Mod - Ren'Py - Universal Ren'Py Mod / URM [2.6] (mod any Ren'Py game yourself)

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Greatest mod ever created. It's a breeze to use with every variable and instance neatly named and outlined, and the pop-up notification for hidden choices and routes is an absolute godsend. This game has saved me so many times from shitty renpy coding and continues to do so each time. Biggest W by the dev. I hope he continues to work on this and improve it. 100/10. Best shit ever.
    Likes: 0x52
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I never review threads in general, specially for unfinished games as there are a lot of problems.

    But this Mod is extremely useful. So this is a well earned 5 stars.

    I found a couple of things to be particularly useful:

    1) ability to change any variable
    2) path choice for every alternative.

    Kudos to dev for doing such a useful little thing (very light, so I just plug it in every folder of a game I want to modify something)
    Likes: 0x52
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Very useful mod for people who are lazy to grind like me. Even so, there is still a risk of mod crashes and the appearance of this mod is old school, but overall this mod is 5 stars for me because the features are very adequate
    Likes: 0x52
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The greatest Ren'Py tool. It's absolutely amazing to have when running through games with multiple branch paths, combat, or sandbox elements and opens up the possibility for easier development and implementation of personal mods. It is easy to use and has never caused any issue not derived from human error when tinkering with code.

    Thanks for this!
    Likes: 0x52
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Just amazing!
    As a player, this mod gives you a lot of control in the game without having to use other tools (like unren).
    As a modder, this mod can save you a lot of time by testing different routes or changing variables to test if it's even worth modding (yes... cheating is bad... but let's say it's more like "optimizing" the game mechanics to give the players a better experience... ).
    Good ideas, beautiful code.
    Thank you!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Works great and should be your first choice when youre considering tweeking a renpy game. The dev is active and seems really interested in making their creation as accessible as possible. There is a 200 character minimum but i honestly dont know what else to say besides how effective and easy to use it is. Uhh we're all pervs but some of us make being perverted easier for others and to them we should say thank you. Anyways keep up the good work.
  7. 5.00 star(s)



    I've been using this for a while, and it's become an invaluable tool for any renpy game.

    Although it has a lot of niche functionality, here are the main benefits that will apply to any renpy game.
    1. Determine the variables/flags being changed due to a choice.
    2. Determine the conditions required to be able to pick a choice.
    3. Perhaps the most iconic and unique feature - Be notified when a split path or alternate dialogue is playing, as well as the conditions that triggered that specific route.
    4. Easily modify the values for variables if you want.
    Those are the main features that make this mod a must for anyone who wants to be aware of the routes they are entering in renpy games.

    And the cherry on top? This mod doesn't modify game files. That means it will never break your saves. Tired of waiting for a walkthrough mod to update because your saves are no longer compatible with the base game? Well, this mod doesn't have that problem. There are occasionally games that do not run with the mod installed, but it should work for like 95% of the games you try.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Bless and thank you. This dev is a hero and this mod is a blessing. The only complaint is that I haven't known about it before now...

    Unfortunately the above review is too short even though all that I needed to say had been said. So on with the Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris et ipsum non ante sollicitudin viverra eu ut ante. Aenean ac neque ac diam sodales luctus sed pulvinar tortor. Proin mattis, enim eget luctus semper, augue tellus convallis dolor, malesuada volutpat metus nibh a justo. Nunc ipsum risus, lobortis nec ullamcorper id, fermentum in orci. Praesent mattis risus libero, non interdum nisi porta eget. Donec id venenatis dui. In dignissim nibh augue, quis consequat turpis varius ut. Vivamus eu elementum ante, quis placerat nisi. Sed ornare leo erat, id fringilla urna aliquam eget.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The absolute best companion tool for any grindy sandbox games!

    great interface
    super easy to use but sometimes slow when trying to type search patterns

    the number 1 tool to have when play renpy games
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best tools for Ren'Py games, glad the dev kept up the good work and improves the code and features of this mod.

    Even though I use other mods for games this one is always installed, so far it didn't clash with anything else I use.
    Likes: 0x52
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A fantastic tool to have at your disposal. Gives you the power to efficiently navigate games and enjoy them on your own terms. The ability to simply change any character's name on-the-fly is enough to make this a winner; but that's only the tip of the iceberg.
    Big thanks to the dev for rolling up their sleeves and doing the work that sets us all free!
    Likes: 0x52
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is damn near a must-install for Any Ren'py game. I've actually started playing back through games I've already beat just for the Scene watcher and to see if there was any hidden paths I could have taken. 10 / 10
    Likes: 0x52
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Extremely useful tool to prevent pointless grind. I have found it very useful specially in variable editing. The branch monitoring is also fun if a bit more limited.

    The only missing features that i have seen, are variable freezing(the use case being prevent money/hp/items decreasing) and the ability to search for arrays like Player.Items or Player. Status that are used sometimes.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Perhaps the most helpful Ren'py game tools created. Personally I use to alter game stats if the grind system in a game is boring/repetitive.

    But most of all, a recent update allows it to show you path changes withing a game (and the necessary conditions required). This is one of the most important things I use this mod for, and it's updated fairly consistently.


    5/5 Tool, easy for stat altering and understanding path/choice requirements.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Let's start at the beginning... I'm dumb. I was looking for a "post review" button and found out it was clicking on the stars.

    So, how is this relevant to the review of URM 1.9.3?

    A guy like me can use URM. The learning curve is just right. I can change variables, click on paths, and rename characters and text.

    Stuck with a game with no in built WT? Check the numbers. Change them with URM.

    Paths seem to need "psychic players" that somehow had to know 12 episodes ago that they had to say "yes" to red flowers as a gift? Check the hidden paths. Click on it and continue.

    The text replacement is the best thing ever.

    Like incest? Change the text. Fap.
    Like NTR? Change the text. Fap.
    Like pregnancy? Change the text. Fap.
    Like... well... you get the point.

    All in the lewd picture, as if the text was made by the creators of the game.

    No need to add please add "XXX" to game threads. View the pretty pictures. Customize your experience... all because of URM.

    Plus, really friendly Dev and community. 5 stars is earned.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Using someone else's review since im lazy. But felt the need to give 5 star.
    Using it on literally 95% of the games I play. Extremely useful, nice UI, very well coded, and very easy to use. Goes very well with other mods as well. Never had a problem with the mod interfering with another mod. Easily deserving 5 stars. Well done!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Using it on literally 95% of the games I play. Extremely useful, nice UI, very well coded, and very easy to use. Goes very well with other mods as well. Never had a problem with the mod interfering with another mod. Easily deserving 5 stars. Well done!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    It's so good I put it in my signature!! I don't review or post much here, but this mod/ game changer needs more attention. Thanks Ox52.
    The basics are easy to use, some of the other options take a little practice. That being said, it's still easy and user friendly.

    I give this 5 out of 5 stars.
    It's got a good beat and you can dance to it. -A.B.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    What a thing??? I donot know whether to call it a mod or not. For me it is more than a mod, it is an all round thing to do anything with a game without screwing up the codes. Thank you 0x52 for this very very much. Keep it up (y) (y) (y)
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Kew Ball

    Best thing to happen for Ren'Py games, I use it on just about every one. It doesn't work with the newer release of ren'py, but oh well, it works on most and makes grinding a thing of the past. Hopefully it will receive an update soon.