Ren'Py - Completed - Unveiling the Unknown [v1.1.0] [TwistedScarlett60]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, I'd rather give it a 4.5 than a 5, but it's not a 4, so 5 it is. The story is so wonderfully wholesome and cute, it touches on dark themes but navigates them in a way where you're left smiling and happy. There's not a lot of dramatic tension, the end is all but a foregone conclusion, but the journey is wonderful.

    The art... I know the selling/unique point of this game was the maid art it was built around, but frankly, I don't like it as much as the original art in the games style, part of that is style and preference, but a lot of it is it not *quite* matching the writing, for example, a lot of the art seems to have the MC being very submissive and overwhelmed, even when they're on top, and just by the way TS writes the mc (who I adore) she's more than a little in control in most of her sexcapades, and the art doesn't reflect that, and I would have preferred original art.

    The gameplay is... mid? It's kinda interesting at first but it devolves into almost a mobile game esque 'make number bigger' sort of thing, but you quickly realize it doesn't actually matter, going to the dungeon is entirely unconnected to the story, and something you only need to do if you want to. Like, it's fine, and I rarely found it worth skipping, but it's not the selling point for sure.

    All in all, the story is great and fun, the characters are amazing, the writing is incredible, the original art is fantastic and the music in great, fantastic.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    TwistedScarlett games are always a nice treat, but unfortunately as his games go this was probably my least favorite. Which by no means makes this a bad game, but there were several design oddities that I hope are not repeated in his future games.

    - Firstly, I like the shift back from RPGMaker to RenPy, and it's praiseworthy that the actual RPG presentation did not shift backwards that much from MG1K. However, the RPG mechanic is just... not that fun in this game. Having to manage a million perks and tech trees and resource types is an even less fun kind of grind than having to deal with the usual bullshit minigames that normally pad out AVGs. I suspect that the author just really likes complicated RPG systems, but at least with MG1K you could just hit an "optimize" button for character builds and then let the game play itself. No such look here.

    - The dungeon dives are kinda neat in theory, but in practice they are mindless and get repetitive quickly. There is not enough worthwhile content here (ie. the monster girls) to keep things fun.

    - Because of the two prior points, plus the fact that you can only experience one scene per in-game day, the "gameplay" loop pretty quickly devolves into the following:

    - Start day
    - Go chat with all the girls for free affection points (1 minute)
    - Watch a scene (5 minutes if you actually read the text maybe, 1 minute otherwise)
    - Go to town and explore for a new town-building scene plus get any guild rewards from your last dungeon run (2 minutes)
    - Spend your resources on a billion tech tree upgrades (3 minutes)
    - Do a repetitive dungeon run until the heat gets so high that everything will one-shot you so you will eventually "die" and the run will end (5 minutes)
    - Repeat until you realize that dungeons are stupid and you should just watch all the maid scenes and then touch grass.

    - The core problem of course is that this means we've spent 10-15 minutes to enjoy a 1-5 minute scene (and ngl I skipped through most of the text.) In retrospect I guess I should've skipped it all. Yes, you will miss some minor scenes with side girls but as far as I can tell that's it. The dungeon runs never end, and once you've gotten the swing of things you can just faceroll through them mindlessly and then realize how much time you've wasted later.

    - However, if you remove the dungeon mechanics the game is just.. a rather bland sandbox VN with an okay plot and girls who are unnecessarily boring. Restricting all the main girls to be maids (plus one nun I guess) in the same household makes the progression always feel the same, even if they have somewhat-different personalities. My main complaint about MG1K is that it was extremely bloated in some ways, but at least you had a very diverse cast and the whole "harem recruitment" thing is fun. Instead in this game the harem is basically already there and all you do as the MC is steal a bunch of horny virgin girls from your jerk brother. Maybe this is just meant to be a smaller / more-focused game than MG1K, idk.

    - The artwork. While most of the VN content relies on AI-enhanced CGs, the maid scenes themselves have a handsketched style which is sorta neat but comes off as lazy/unfinished at times. I suspect that it's not just a style choice, but that the dev just had a bunch of early-stage art commissioned and for whatever reason chose not to finish it. [Edit] Actually I realize now that this entire game was premised around this pre-existing artwork, so a lot of things make sense now. The artwork is not unfinished, although I think having to work off of using it as source material may have limited the game a bit - but this is very speculative on my part. [/Edit] Also I don't understand why some of the side characters were made into black silhouettes. It sorta gave the vibe that the dev just wanted to wrap things up and move on.

