One of the best AVN with the writing that is both witty and equally sarcastic. And a protagonist that is not simply a dumb nor are the surrounding characters have such traits. All of them are fully realized. Sex is treated more as a an adult activity and regular tropes of incest are forgone for genuine character and relationship building with character s around MC.
As I have said sex is not just for giving MC new sex scene, but it is there as an understanding between two adults characters and they are adult by the virtue that they don't pounce on bed everytime they meet. There is a tension but it is subtle and simmring and the relations is made trough regular banter and fun talk.
Another great point about this AVN is about the variety of personality and characteristics about its cast. The world is filled with many characetrs who are full realized, it is as if you feel they are written for a tv drama, especially the casual banter of MC .
Truly the only con that I can find in this avn is the characetrs design that is at least two generation behind and same can be said for its sex scenes that are terrible, no variety, very short, it is as if the author s uncomfortable while writing them.
If I were to judge this game as a great VN it would be 5/5 but as an AVN it fails to do the sex part right, though I can see the author is improving on character design but sex scenes are still a big bummer.
So at most I can give it 4.5/5
A great game I would love to play again for its writing, even if I am put off by its sub par quality of renders
As I have said sex is not just for giving MC new sex scene, but it is there as an understanding between two adults characters and they are adult by the virtue that they don't pounce on bed everytime they meet. There is a tension but it is subtle and simmring and the relations is made trough regular banter and fun talk.
Another great point about this AVN is about the variety of personality and characteristics about its cast. The world is filled with many characetrs who are full realized, it is as if you feel they are written for a tv drama, especially the casual banter of MC .
Truly the only con that I can find in this avn is the characetrs design that is at least two generation behind and same can be said for its sex scenes that are terrible, no variety, very short, it is as if the author s uncomfortable while writing them.
If I were to judge this game as a great VN it would be 5/5 but as an AVN it fails to do the sex part right, though I can see the author is improving on character design but sex scenes are still a big bummer.
So at most I can give it 4.5/5
A great game I would love to play again for its writing, even if I am put off by its sub par quality of renders