. You were given a nice swift concept of what was to be expected out of the game, two loveable demonesses that you want to help, as well as wanting to free the demon queen. Then of course, there’s your adorable family.

    This new version has you primarily traversing hell and throws character after character at you, stretching itself incredibly thin with respects to the fact that I expect the majority of the game to reside in the world of the living. Despite the mention that it seems you will be traveling back and forth. Which mind you, as a concept is pretty sweet. It opens the door for plenty of different content to be unlocked. However, the concept of this game wasn’t initially to be a traveler of the realms. It was to corrupt, and slay MAXXX ASS, thereby releasing the seals of the demons so that you can slay further ass. I guess I just feel kind of sad that the game I’ve been playing for years was essentially abandoned.

    Originally the demons couldn’t so much partake in any sexual act otherwise it would inflict incredible pain on them. Now, as long as it’s not their primary gentiles, well no harm no foul. It’s a lack of continuity. Also this waking up in the morgue seems just, I dunno, I hate to say it but a little asinine? Waking up in the body of someone who was in a coma allowing you to have access to build relationships with the hospital staff just seemed to be a much wiser play with considerations to what was expected from this particular story. Especially from a storytelling standpoint it made for a smooth transition back into the realm of the living. Instead you freaken plummet from outer-fricken-space and spook the shit out of the poor janitor at the morgue.

    The writing of the prologue itself also seems to just trip over itself, continuing endlessly with useless information. When the angel is just rambling on and on and on and on and on about the shenanigans you were involved in, in your past life. In the original, it was quick and to the point. We understood right away that this dude was a jack-o-holic. I also don’t appreciate the change in tone when it comes to the circumstances of the mc. Instead of just being an intermediate soul who changes based on the realm he presides in, an enigma if you will, you show up as a dark soul with a halo. Then when reaching hell, you’re pretty much a pseudo angel, being a pure soul who possesses an angel’s halo. It just seems to be too contradictory to the original story. And I thought it was a neat idea that the demon queen turns you into like a pseudo incubus in the original, instead of just merging herself with you.

    Now, although the animations are quite beautiful, right from the beginning the theme of tedium presented itself when you mount this pure soul and thigh job her 3 separate times. I feel after a while I was just waiting for it to move on and it just felt like it never would. Not to mention its scripted overzealously anime. “More, more, more, more, more! I need more. I’m loving this. I could do this all day.” (Not an exact quote per se but essentially along those eye burning, cringy lines.) Now, I know, the original write wasn’t much different. But I really loved it. It was cringe, sure. But it was cute and had charm. This was hard body overzealous tedium. All in between these long, identical sex scenes just dragging them out further. I’ve never seen the world “More” appear so many consecutive times.

    Then there’s that strange, very overbearing, cartoonish punch sound effect used to emphasize, almost as if to be an audio “exclamation mark.” That shit quickly became stomach wrenching. The new chat effects worked just fine to cover that. And it was utilized FAR too often.

    Then there’s the dungeon crawl. It took me a bit to realize that the torches lead to the proper destination. But until that clicked in I was constantly having to stop and save to make sure I didn’t get caught in yet another repetitious, unnecessary sex scene. And I get it, it’s a porn game. But seeing the same thing over and over within less than a minute interval…tedium. And personally, the new skills feature, it may be a nice touch but it’s only adding to the tedium and the original game was already quite grindy at moments. Not that I minded because, again, I really LOVED the original game.

    Ok, going back to the demon queen residing in your body. Super cool concept, if it were a different game. I can only imagine she’s gonna be with you in the world of the living too. Providing useless dialog interruptions as you continue on. It was one thing to have you go to sleep and you get to chat with Afir and Adrianda or however your spell it. And I really enjoyed that. But ol queen high and mighty looks to be along for the ride and I can just see that getting tiresome.

    Now with that said, the new character designs and animations are absolutely gorgeous. I can only assume that on the save menu the character there is Jaiden slamming his plump butt on the ball and it looks freaken hot. Absolutely stunning. Which leads me to further disappointment. Cuz what I would have liked to see is these new graphic updates with the game I’ve come to love over the years. To see some new and improved Jaiden scenes, or any of the other characters with these new improved designs...Man that would be just great! But this story, I just feel so disconnected from it, I’m not sure how much I’ll actually be able to enjoy it.

    To release a game with the same name and quite similar story but just abandoning the original…I just don’t understand that as an author. This game is something completely different. To me, I don’t see Twisted World when I play this prologue. And all the time that was put into creating this tedium and all these nonsense extra characters and areas could have gone into actually brining the original game to life. I personally feel if the dev wanted to make a demon heavy game experience, that should have been a separate game. As the old adage goes “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Now it’s more like the Lil Wayne version “If it ain’t broke, don’t break it.” Sadly that seems to have already come to pass.

    Again this is all my opinion and props to the dev for the amazing graphical upgrades that they made. And props for the creation of the original game, I was severely hooked. But I can’t help but feel slightly betrayed. If I had to watch this game drop back down to a 0.1 version, I’d prefer to just be able to be excited to see it with a fresh coat of paint. Especially after playing it for years and years looking forward to each and every tiny update made to it. Now it’s hurdled back and is completely different.

    I know this may have seemed harsh, but I just hope that this sheds a little light on proper game and story development. And ok, I know, evolve with the times. But all I’m saying is we never got to see the completion of the original game and now, we never will. I can see making an alternate version once the original is done. Or even trying to be one of those overburdening devs that tries to balance the creation of two games, but this new version even has the same hook description as the original. Which, again, would lead me to believe that most of the game would be taking place in the world of the living. Which makes it superfluous to add so much back story to characters that won’t be playing a significant role to that purpose. It also seems to stray away from the concept of just being in a world of feminine men where women run everything. Now you’re an interdimensional traveler who contains the essence of the demon queen and the hook, doesn’t seem to truly be the focus.

    Anyways, again I wasn’t trying to be harsh. I was just being honest. And hopefully this will help others decide if they are willing to accept these changes or maybe make it easier to digest since you know it’s coming. I dunno. Either way, Rest in Peace Twisted World, and best of luck to Twisted World (Remake) I hope it goes well for the dev and I hope people come to enjoy it.

    Not even gonna lie, I know I’m gonna play it regardless of how broken I am over the changes. So there’s always still that.

    Cheers everyone.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game, fluid animations and a pretty godd artstyle, nice scenes and a good gameplay, the only thing i didn't like much was the "Time event mechanic" i don't know how to call it specifically, but taking that away, is a solid game, hope that the dev or dev's are planning to add much more content in this game, honestly this one is probably one of the best games on this website that i played (Sorry for the bad english, isn't my main language)
  20. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 225772

    I don`t normally rate games 1s but this was just an awful update. Essentially the majority of the content has been eviscerated and replaced with an absolutely awful introduction remake??? At the pace the developers going this game will be finished by the time my Son will be of age and I currently do not have children.