As an first/second game this is commendable, most games don't get finished and so its an achivement to finish it.
But there I also think there is a long way for you to go. I mean no offence by this, but I do think that you show promise and could benefit from the feedback.
The main areas I think you shoud focus on in the future are:
More Options:
I know that its a pain to create multiple paths and entries, but it does make the game much more engaging when the player feels like they are influencing the story intead of just reading along. It makes them feel immersed as teh MC instead of just following somebody else.
The most obvious way to be able to provide choices and not have a million paths, is to have the choices have a smaller impact on the story and to flow back to the main paths with variable differences which will allow you to unlock later paths. Not every decision alone needs to change the path of the story. For example you can have several interactions which allow you to gain trust with a character then if you have enough trust they will help you later on. Each individual interaction makes the player feel like they are influcening the story without needing to add several different paths.
The other method is 'Tell Tale' choices, which have no influcence on the story but can make the player feel like they are interacting with it. Try to not overdo these as they work by the illusion of choice and when the player realises that they are meaningless, they will feel betrayed and lose investment in the choices.
More Downtime:
There does not need to be a sex scene every 2 seconds. This ruins them as they feel too abundent and thus less rewarding. You should work up to scences, starting with smaller events like seeing a character nude, to getting a blowjob and then later sex. And these scences should be spread apart from each other to cause the player to build anticipation for them. If you throw out too many rewards too soon, then you lose the power to provide any reward later on. Imagine a game where you got the best gear in the first level and then the rest of the game there is only cosmetic changes, it doesn't feel worth going for them. To a gambler waiting to see if they win is just as entertaining as winning. This works for everything, the act of working up to an event is just as exciting as the event itself.