Ren'Py - Completed - V.I.R.T.U.E.S. [v17] [NoMeme]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I completed this game a while ago but I'll give my two cents, for completionist's sake.

    VIRTUES is a really simple "harem-sim" with frequent sex scenes. They're competently made, and hot enough as with most HS animations.

    The game is mostly forgettable although I do like the girls (one is a bit too young-coded for my taste).

    There's not much else I want to say. If you're looking for a completed HS game just for fap material with no BS, this'll probably do the trick.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Virtues is a game that started off strong but ended poorly due to lack of updates and the developer just not focusing enough on this game. The developer wanted to start a new project but didn't want to leave this game unfinished so the ending is rushed and feels incomplete still. With that said:

    - Amazing h-scenes
    - A lot of h-scenes to collect with multiple girls
    - Different routes to take
    - You can unlock features to your house and girls as you progress
    - Progression system is fluid and rewarding
    - Plot is decent

    - Ending rushed
    - Lack of updates for a long time
    - More characters got a lot more scenes than others
    - Can be very grindy at times

    Give this game a shot and look forward to Passion3D's next work and hope that it finishes well
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm so disappointed with this game. It could have been incredible, a 5-star game, if it were well-written, with dialogues that evolve, less grinding, and fewer repetitive scenes. I don't know if it was rushed or if the aim was to create a weak game in this style, but it really let me down.

    The girls are beautiful, all with big tits, which disappointed me a bit. The girl who was supposed to be "loli" has big breasts, so her small breasts drama feels pointless. Many of the romances are well-developed, but there's so much grinding and repetitive scenes until you get to something interesting, which is frustrating. Not to mention that to progress with Girl A, you need to first progress with Girl B, which makes sense for a harem story, but ends up creating a large space without anything new or advancing.

    The prologue (tutorial) to me is the most nonsensical of any game I've ever played. In my opinion, the prologue should fill all time gaps, introduce the system/map/HUD, and the girls, but right from the start, we have to grind. There are periods of time where you have nothing to do. This beginning almost made me give up, but I'm glad I went a little further because the romances are really interesting.

    Another thing that made me abandon the game was the dialogues. Sometimes they're incredibly well-developed and funny, but most of the time, they lead nowhere. You make plans to go out with someone and it's never mentioned again. There's a fortune-teller who sees your future, but she managed to get all predictions wrong.

    Without a doubt, the writing is the worst part of this game, but the repetition comes right behind in second place. If it were a visual novel without the day of the week and time period system, and with dialogues that always make sense and lead somewhere, it would be one of the best games on the site.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I have mixed feelings. It is very enjoyable until 3/4 then it falls off a bit. Here are some of my thoughts:

    -Story: Interesting and engaging until certain point. I appreciate that you can choose to be a bit more rough throughout the game during sex scenes
    -Renders: Average I'd say, graphics are a bit outdated but they're still good IMO.
    -Animations: Pretty good.
    -Playability: Most of the game it was enjoyable but gets a bit grindy towards the end.
    -Characters: I'd say this is where it shines the most, I loved the Girls and their dialogs. Although the MC might be a bit controversial I don't dislike him either because he has some past issues.
    -Music/Sound: It has only a few tracks which are not bad at all and sex animations have sounds as well. So they are good enough.

    Overall I'd give it an 8/10. Had a lot of fun. It's really worth trying.

    Btw I just realized that "VIRTUES" means Vera/Irene/Rachel/Theodora/Uno/Elisa/Senning ... that's kinda cool -
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful graphics, smooth animation, streamlined enough to have an engaging plot, one of the best games I've ever played. It has no flaws, except for the fact that the updates are a bit long in between. The point is, it depicts positive Chinese girls, and white-haired sisters, and oh my god, it's so fitting for my sexual fetish, I love it. Hope the next game make by creator still got a strong quality.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The game offers a mixed bag of experiences. On one hand, it shines in character development, rendering, and sex animations, but on the other, it stumbles in terms of gameplay and storytelling.

    The characters. In a genre where character quality often varies greatly, this game managed to make nearly all its characters compelling and likable. Their individual storylines, personalities, and interactions were crafted with remarkable detail, adding depth to the game and enhancing its appeal.

    The renders, The game has some of the most stunning renders I've ever seen with this engine. The level of visual quality was amazing.

    The sex animations also stand out. They are exceptionally smooth and well-executed.

    However, the game has its fair share of shortcomings. The gameplay experience is marred by excessive grinding and scene repetition, making progression feel like a chore. The storytelling, or lack thereof, is another disappointment. The overarching narrative is basic and nearly non-existent.

