Mod - Ren'Py - Onhold - Universal Choice Descriptor [2024-01-24] [ZLZK]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Very useful when a detailed walkthrough mod isn't available. Does a good job at showing branching tags and what values are affected in choices.

    So far I haven't run into any renpy AVNs that have a problem with this mod.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Black Gryphon

    I can't figure out why this doesn't have more reviews, it is absolutely fantastic. Maybe it's just not being promoted, but this has been incredibly helpful in games with no walk-through, and the universal nature of it is just a cherry on top. Thanks for putting it together :)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    this is a great mod (would leave it at just that description ... "Great Mod" )

    since I need to write more ...

    I try to use this on every game I get from here, even if it has it's own WT mod

    this gives me the chance to make my own decisions regardless of what another WT may suggest

    this one, as well as the 0x53 mod is a MUST HAVE for all renpy games

    Keep up the good work!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I found it very useful in branched RepPy games that don't have any walkthrough mods yet. It may cause some errors, doesn't work with fancy RenPy choices, or it doesn't show everything, but it's still a convenient tool if you'd like to avoid digging into the gamefiles on your own.