VN - Ren'Py - Unnatural Instinct [v0.7] [Merizmare]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    freedom of justice

    Build the foundation of this porn game with some plump and enticing body.
    Add a lot of humor and wit with expressions and design.
    And gradually add some worth expecting plots to the story.
    The developer is a genius in creating porn game.
    At the same time, it can be seen that the developer understands players very well.
    I recommend every player who has not played this game to play.
    The quality of this game will not disappoint you.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This one is bad, unfortunately. First point against it is the story, not only the writing (which is cringe pretty often) but what actually happens: it makes no sense. It's basically the collection of fantasies of a teenager or so, with no buildup, no interesting or fleshed out characters or anything. You just show up and instantly everyone is lusting for you, as simple as that... all the eroticism and tension in breaking a taboo like incest (the focus of the game) is completely ignored since all characters are into it very very easily (apparently, it's more of a dilemma for the MC to sleep in a pink room than to fuck his sister). Choices matter very very little, mostly if you want to skip some content. And the game falls into so many of the common cliches, like university being the same as highschool for some reason.

    Character models are pretty good to be honest, even if they all look way too young for their ages (not a big problem with the adults, but late teenagers do look a bit way too close to young teenagers for me). Animations are pretty decent as well. Sound doesn't seem to almost exist or matter. And I found no bugs on it.

    So, all in all, only useful for a quick fap, skip all the text and move on to other things.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    So I tried this game a long time ago and couldn't make it through the earlier parts of the game. The English/writing was jarring and if there's one thing that will ruin even a good game for me it's poor grammar and weird phrasing.

    Fast forward to a few years later, I forgot about this game and tried it again. As I was playing the early stages of the game memory of it started to come back but I had already downloaded so I started just skipping through the dialogue. Finally I hit some animations and they were pretty good so I decided to just skip from scene to scene before I deleted it again. Well I was trying to catch at least a few lines of dialogue so I had the general idea of what was going on and I started to realize the writing really improved. Not the plot, mind you, that's still kinda weak, but the way it was written had improved drastically. Then I slowed down and started to enjoy the game.

    TL;DR; if you find yourself turned off of the game by the writing, skip through the early chapters, it improves.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Vexxxy V

    I love the game. The characters are beautful and have great personalities. It doesnt contain a single character that is unatractive or unlikable which is a rarity. I've revisted this game after ever update since it dropped and there is never any mistep. Dev keep up the good work, you'redoing great.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Super underrated game. The story is simple but I think that is one of the reasons why it is good. A lot of times devs forget they are making adult games and focus way too much on overcomplicated stories. All the girls look beautiful, it has very good animations and despite what some reviews have said about it being a kinetic novel, you actually have some choices that influence the way some of the girls interact with the mc.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a weird game to rate. On the one hand I think the art is pretty damn good. The women are well done and different from each other. The animations are pretty good too. The story is of course ridiculous but it's an adult/porn game so you can't expect real stories to explain why things happen. However it doesn't justify some of the silly things like the sister and her GF. That's just me though as I know there is a group of players who want threesomes and lesbo GFs all day.

    The two characters though who stand out are the MC and the mom. The mom has a young looking face. She certainly doesn't look old enough to be the mother of the kids. It isn't a deal breaker though. I guess her tits could be 20 % smaller and no damage would be done either.

    The Mc though......he looks like the gay son of the Ken doll. His face looks like he is wearing eyeliner or something. Compared to alot of games who use those midget height MCs at least he looks like a young man but the face just doesn't fit the body. It's even worse when he suddenly goes Uncle Pervis and starts grabbing the neighbors ass at dinner. Add that to his whining about the room and he is kind of irritating.

    The younger sister is pretty sweet though so she makes up for the MC. I guess the average rating is due to the MC and the lack of a story. It's going to do what it suggests though and deliver some sexy times with no real effort. This isn't a bad thing. The idea that a game has to have some conflict is silly. Sometimes a simple A to B game is what you want. I can think of a couple big games on F95 that has spent 4 years with no action so I'll take this over endless blueballing. For me anyway there is no game on F95 that gets 5 stars. For that you need story, art, and some realistic limits to create the perfect game. I haven't seen one yet. This isn't good enough to get 4 stars but isn't bad so 3 is fair I think.

