VN RPGM Ren'Py Unnamed Fantasy World Novel Project [Development Thread]


Formerly 'PeneConCapucha61'
Mar 11, 2021

I'm MysteryLlama and I'm going to tell you a little about me and the idea I have with this project. Not long ago I started reading erotic novels and little by little it became a hobby that I didn't expect to have. I said to myself, "If the creators of these stories could, why can't I?" and this prompted me to start writing. I mean, I have always liked to write, but I have finally found a topic where I can tell everything I think (and that I also love, like many of you. Otherwise, I wouldn't be writing this here, right?). For now they are just loose things, but I'm starting to compress these ideas into a complete story.

The persons of this novel (At the moment) are only two main characters: Aldric Stoneheart, a cruel and ruthless paladin who kills everything that gets in his way in order to do justice; and Lila Fiorette, a magician from a poor town with great potential, willing to improve and become the best magician in the kingdom.

The story will begin with the choice of one of the two characters, where several events will be narrated, where your decisions matter, since they will change the course of history (for better or worse). Later, both characters will meet in a tavern, where after some heated moments (if you know what I mean), they'll separate. And for now I've got that far. But I had planned to tell the stories of the two in parallel until they meet again, or they die, or I don't know xd.

Thank you for taking the time to read it <3

(Below I left information about the characters. Yeah, I know they are images made by AI, but at the moment it's like a "sketch" of what I think the character would be like (It's not definitive). Also, I have decided to do it this way because 1. I don't even know how to draw, model in 3D, or anything like that (at the moment) and 2. I still can't afford to pay someone to do it xd. Now yeah, bye, love u <3)

*Disclaimer: I have put both Ren'py and RPGM engines, because I am thinking which of the two would be more suitable for what I want to do*
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Formerly 'PeneConCapucha61'
Mar 11, 2021
Presentation of the characters Pt.1

In this publication I present to you the female protagonist of the story I have in mind.

Her name is Lila Fiorette, a radiant, burst of energy and optimistic girl, her spirit as vibrant as the rosy hue of her hair. Despite the weight of her newfound responsibilities, she maintains a cheery disposition that lights up any room she enters. Her village roots shine through in her kindness and unassuming nature, which she combines with a sharp wit and unyielding determination to become the supreme magician. Her infectious laughter and boundless enthusiasm of ella have a way of endearing her to those around her, while her deep love of ella for her village of ella fuels her desire to protect and uplift it through her growing magical prowess.

Raised in a quaint village nestled in the embrace of nature, Lila was always fascinated by the mystical whispers of the forest. Her grandmother, a wise and secretive herbalist, kindled her interest in the arcane arts. When Lila's magical abilities surfaced at a young age, her talent was recognized by a visiting sage, who revealed her potential to become a guardian of the kingdom. With a heavy heart, she left her family and friends to pursue her destiny in the bustling city. Far from the tranquil life she knew, she faced challenges with courage and resilience, never forgetting her origins and the warmth of home.

Lila has a voluptuous figure, with soft curves that evoke the fertility of the earth and thick, powerful thighs that speak of her rural upbringing. Her skin is a warm sun-kissed tone, a testament to long days spent outdoors. Her eyes are a mesmerizing blend of amber and lilac, a rare heterochromia that mirrors the enchanting beauty of a forest at dawn. Her long, light pink hair cascades down her back in wild, untamed curls, reaching to her waist. She stands tall at 175cm (5'9"), and her youthful face is framed by the collar of a bright yellow jacket that hangs comfortably on her shoulders.
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Formerly 'PeneConCapucha61'
Mar 11, 2021
Presentation of the characters Pt.2

Now is the turn of the male character.

His name is Aldric Stoneheart, a stoic, unyielding force of righteousness, tempered by the harsh realities of his past. His imposing physique reflects his true nature: a sadistic and cruelness man who mercilessly kills everything in his path, leaving a trail of blood that terrifies even the bravest soldier. Even the monsters mistake him for one of them. His time in the mines forged not only his Herculean strength but also his deep sense of justice. If he must do justice, he will do it, but in his own way. The curse he bears has honed his focus on him, making him a creature of singular purpose. His simplicity in combat, relying solely on his fists, mirrors his simple approach to life. The weight of his decisions is etched into his intimidating gaze, and his words, when spoken, resonate with the power of his will. Due to his great strength, he does not need weapons other than his own fists, and thanks to his well-toned muscles, he acquires great resistance, being able to handle mortal and magical blows without the need to wear armor.

Born in poverty, Aldric was sold to the kingdom as a mere child to labor in the harsh mines. Years of hard work sculpted his lean, muscular frame and instilled in him a fierce resilience. One fateful day, he found a forbidden grimoire, the pages whispering an ancient spell that conferred upon him a spell of unparalleled power. This spell increased his strength, stamina, damage reduction, speed, and agility. Unknowingly, this act of theft also bound him to a terrible curse that denied him from learning other arcane knowledge. Through sheer determination and his newfound power, Aldric climbed the social ladder, eventually earning his place as the kingdom's most esteemed paladin. His journey from the dregs of society to the pinnacle of knighthood is a testament to his unwavering spirit and resolve.

Aldric, a man above the average height at 185cm (6'1"), with broad shoulders and a diamond-shaped face, exudes strength and determination. His piercing garnet eyes, framed by rectangular sunglasses matching his eye color, reveal the intensity of his massacres he has carried out and the fury that propels him on the battlefield. He sports a ponytail that blends with his thick white beard. His muscular body, a testament to years of labor and training, belies the immense power hidden beneath his black shirt and maroon tie.

At the moment, these are the two main characters of the story. In the future, I will introduce more characters and aspects of the story.

And that's all for now, see you soon ^^