I'm going to be a dissenting opinion here, but this game is bad. The other reviews here make excuses for it. They are legitimate excuses. I have nothing against the creator of this game, they seem nice and genuine, and they're creating something and learning and all of that is great. But the review rules here state we should rate the game on it's own merits, not based on our opinion of the dev.
The writer isn't an english first language speaker. That explains why the english is atrocious. But the english is still atrocious. The other thing is it is inconsistent. Words are spelled in multiple incorrect ways, not the same mistakes repeated. Many of the mistakes seem to be typos more than a lack of knowledge. It doesn't read like a non-native speaker trying their best, it reads like stream of consciousness insanity that they barely edit or proofread.
Now the creator has a crappy PC, been there, it sucks. So that explains why the renders look about 10 years out of date. But they still look 10 years out of date. It also doesnt explain the terrible lighting decisions and composition of all the images. You can make compelling images with low resolution assets. This doesnt do that. It feels rushed, again like a stream of consciousness where the assets were dumped in as quickly as possible and then never looked at again.
The creator is learning to make a game. That explains why the menus are fucked in a renpy game of all things. But the menus are still fucked. And it doesnt explain why the menus havent been proofed by version 5a. It doesnt explain why there are a bunch of character pages that are difficult to read outside of the game, rather than within the story itself. It doesnt explain why a second font option was added which makes everything unreadable.
Finally, the story isn't supposed to be taken seriously. Sure. But the game isn't just wacky or unusual it's totally incoherent. It could have been made into unrelated smaller games or scenarios, but it wasn't. Saying it's weird is really the biggest excuse for lazy writing on this one. I get it, if you dont care about character arcs, plot, logic, narrative structure, then its easier to pump out content. But it's one game, and to me its just making content for the sake of making content. Length for lengths sake.
So what do you play this game for? The english is terrible. The plot is nonsensical. The art is smashed out with no effort or technical capability. The game is put together poorly. What's left?
This content could work as a series of short comics, but as a game? Personally I don't see it.
Again, the creator is genuine and nice and is active within this community. He isnt shilling for patreon dollars which is a huge accomplishment. But this game is made for practice, not for quality and I just can't recommend it.