    Edited after playing the latest version. I dropped it from 3 to 2 stars due to the MC suddenly turning beta-Chad and Charlie. Seeing gay kid talking like porno Jim was laughable. "Oh yeah take it slut...". Seriously? He starts to feel like a creep too which is never good.

    Charlie who is the GF of the oldest sister basically goes wild and starts fucking the MC out of nowhere. That was ok until during one scene beta-Chad starts fucking Charlie's mom and out of nowhere real mom shows up and is watching. It was going ok because of course there has to be some event to move things forward. Where she came from who knows but Charlie shows up and grabs her and starts fingering her while talking about the MC. It's not a good scene if you don't want open-orgy/lesbo game 10 million which many harem players don't. Even the younger sister can't make this game worth following with so many irritating events and the girly MC. It's not so much that it was terrible as that it was ruined by bad stories and that MC.

    2 stars is really more accurate I think than 3.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my new favorite game! Amazing-looking characters and a great story! I highly recommend this game if you're into Milfy City and similar games. The girls are slutty, but innocent and beautiful at the same time. And the renders are excellent! Lots of bj's that I like! The one thing I am missing is a character with a big ass ;) Not a fat character overall, but a fit and muscular one
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Another Kinetic Novel that forgot to add the tag...

    Which is a bummer, because, with some decisions and a complete overhaul of the MC it would be a pretty nice game.

    Renders are beautiful, girls are excagerated porn characters but in a lovely way, the story is basic.

    Even the parody-like humor got me sometimes.
    The main problem with this game -outside of lack of any choices- is the MC. He ruins anything interesting it has to offer.

    There is a chance of rescuing this mess with a rework including meaningful choices and a new and improved MC, but at this point I highly recommend not wasting lifetime on this.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    That's not VN, that's kinetic novel, pay attention, no tag but that tag must be.
    Standard story, heap of usual cliches, nothing new. Writing skill is not bad but story totally predictable, to say the least.
    Renders are... They are not realistic but dev made some good models.
    Main problem of the game: you've seen it all before, nothing new. And player have no control over that standard story. MC will fuck his mother, his sisters and a bunch of other girls, orally, anally and vaginally, no choice given. That's not worth anyone's time.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    I found it pretty boring, MC returns to hes familie and the familie starts lusting for MC and starts manipulating him, its just the same old run of the mill incest game as seen a million times before, the only diffrens is that its the familie that goes after MC instend of MC going after them.
    Its just a mindless fuckfest game really.

    It dosent help that MC dosent have a backbone and feels very submissive, it feels more like all the girls is using MC and not the other way around, even hes own mother couldent careless about how MC feels she just wants hes dick, it almost like the girls is supposed to be the FC instend, and MC is just brainless and goes to lala land and goes along for any ride.

    What really kills it for me though is the lack of choices, i hate huge saggy tits, forced LIs, M/S relatioships, all of that is just a huge turn-off to me and since game has 0 choices as to who MC fucks it becomes unplayable.

    I dont see any story changing choices and with all LIs being forced it really should have a kinetic novel tag to warn people that you controle nothing.

    Girls 4/5
    i Like the girls faces, but hate the builds of most LIs, there are a bit diversity but since you cant choose who to be with it wont really matter.

    Animations 3/5
    They are decent

    Music 0/5
    There is none making it a bit boring.

    Choices 0/5
    You controle nothing, girls fuck MC and not the other way around, all forced with no choice, its missing the kinetic novel tag, which is idiotic since it wouldent get so many bad reviews from people who hate kinetic novels if it had the tag, including my self i would never have played this.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6297007

    I enjoyed this game more than I expected to. The MC's young sister is an absolute treasure...such a young, innocent girl who genuinely loves her big brother and looks up to him and seeks his validation in everything she does. Decorating his room for his arrival, is such a sweet and loving thing to do...she missed him and is delighted to have him back home. However, the MC acts like an immature dick...and the MC is the issue in this game for me, he needs to grow up and stop being a whiny bitch.
    This game has potential to be great, and maybe with time it will. However, the game has very little structure, in terms of storyline, so the developer really needs to expand his focus beyond the obvious incestual motivations that drive the game so far.
    It needs to mature
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm not fluent in English, I'm lazy and I didn't get very far in the game because I couldn't, so I'll be brief.

