Ren'Py - Completed - Unveiling the Unknown [v1.1.0] [TwistedScarlett60]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. Fun story that doesn't take itself too seriously and great art! The progression is smooth and upgrades feel impactful but not difficult (which i think is a plus for a game you're playing with one hand ;)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty great game. Not sure how it took me so long to find it, considering it's got everything I like (and some things I didn't know I did!), and being centered around MDF's art, who's been a personal favorite artist of mine for a long time...

    I've got nothing but praise for it in its current state, and I'm excited to see how some of the current storylines pan out. Seeing the Hayley scene come full circle made me laugh as much as anything else.

    I typically avoid NTR with a 10-foot pole, even ones where the MC is the one 'getting some', but in here it's more about breaking their romanticized ideals of a very toxic and selfish "hero", and seeing their feelings actually grow for the MC, than just getting laid.

    You can take the 'harsh' options if you're more a fan of the true 'cheating' style of NTR, but those choices don't restrict the story in any way, from what I've seen.

    As for the combat system and dungeon mechanics- I'm typically not a huge fan of dungeon crawlers, and while most of the dungeon content is not particularly sexual, there's NPCs within it (yes, with sexual events) and a progression scheme based upon it that makes it worthwhile to whittle away at.

    That said, for those who don't enjoy the mechanic, most of the impact of the resources are negligible. I recommend it, if only for upgrades that make affection rates grow faster, but it is largely ignorable. After the 'tutorial' experiences and unlocking a few easy upgrades, you can automatically produce most of the materials without actually running dungeons (albeit at a slower rate).

    All in all, between consistent updates and quality only improving over time, I can wholeheartedly recommend this title.
  3. 4.00 star(s)



    This game has 3 different elements that work together nicely:

    You have the VN style system where you basically unlock a lewd scene each day. The writing and the plot are enjoyable and they progress at a steady pace.

    The sex scenes are ok. An unique drawing style for sex scenes, which may not be the best in terms of quality, but feels and is more than good enough. The main problem with them is that, for a game focused on futa, tomboy, and trans, there is absolutely no anal sex.

    Funnily enough, I found the sex elements to be the weakest, but that has everything to do with my preferences and it's not a problem with the game.

    The other two elements are a dungeon system where you fight using rather simple and repetitive mechanics, and an upgrades system that is nice and not too grindy.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games that I've played on here. I just started and played it for 10 hours straight. Makes me wanna play this devs other games. Which I will do once I find the time. Need more fmc games that are this high quality.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm super biased here. Lots of gay penetrative sex with women while cucking a man whose behaviour is cliche and "alpha" is a combination I wish I could get from more games <3 and I love games that flirt with the demonic!

    Saying that, this game gets almost everything right. First of all it's an actual game and not a kinetic novel that pretends it isn't. The gameplay is fun enough on its own to not simply be a chore for the porn. There's a ton of multiplicative boosts you can buy as you ride an economic exponential curve, and it's not obviously clear that any one path is broken; it seems like some care went into making the game deep but balanced enough to not be boring. The writing is not only professional and well-edited, but the story itself is compelling and that plus the gameplay really elevate this beyond simple porn.

    I normally play games without sound, but the sounds and music are actually done well here. Not in your face like some games that are too proud of their audio, but put together with care. The audio adds to the atmosphere instead of taking away from it. My only criticism, and it's very minor, is the voicing (moaning, basically) is tied to the sound volume slider, which also has the non-ero sound effects which are a lot louder. I like that the porny sounds aren't stupid loud but it would be better if they had separate sliders.

    The dev isn't breaking the fourth wall and self-inserting to break immersion, either. It doesn't play with the genre or self-indulge artistically, it's just a sincere piece of media. If you're at all interested in the themes, you will enjoy this game.

    I'd go as far to say that it's one of the best Ren'Py games I've ever played.
  6. 5.00 star(s)



    A really great game, there are not a lot of Futanari protagonist games with such beautiful art like this. Lily is really a favorite character of mine, the story is good all the LI's are cute and pretty.

    That pretty much sums up the need to play this game, also @TwistedScarlett60 coming off the success of Monster Girls 1000 didn't disappoint is giving yet another banger.

    Really great work developing back to back superb games.

    The dungeon crawling was a bit difficult at first but after grasping the mechanics it became very easy. It servers mostly as a distraction to the main events, which surely don't disappoint.

