Upload your art on our site and try to break it


New Member
Apr 22, 2020

The past weeks, we have been working on a new art platform for 3d rendering related content. One of the motivations behind that was this subforum. There are tons of amazing artists in here creating incredible content, but its very cumbersome to navigate through the different pages of a thread if you just want to see the images. Our vision is to create a fast and lean art platform where you can discover content by tags (game titles, genres, artists, resources used, etc), save your favourite images in your own collections. Create your own pages (similiar to instagram) and show your personal portfolio to others. You will be able to use the platform as an image host and link your posts on other forums (like here) so viewers can quickly find other related images through the tagging system. Many more features are planned...

We have finished a mvp (minimal viable product) of the platform and we need some folks to upload content and test it for only a few minutes. Note that this is a development build and everything will be wiped after the test. If everything goes smoothly we will launch the production build next week.

If you have some renders lying around, it would be great if you test our website and fill out our survey. It only takes a few minutes.


- Please fill this out after testing.
- If you have questions either ask on discord or inside this thread