    - MC's weird face, like a cute Disney character
    + taxi driver at the beginning of the game commenting on the mc raving instead of showing several thinking narration boxes.
    - He keeps bragging about MC having countless girlfriends in the city where MC was previously, but he feel uncomfortable living with 3 women from his own family?
    -would sleeping in a pink room belonging to your sister who values you make you less of a man? "my friends would make fun of me" what friends?? mc just arrived, and as far as I know, fuck my friends, I would wear a pink care bear shirt if I were to get a kiss from a beautiful sister like that who cares about me.
    +graphics and renderings are good, which is the main reason that led me to test the game
    - the game seems to have a lot of development time for little updates and content.

    This is a game, I don't expect to take any fantasy seriously like many out there do, reading a text and seeing an artificial image of a guy kissing his sister is not the same thing as doing it in real life and I think it's ridiculous whoever does, and the what ruins the game for me is the mc's personality, just like in many other potential games that are ruined by the mc's personality, who here acts like he's badass, but then makes selfish decisions without thinking about others around him and He just keeps thinking "damn I screwed up, I need to apologize later" but he continues the same way.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    User Interface:...5/10
    User Experience:..7/10
    Avg:...........5.0/10 [2.5/5]

    All I remember about the last time I played this is the intro. It opens to MC narrating his life in a taxi, but it's out loud and the driver makes fun of him for it. Funny. Make no mistake, that was sarcasm. Just because the writer themself comments about their own poor choice of writing, doesn't absolve them of their poor choices. "MC returns home after X years and suddenly they have sex" is THE default shit story on this site. It also has the newly popularized "Click the button in the upper right to see a scantily clad version of this render because we're not confident in our game to not have dangled keys for your goldfish brain to leer at." All It's missing is a boring empty sandbox and a useless phone screen at this point. And don't kid yourself, imaginary reader I'm writing to, you have played and seen every aspect of this game done before, and better. I guess, for once, the UI is touched. It's still mostly default, just everything's so bright and in your face. And the names need an outline of some sort, the color values blend together a lot and sometimes you can't read who is talking. Not that it matters with stale dialog like this, but still. And there's no questioning it, there's no pretense, MC walks in his house and is eye-fucked by his sister right away. Literally all he's done up to this point is breathe unassisted, however miraculously that is. Better reward him. But let's get to it.

    Like I said before, this opens up to a "...joke." Taxi driver being the only person I sympathize with in the story, as MC sits there audibly narrating his uneventful life with no proper nouns or specifics. Meaning MC has essentially not existed until this moment. MC acts like a dick, being called out for being clearly very deep on the spectrum. And when he enters his home, his sister throws herself onto him and, once their mom says "My handsome son" Ashley's brain shuts down and she makes googly eyes at him. She even makes it so she and MC share a room? And I can only hope she's feigning naivety during all this, which still means she has severe brain damage, liking a family member. And for ONCE, MC is like "Nah, this is weird, I'm out." Not wanting to be rude to Ashley. Only to completely ruin the character right away when he talks to him mom. "My god her tits are so big." If you flip-flop so soon, why bother writing anything at all? Just make porn animations. He established he was weirded out by his sister, then became his sister and lusted after his mom. Later, he'll do it again, don't you worry. His mom also sees no issue, which I will say is not far fetched. What adult siblings would ever do more than be siblings? But privacy is a necessary thing foe anyone. But I'm doing the mental gymnastics the author wants me to, instead of being a normal human. Also, the cut to the homeless guys was completely jarring and I had to rollback to understand it's supposed to be a cutaway joke about where they used to live. This is also a point where the non-English starts poking through. But MC says he'll sleep on the couch and Ashley runs away crying because she has the brain of an Eight year old. Then the night scene? The Mom LOOKS AT THE CAMERA, throws her keys on the ground to wake up MC to show him her ass and ask him to do the obligatory yoga scene with her. This game has to be a joke. It even wakes up MC in the same manner by his other sister.

