Ren'Py - University Days [S1: Ep. 8 P2] [GREEBO]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for Demo

    Nice college game without any loops or tomfoolery to keep the player off track. Seems fairly straightforward, story is nice, characters look and seem nice. Quite cheerful too. Does need some work as it is fairly short.

    -Good characters
    -Good story
    -Interesting premise

    -Is short
    -Lack of choices
    -Some odd clipping here and there

    Game has lots of potential. I hope creator improves as it goes on. Will keep an eye out for this.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    It's decent so far. Very straightforward, cozy game that has a lot of happy sex. Girls are cute enough, and the dialogue is fine. Nothing special, but nothing's really bad about it either.

    Thanks for putting out this demo Greebo, I wanted to play something cute like this.

    Edit: Oh, and also I posted a bunch of pictures with dialogue on page 10 of the forum so you can see what the new renders look like, as well as get a feel for the dialogue.


    v 0.2 update for 5/23/23

    Anyways, as for my thoughts on this update, they're pretty much the same. It's decent, fun experience with pretty good art.

    Oh, and the girls are really cute, and I like how the MC is short and decent looking, and he doesn't have an oversized dick.

    Fake edit: Actually, you know what, this needs to be said, if I have the choice of incest, or no incest, I choose no incest, and this game does a really really good job with this. It doesn't just lazily relabel your mom and sister as landlady and roomate. You have no reason to think that they're your family. More of this please, game devs.

    In fact, that is such a pleasant surrpise that I'm adding an extra star to my review, this now gets an arbitrary score of 4 out of 5! Thank you so much for this GREEBO!

    There is one minor nitpick I wanna add though, although I won't let it affect my review score. I'm pretty sure that there's some stuff missing from your gallery, and possibly your replayable scenes. With the gallery at least, I kept getting notifications saying that they were added to the gallery, but I already had all of them unlocked, so I don't think there was anything new.

    Keep up the goodness Greebo, I'd love to see an update like this every 1-3 months.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Based on v1.0.
    This is bad. Generic cliche plot where horny hormons overpumped MC is "prince charming" and all female NPC's fall for him just like that. Writing is pale, it's sex for the sake of sex, no scenes build-up, nothing.
    Unfortunately, there are forced, unavoidable sex scenes. Player have no choice at all to refuse them.
    Visual aspects of the game are not bad, most of the models are really appealing and nice looking.
    If you are looking for a game with freedom of choice, game where player decides what happens and which chicks MC will fuck and which not, than don't bother with this.
    Would not recommend to others.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The pace is fast and the story is straightforward.
    There's no annoying sandbox exploration, and there's no pile of options for the player to choose from.
    The overall style is happy and relaxed, and even without patches, I feel very involved in the game.
    It's only a start, but it feels good to play, and it's worth looking forward to future updates.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Based upon this 1st demo i have to say i like the characters and music choices so far.. I'll admit to writing this review early on in playthrough but what i've seen so far i'm impressed with..
    As a college game fan.. i wont list the comparisons.. (chances are if your here you have played them too and enjoyed them) Anyway as a college game fan i'm always on the look out for a new title in the genre that fills the void in development cycles of 'other' titles..
    This VN has potential to do well in this market I just hope the dev team can balance the lewd with story as well as delivering a decent college type experience as well.. something a lot of the other try hards skip over.. College games need a balanced mix of the right elements to do well and i'm hoping with a title that even uses University in its name, that we get to see a title that can deliver with emotion as well as the usual tropes for the genre..
    Good Luck Guys