    Really good game. Keep up the awesome work.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I've enjoyed all this developer's games so far and this one looks like it might be their best work yet. They have such an awesome art style. The women look attractive and cute without being over the top. The writing is also believeable, funny and interesting. The way things unfold feels organic and believeable, which is kind of funny considering it has magic and a bunch of other fantasy elements. Gameplay is intuitive and rewarding. It rewards you for using strategy and doesn't get grindy. If I had any feedback on any things I didn't like I would include it, but for now I'm just excited to see more. Thanks for the game!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of those rare gems among porn games, where you could strip out all the NSFW content and you'd still have a really compelling story with engaging characters, great writing, and gorgeous art... and then on top of that, the NSFW content not only exists, but is abundant and ALSO hot enough to be worthwhile all on its own. My only criticism is the actual 'game' part, the estate management and combat, is merely serviceable, but even that much is a step above 90+% of porn games, so it doesn't feel worth docking a star for when the other parts are so good. Hats off to you, Scarlett.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A great mix of wholesome and slightly dark tropes in a slightly-twisted fantasy setting. The game really gets you invested in the characters, but the porn is also plentiful and great looking. The bulk of the more "game-y" elements are unrefined but improving with every patch, and they're also completely optional if you're more interested in the visual novel content.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best games I've played on here. Engaging plot, excellent visuals, and the combat isn't infuriating. Checks all my kink boxes as well. lol Wasn't sure what to really expecting going into it, but I'm looking forward to more updates!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Currently writing this at V0.6.1

    The game may still be in development, but the dev's track record clearly isn't just for show. The art is great, both the standing sprites and the sex CGs, the dungeon combat was enjoyable (although it might still need a bit of tweaking in regards to balancing), and the management/upgrading/skill-tree stuff was an enjoyable side-progression to go along with the characters' routes and the main plot.

    I usually don't like posting reviews for games that are only half finished, but so long as the dev doesn't retroactively screw everything that's already in the game up, the finished product will be even better than the already amazing experience present now.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great, the characters are beautiful and friendly (except Lily's brother(⁠°⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠°⁠ ⁠~⁠)) the background sound effects are great and the character arts are simply perfect... especially when they're doing that thing(⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠) the story is great and the dungeon is very interesting with the combat mode that allows you to combine skills, I I really liked it. I'm very excited for future versions.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun little game so far with a protagonist in an awkward but funny situation.
    Game play can be a tad grindy with the dungeons and gathering supplies to upgrade is rather slow at first but if you spend your points right and focus on clearing goals in the guidebook you can easily level up without issue.

    Looking forward to more updates to this mainly hoping for possible impregnation and demon mommy action
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I have finished the story for now (v0.61) in about 8 hours and I can say I like this game
    The art is very good although it quite janky when the NSFW part started but later it also grew on me
    The Story is okay but the dialogues is definitely carrying the plot
    Gameplay aspect is addicting, simple but addicting
    Can't wait for the next content update, also succubus + lewd maid outfit please
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. The artstyle looks very good. It has a decent gameplay loop and management system. The writing is good and the characters are interesting. Great designs. Plenty of scenes and array of content.

    Literally everything you could ask for in a futa protagonist centric game. It's a hidden gem. Highly highly recommended.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very fun ride, good grind if you're into that, but not necessary to progress story. I'm excited for what's next! Thanks for the game! If I had to pick at something, it's how slowly the ball gets rolling wrt the dungeon gameplay loop, but once you get the right upgrades the resources really start flowing in :)
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is designed very well. The interactions feel decent, and the dungeon crawling is pretty good. Many of the mechanics still need to be adjusted and balanced, but that's expected from an unfinished game.

    There is clear direction of what the devs want, and I am excited to play this game when it fully releases. I trust this developer to at least finish their games at this point.
    Likes: Zanax
  18. 3.00 star(s)



    TLDR: The gameplay loop is a simple and fun turn based strategy game put inside of a roguelike map (similar to Slay the Spire). You explore the dungeon, kill off as many monsters as you can, grab as much loot as you can, get defeated, respawn back in base, buy upgrades and then do more dungeoning. The world and the plot is interesting. The H-scenes are not numerous but quite good (even though the art isn't in a finished state). Thankfully H-scenes are not gated by dungeon progression.

    + Easy to understand and fun to play
    + RNG elements from shop nodes have been removed from Dungeons. Each shop is represented by a different color icon
    + Number abbreviation is nicer to read but it takes longer to sell stuff to City Merchant

    - Extremely grindy. Upgrades get ridiculously expensive. I would know because I bought all of the upgrades.
    - Loot bag loot is capped at 55M (5.5e6) Crystals & Gold, and 360 Enchanted Crystals per run. This is a paltry sum given how expensive upgrades are (for reference you need 1e16 crystals to afford the final Max HP upgraded)
    - No sell all option when selling a resource to the City Merchant
    - now you have to unlock each of the shops in the in City one at a time. You can only unlock one shop per day. This is a very unnecessary change
    - H-scene art lacks polish
    - Either you one shot the enemy or they one shot you type of gameplay

    Currently Evasion% is the best form of survivability you can get. Currently Evasion with Dungeon Buff and Bubble Shield maxes out at 68%. Along with Evasion, getting as much Attack, Crit Chance and Crit dmg is the only way to go.

    Fun but very grindy
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    would be great if each have their own stats and turn instead of a party stats though. but that would be a revamp and a bunch of work i guess.. still its a decent dungeon crawling game, but i wish that the route would properly address the mc as such because if the canon is a female mc having cursed, then why even give us femboy route... sometime in femboy route the text still address mc as mistress, she, her, them.. even the profile state that mc is a her on male route..
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing art style. Good plot and lore. Cute maids. Still a few bugs and problems with writing, but you can't expect all that much polish from a game that is not finished. I expect this game to be one of my favourite ones once it's finished.