Well... that's not intentional, I just didn't think about thisnot sure if this is intentional, can't be helped, or just an oversight, but it looks like if you view labels (in list view) and variables and use the sort asc/desc buttons above the list, it sorts by keys rather than values. I.o.w. if you change the names to be e.g.
renamed "Name 1" : actual "this label/var"
renamed "Name 2" : actual "that label/var"
then after using i.e. the asc button it ends up as
renamed "Name 2" : actual "that label/var"
renamed "Name 1" : actual "this label/var"
since "that..." comes before "this..." alphabetically
another thing I noticed is that it's case sensitive... so all starting with [A..Z]'s appear before stuff starting with [a..z]' s
obviously if sorting on the renamed names one can prevent that by making sure everything is either starting with an uppercase or by keeping everything lowercase...
Currently I'm using Python's
method. I think I have to write my own sorting to fix this.