Seeking Unique graphics


May 2, 2019
Hello There,

Id like to know if you guys know any games with unique looking graphics that stand out from the crowd.
I just played "Hooked" and even tho it is short it has very nice animations and a nice style that was different from the typical games where they just use the same assets. Other games that felt kinda special were "Mist" and "Aurelia" but I havent really seen other games with their own custom graphics + good animations. Thank you in advance if you know any games like that.


May 24, 2024
Different (enough) and good avg. ratings. All Ren'Py. No. 2 & 5 are by Winterlook, who's also known for SHELTER. In A-Z order:
  1. Changeling Tale [2dcg][furry][(partly) animated]
  2. The Fate of Irnia [2dcg]
  3. PMC Promiscuity [2dcg][animations planned]
  4. Sinful Summer: A Tale of Forbidden Love [3dcg][animated]
  5. Stellar Dream [2dcg][animated]
  6. A Summer's End — Hong Kong, 1986 [2dcg][pure les]

I've got quite some titles tagged under 'cartoonish', (o/c) most of them 2dcg. (Got Hooked! in that list as well btw ;)) A lot of stuff to find there that isn't (that) generic / that you could consider unique / having its own style. A couple of those: Ravager, Refuge of Embers, Seeds of Chaos, Vaygren (not that unique in style perhaps, but still nice (animations, VA, sex sfx IIRC))
(NB) Personally I'd never put 'animated' as requirement in my filter list, as it turns out that tag isn't all too reliable: some titles w/o the tag sometimes do have some form of animation, some 'animated' titles may have animations that can be considered poor, and some titles simply are still worthwhile without them.

PS. Please report back if you've played/read any of the above, and enjoyed it. Apart from Vaygren and quickly skimming through Sinful Summer (can say that one's quite a read / slow burn), I haven't actually played any of the above myself (yet) ;)
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May 2, 2019
Different (enough) and good avg. ratings. All Ren'Py. No. 2 & 5 are by Winterlook, who's also known for SHELTER. In A-Z order:
  1. Changeling Tale [2dcg][furry][(partly) animated]
  2. The Fate of Irnia [2dcg]
  3. PMC Promiscuity [2dcg][animations planned]
  4. Sinful Summer: A Tale of Forbidden Love [3dcg][animated]
  5. Stellar Dream [2dcg][animated]
  6. A Summer's End — Hong Kong, 1986 [2dcg][pure les]

I've got quite some titles tagged under 'cartoonish', (o/c) most of them 2dcg. (Got Hooked! in that list as well btw ;)) A lot of stuff to find there that isn't (that) generic / that you could consider unique / having its own style. A couple of those: Ravager, Refuge of Embers, Seeds of Chaos, Vaygren (not that unique in style perhaps, but still nice (animations, VA, sex sfx IIRC))
(NB) Personally I'd never put 'animated' as requirement in my filter list, as it turns out that tag isn't all too reliable: some titles w/o the tag sometimes do have some form of animation, some 'animated' titles may have animations that can be considered poor, and some titles simply are still worthwhile without them.

PS. Please report back if you've played/read any of the above, and enjoyed it. Apart from Vaygren and quickly skimming through Sinful Summer (can say that one's quite a read / slow burn), I haven't actually played any of the above myself (yet) ;)
Thanks for your recommendations. I already heard of the gamea from the top 5 but never had the chance to play them maybe ill give them a chance now. For the other games ive already played ravager a good while ago and it is actually really good its all voiced so the game feels like it has some soul to it and the graphics are nice as well. Seeds of chaos also a good game but ive never got to finish it. Refuge of embers looks nice ill have to check it out at some point and Vaygren maybe one day if dont have any other games to play. Thanks again.
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