    - For all the negativity, I don't think this is a bad game and I'm going to give it four stars. I just think the world was more boring than previous TwistedScarlett games and I'm kinda sad that there's no trippy postgame content from what I can tell (I was thinking that maybe 100% journal completion would unlock something but then I realized that getting all the manor upgrades would require a lot more dungeon runs.) The main thing that is 100% a mistake is the complexity of the RPG stat system. It did not add depth/fun to the game and just wasted time, and I really hope that this is avoided in the dev's next project. Go deeper with the RPG mechanics, hell make some sort of cool new roguelike VN AVG, great. Maybe a sexy version of Fear and Hunger? Cool. But managing a bunch of stats / equipment all the time? Please cut down on this.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, beautiful scenes, gameplay is there but not excessively forced in your face, and the dev works really hard and updates regularly - the polish:dev time ratio is really high. Futa MC is really hot, and the corruption mechanics are implemented very well.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games made;
    fun - the dungeon is a functional game in itself,
    hot - a good corruption story,
    good writing - a well written story that accentuates the scenes,
    amazing art - I don't know they make them this fast to be honest.
    What else could you want?
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    the game is not bad but it doesn't have any real good points:
    - girls are beautiful, but 2 art styles coexist, and it would be much better than only one was used. The 2 styles are lacking consistency.
    - the plot is basically "fuck them all"; not a big problem.... but it never deviates from it, and is not enough used for it if we consider just the pure sex aspect of it.
    - the nature of the game is repetitive and "scene"-based, which becomes tiresome, and lack narration. You choose the girl for which you want a scene, go fight in dungeon (unless you did like me a did big sessions of it because it was not very interesting and be done with it once and for all), sleep, repeat.
    Each girl has from 3-9 scenes, and that's it.

    All in all, I really wanted to love it more than I did and am sad to have not enjoyed more.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great writing, great art and fun gameplay. Found myself thoroughly entertained, so I'm looking forward to this story end and follow the dev to new projects!

    I very rarely read the entirety of a VN, but this one made me do it. That's as big a recommendation as I can give.

    Also, Ophelia best girl!!!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I had mid expectations going into this game, but this game turned out to be pretty amazing. You play as the hero's sister and slowly "corrupt" and get with the maids of the manor. Here are some pros and cons.

    - Good game length (and still not finished yet!)
    - Updates at a reasonable pace
    - Many scenes to collect
    - Actually a good story
    - Replayable scenes

    - There's a big grind that may turn people away from the game (you can cheat though)
    - There's NTR aspects to the game which may turn people off
    - The art stlye differs from the sex scenes to the stills in the game

    Great game and highly recommend playing!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice, so much story with quality detailed content. (Almost)Every character has their own scene, including some character that might just be an npc. On top of that, you get to steal girls from jerky brother. Only one noticeable thing is that all scenes are like draft with lightly colored which is not a big problem considering content amount.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has a surprising amount of depth to it's rpg mechanics for a Ren'Py game.
    Lots of futa on girl sex scenes and stratifying story progression towards each of them. The route towards building your harem can be based on trust and polyamory or mind control based on your choices.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for the fap, stayed for the story.

    Personally I really enjoyed the story, it's not overly complex but still engaging, I found myself playing for longer than usual, just because I want to find out what happens next.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice dungeon crawler with nice plot and Maiden theme!
    It surprisingly being updated often and getting content every month. Seems to be finished, soon. And this is pretty unique for most games on this site.
    Great game especially if you liked Monster Girl 1000, this one has less darker twists thou.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Extremely Entertaining

    From the dungeon crawling to the narrative of the "relationships" between the MC and the maids and shopkeepers its fun and a good way to kill time.

    I've liked every game @TwistedScarlett60 has made that I've played so far (MonsterGirl1000 and Unveiling the Unknown) I cannot wait until this game is released in full so I can binge the rest lmao.

    Keep it up @TwistedScarlett60
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Just a very good game. The dungeon crawling is pretty fun, I like the story and characters, leveling and upgrading everyone is satisfying (numbers go brrr), the light touch of netori (sorta-cucking your arsewipe brother), the great art - all adds up to a very satisfying experience
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A lewd game with an actual game in it!

    Another fine hit from someone who actually finishes a product.