    The next morning, what happens? Oh, the young, healthy, athletic MC gets a bad back from sleeping on the couch? How original and possible. I wonder what that will cause down the line. And Ashley covered him up and slept on the floor next to him at some point last night. At ANY other time, I wouldn't even think about this scene. But MC was woken up TWICE late into the night. At what point did this happen? It was a very busy night, it seems too unreasonable to me. Not only that, but the similarly aged sister slept on a hardwood floor and shows no issues with her back. Meaning MC is a liar or a bitch, and that thought makes me laugh. And after MC finally goes to Ashley's room, it cements the idea she's a brain dead toddler and it's kinda gross she acts this way. I get that so many games do the same shit, but it's boring, gross, and unoriginal to continue doing the same thing over and over. Then they take a nap, right after eating breakfast, and wake up at 5pm. So add lazy to MCs traits. Then Ashley strips in front of MC because reasons. You even get a choice here that is either "Dream Sequence" or "Allude to the dream sequence but not show it." That's cheap and jarring. This leads into meeting Sophie and Nellie. More LIs that meet MC and just exist to like MC in some way. To the point you get to choose Nellie's gender. It's at this point I realized I put way too much thought into all these games I've played and don't know why I torture myself so. But MC has said he's had multiple girlfriends and not afraid to speak his mind, but when he's pushed to talk to Nellie, he trembles in fear. So his bullshittery in the beginning is directly contradicted here. Then they ham fist in references to resident evil and dota because "LOOK, PLAYER, IM A GAMER LIKE YOU!" Great. Also Sophie is sexually forward with MC the whole time.

    This thing TRIES really hard to be funny. But all the jokes it tries to make were old the first time they were made. I don't think someone above the age of seven would laugh at the "Act natural" scene in any media. And MC further destroys whatever character he has by saying "Is that what girls do?" You can't be a party boy ladies man and this naive shota insert at the same time. It just means ever scene was just written to have that scene in this boring story. Right after they get home, MC walks in on his mom changing and instead of leaving, she says don't leave, just don't turn around. Already dumb, but she just decides to shove a finger inside herself for no reason. Then holds a kiss on him. On one hand I'm glad the dumb pretense is gone about this being anything more than a dumb porn game. But on the other I'm so annoyed I'm playing a game that tries to do literally nothing new or unique, thinking it's entertaining. Ashley skips the "innocent little sister" trope and skips immediately to the "little sister that discovered sex is fun" trope and at times it feels like MC has as much whiplash as me. But then Nellie exists and he acts like a bumbling fool, so I can't even sympathize for longer than a second. Enter Charlie. The sex fiend, as if all the women aren't already the same character. Follow that with a dream sequence with the deranged addition of the "See nudies" button with an underage character. All in the middle of a dream sequence that just reestablishes the fact that MC was always nice to Ashley. We didn't need that flashback, nothing happened, and all it shows was basic human decency.

    The next part is MC goes to get ice cream with Ashley, and they do that thing where they announce how delicious ice cream looks. ICE CREAM. Wow. Then she swaps back to the innocent girl act to get kisses. They scurry away so MC can have sex with Charlie. And right after, they integrate their homophobia? inb4: "How can I make him normal?" Is very much homophobia. It all leads to the same contrived sexual situations over and over. Adding a whole school of girls dressed as hookers in math and computer science classes, apparently. Then nothing happens for the rest of the game. Sure, sex scenes occur but everything that anyone says is repeating everything or is about sex. So, those of you that just want a fap fest, have at it. All the women have the weird baby doll face and the animations are fine, if not a little slow. But once the older sister causes you to make the dom/sub choice there's no more faking a story.

    The English is okay. It's stale and mess up a bunch, but not enough to give me a headache. The UI/UX is default with a rainbow overlay, about it. The art is good, outside of occasional lighting issues and the weird faces it's not bad. The dialog and story is nothing. It's LITERALLY the barebones MC returning home to have sex with family. Nothing special but completely boring and seen before. If you just want to open a game and see sex scene loosely strung along with cringey humor and bad dialogue, this is a game. But if you're like me and want a story of ANY kind, meh.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the game, its very easy going and nice buildup. I don't like very complicated games with tons of story branches, (I'm playing VN not baldur's gate). This one has a nice story, lots of teasing along the way, advancing the sexual tension between MC and his family.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The story is repeated and incredibly dull but it's worse here With her bad characters such as

    the mother work maybe like A prostitute with a girlfriend experience perhaps but Without sex just to have a good time
    Just say all and you won't be wrong
    And With its few and short updates, it is not worth the time
    And the worst is The MC he Lack of Intelligence Spineless and submissive to everyone and have no sense of social relations He does not bear his responsibilities Everyone here does not take their responsibilities
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I must say I'm not a fan of long internal monologue. And there is an abundance of it here.

    MC is your typical run of the mill dude that is lusting after the taboo. The only difference is that he has no spine.

    The ladies are all lovely, so this kept it from being lower on the rating scale.

    I'm not sure about the story. I'm not even sure if there is one to be honest.


    I'm not sure where this is going. I'm not sure if there is a story at all. Writing is good, but the amount of inner monologue is boring.
    The MC was studying at another school for a year, and has finally come back home.
    Why was he doing that?
    I'm just not able to recommend this VN. I'm going to have to pass on this one.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is filled with predators, and has one of the most weak-willed, thirsty, simping MC that I've ever seen.
    There's no real narrative, no story or character arcs. Everybody just does whatever they want, without concern or consideration for anyone else.
    I don't like corruption AVNs, and this game feels a lot like one. The women manipulate and use the MC for their own pleasure. Of course, the MC is entirely oblivious to this, and just goes along with everything because of his erection. There's no agency here.

    It's difficult to try and objectively rate this title. Over the course of the game, I started to dislike most love interests, and the MC. What makes the rating harder, is that the game's description is unclear about what it is or what kind of players it's for. If it's intended and designed as a kinetic porn story, then I'd say the dev is doing an okay job. If the game is supposed to have deeper themes or character development, then so far, it's failing at doing that.

    Visually, the game is appealing but far from perfect. Scenes can look bland or empty, though this improves in the later chapters.
    The same goes for the sexual encounters. Animation has improved over the course of the game, though I'd like the dev to put a little more effort into actually showing the climax. This part is usually skipped, where an animation of a sex act finishes, and the scene immediately moves to the aftermath (cuddling, talking, ...)

    There are a few times the dev really outdoes himself. The police car during the flashback scene was hilarious, as was the Kelly/Charlie introduction.

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  18. 3.00 star(s)


    It’s not a Visual Novel but a Kinetic Novel, be warned, there is no choice to make, you get to date/fuck girls even if you don’t like them. Claire-the-slut is the best example, she proclaims herself (no question asked) to be your girlfriend after just a quick BJ in the restroom and after knowing her for only a couple hours. I mean, what if I, the player, don’t like sluts??

    On the plus side the girls are all beautiful, but you can’t escape the typical cliché of the slut, the ice queen, the bitch, the shy and the bookworm. Animations are good, just good. As for the story, well it’s pretty basic and classic: no father, a hot mother with huuuge breasts, and 2 sisters, the bitchy and the cutie. All three are of course love interests, no choice again. Then you have the university and a conveniently female-only classroom with a hot MILF as the teacher. That’s it, you sleep, you eat, you go to school, and you repeat the next day, no hidden mystery or drama, just the boring life of a student.

    All in all, this kinetic novel is rather average, hot girls everywhere but a bland story and NO choice to make.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Good quality animation, a fairly normal plot which means things don't get sidetracked by witches or mafia or weird bullcrap, and the scripting generally works well though there are a few ill chosen words here and there.
    Overall a great start and a fun game to play. I hope that we see more from these creators. There is some nice innovation ehre and I like that we didn't have to deal with the family family holding back for too long. i get the appeal of building tension but sometimes it feels withholding! Good game Merizmare
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    As of 0.5 the content feels really good.
    I was choosing between 4 and 5 stars and ended up choosing 5 because so far there was nothing that really bothered me, as in a real problem in the game.
    The lack of input in some actions, or reactions does detract a bit of the experience in the game, but it is nothing major.

    Story is good/ok, the kinda you expect for this kind of game.
    Art as in images and animations are good/great.
    Amount of content is decent for how far we're in.
    I don't remember right now if there were major problems with the translation/text, I think it didn't have anything worth noting.

    Overall, it was a great experience that definitely made want to keep track of the game in the future.
    And since it delivers a good experience in almost every aspect I can think of, as 0.5 to me this is an excellent game.