    I loved each and every one of the haram, the story twists were somewhat predictable but the execution was good in all regards. I think I spent 14 hours to complete the content without cheating and didn't feel the grind was oppressive.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    After playing and thoroughly enjoying Monster Girl 1000, I was excited to see a new project by TwisterScarlett60. Once again, I've really enjoyed myself.
    The story is a lot of fun and seems to build upon the world (universe? multiverse?) from Monster Girl 1000, so I look forward to see where that goes. The story is very clealy more than just 'lines of text that explain why everyone wants to bed you' and I've found myself genuinely invested in the characters, worldbuilding and whatever kind of connection there might be between this game and the last. I wholeheartedly recommend this game to anyone who likes a bit of an emotional connection while one-handedly pressing spacebar.
    Besides the classic visual-novel type gameplay, there's a roguelitey dungeoney progression system too, which was fun. I did sorta break it about 2 or 3 updates ago so I can't really tell you anything about the current system, but the road to getting every single upgrade (except for that one) was really fun. Seeing which upgrades boost your progression the most, and every so often getting an upgrade that suddenly exponentially increases your loot was very satisfying.
    I'm not great at thinking of good, constructive feedback (or putting my thoughts into words at all), so I normally don't really leave reviews, but I just really wanted to share how much I've enjoyed this game and how much I've looked forward to every update.
    One thing I'd like to see in the final version would be a clear difference in the story from the choices made in the game, or, if people don't want to replay the game, some final choice with a bit of impact. The story so far has already been hinting that a big choice might come up eventually so I've kinda been assuming it'd happen anyway, but I couldn't really think of anything else I'd really want. (Now that I think about it, I remember earlier updates giving the player a choice after hangouts to be an ass or not, but I haven't seen that in a while so I assume that's been scrapped? I don't really mind because I didn't like the mean choices anyway, but something similar to that regarding how you choose to act at the end of the game (I don't know how to spoiler mark text, so I'll try to leave it vague), would be neat to see.)
    From what I've seen so far playing this game and Monster Girl 1000, whatever may come in the final update, I'm sure I'll enjoy it a great deal.

    (also Mirabelle is best girl, and the number two spot goes to literally everyone else, they're all great)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games I found.
    I knew TwistedScarlett for a while, and was really nice to see another development from them after Monster Girl 1000.
    I love the scenes and theme, and being able to conquer everyone, not only corrupt them slowly, having a lot of choices and paths let the game be way more enjoyable.
    I also really enjoy how MDF-AN and Twisted worked together on this, even more with Twisted own scenes and characters again, loved to see Juggernaut, the Goblin and GODDAM the market girl was amazing.
    The dungeon is pretty broken ngl, playing with an older save i'm more than 800 levels deep now and it's pretty much I OKO them or they OKO me, and I see no reason to play Dungeon +,it resets everything from your upgrades, even the manor ones...
    The game has so much potential and lots of Girl on Girl content, I'd love to see Mirabelle and Hazel sometime, seems like Mirabelle would be teased a lot by her, and she could even try to punish Hazel after being teased for so long idk.
    I know it is close to the end, and most of the pictures were made even before the game. But i'd really appreciate if you explored it a bit more, Lady Balethorn questline for example, more threesomes and orgys, combine the pieces you have, who knows, maybe even some city characters interacting?

    Loving the game, thanks for the awesome development and experience
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Version 0.9
    Admittently it's quiet a bit grindy at times, but it's the fun kind of grind and the Updates kept providing upgrades to reduce the grind in time.

    The gameplay is intuitive and well explained, makeing this one of the rarer Dungeon Crawler games.

    Some of the Update cost seem lunatic, esspecially the "Pure Heart" Upgrade, but I found myself enjoying the constant growth of both my Party and the facilities owned by the MC which in turn improved the Party and looting even more
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Another 5 star game from TwistedScarlett. I've been following their games since Friendship with Benefits, and it has been amazing to play all of their games. Amazing art, story, writing, and for a ren'py game the gameplay is top notch too. I can't wait for the finale (and pregnant Seraphina scenes)!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Futa/fem games are a rarity, even rarer to find a good one, and this one is definitely among the top, at the very least it was my favorite. The art is very clean and the characters are delightful.

    I'm really looking forward to the ending.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    A solid game with a lot of potential, especially for Futa enjoyers without many quality games. I was worried the NTR would be more in your face, but it's actually Netori rather than Netorare, which makes it much more bearable. The story itself was actually quite well written and enjoyable and I look forward to see how the story concludes. Each character makes sense and is varied in how they respond to situations. Lyra is a bit rushed, though she seems to be an add-in character anyways.

    The gameplay itself needs work, but has potantial. There is pretty much no reason to use anything other than firestorm and curse other than to occasionally do extra combination damage. That is mostly because you are trying to kill everything in one shot as to make sure they don't damage you back. Eventually when you are powerful enough it's literally just clicking the screen once to kill per node and making sure both firestorm and curse are up. I think with some work, the dungeoning would be interesting, but as it stands, it's kind of tedious.

    The art is great and varied. I see they used a few separate artists, which is fine. Though touching up the art on previous scenes would be appreciated. The animation is pretty barebones, like 4-5 frames per "animation", it's not a deal breaker but as an animation enjoyer guy, it was a bit of a letdown.

    Gameplay: 3/5
    Story: 4/5
    Characters: 4/5
    Art: 5/5
    Animation: 2/5

    Overall, I would recommend to anyone who enjoys futa and doesn't mind a bit of a material slog. It has potential and I look forward to more.