    In summary, despite its flaws, it was still a pretty good experience. The exceptional characters, stunning rendering, and engaging sex animations provide plenty of reasons to give this game a chance. However, be prepared for a fair amount of grinding and a rather basic narrative. If you can look past these issues, you'll find a game with a lot to offer in terms of character-driven gameplay and visual appeal.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed it thoroughly.
    6/7 main characters are of "big boobs" variety, so there isn't exactly a lot of different bodytypes here. Not an issue for me. it helps that only one girl has huge tits and none of them have grotesquely huge tits.
    Every girl has a different personality/kink. So there is a high chance that you'll find the one that you like.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm giving it 4 overall although it's probably not a full 4, maybe a 4-.
    The models are good quality but a bit too samey, I really liked two of them though. The story is totally fine, they also did a good job at setting up the harem portion of the game, writing is ok.
    The biggest issue is definitely the grinding, it's done to a pointless extent, just mindless repetition so that you can unlock the next step which you have to do multiple times for multiple steps for multiple girls, it's basically the downfall of the game.
    I would still recommend at least trying it though, and then you can decide if it's worth the grind.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    With a wide cast of characters, V.I.R.T.U,E.S manages to accomplish what many games fail to do with them, give each character a deep and almost real feel.
    Even though this is just a porn game, it manages to deliver a somewhat coherent story with good each of the characters being aware of each other's relationship with the MC.
    Though, I can understand that some people feel frustrated about some FMC train of thoughts and overall personality, I still recommend them to play it until the end.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has a pretty strong start - there's a plot where the playboy son of a billionaire suddenly finds himself without his funds and needs to build up again, finding lots of love along the way, but then his mysterious father disappears forever, and the entire plot sort of vanishes. The rest of the game is convincing a set of unique girls to congeal into a single sex slave/lover persona through monotonous grinding and a lot of repetitive scenes. The girls begin with personalities, but don't worry, the personalities are wiped away pretty swiftly and replaced with mindless sex. The stakes are always low, the plot evaporates, the game doesn't really end so much as run out of content, money is useless, and the choices you make don't have real consequences.

    That said, I love the huge boobs. The renders and sex scenes are pretty well done, though the dialogue is stilted and inhuman, and the girls talk in a very unnatural way.

    I dunno, I suppose this game bit off more than it can chew. It had ambitions, but I feel like it could have been more focused and shorted and been more compelling.
    Likes: Jarul
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I guess its a fairly good game.
    You have good graphics.
    A pretty standard story and a buildup that "properly" leads to harem.

    But it's not that engaging imo.
    Then it's sandbox.
    + grind.
    Dunno about you. But that's more trouble than these are worth (I don't remember a case in a porn game where grind was worth the reward.)

    We have the tsundere who does not communicate well but "cares" more than you can tell because they show the opposite of their real feelings.

    We have rushed story here and there.

    I'm a MILF lover. So I try to get the entire available story of the milf. In this game, for the milf's ending. She goes from saying "I can't be your wife. I'm too old." to us missing any confirmation or special moment to give us the necessary context for a the next scene where she says "thank you for choosing me to be your wife."

    Now I admit to being human and thus imperfect. I might have missed the two affirming their feelings and their commitment/bond in some slide that confirmed the marriage. At least one of the girls confirmed her feelings before her and the mc became housewife and househusband. Yes you could clearly tell the MILF liked the relationship with the mc. However I don't play these games to imagine personally provide the context that bridges "I'm too old" to "I love my milf-wife." and "thank you for choosing me to be your wife."

    If you stuck through that. You maybe understand how invested I am in Milf content. Or you are again disappointed in humanity for doing something that you don't understand why/something unreasonable.

    That's life ainnit?
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The very definition of grinding should include a reference to this game. It's insanely inflated by pointless repeating events that caps the progression of other characters until you score unjustifiably high points with each girl. The story is dumb and directionless. It would have worked better just as a normal story based VN with some menu for repeating events like the pointless, but nice to see, training interactions menu. At least you wouldn't have gotten all the mutually incoherent endings overlapping. Girls are all hot and cute. I wish they didn't all have sadly oversized boobs. An oppai or two are good in a game, but, literally, all of then with the sole exclusion of the loli? Feels juvenile. It felt like a 1 star project, but the content is massive and the scenes are hot. I must at least recognize that.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Meh game. MC does not have enough sleep sex scenes with the women. One of them has several scenes with him but not enough to entice. All the women have big boobs, even those with "small boobs" the creator could have made more ass on the models but must have really be into tits.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Overall, a nice visual novel, but with some weaknesses.
    At some points the story is quite nice and you build a relationship with the girls that goes a little deeper. But sometimes it just seems very flat, forced or just random.

    The MC always says how educated and " virtuose " he is, but he doesn't act like that. As soon as it comes to sex he is more or less cock controlled. Drunk or not so deal with an inexperienced girl and after the first time just offer money? Yes he comes to his senses afterwards that this was not the smartest thing to do and takes responsibility but still....

    As others have pointed out it's pretty grindy and you have to chase all the women to a certain extent -> for example I'm not into MILF content which you have to manually skip (did I miss an option?) otherwise you don't get anywhere.

    The quantitative amount of content is quite good - about 9 hours for me, although I also skipped a bit. The texts were well understandable for me, but I can only say little about the mistakes, because English is not my native language.

    The quantitative amount of content is quite good - about 9 hours for me, although I also skipped a little bit. The texts were well understandable for me, but I can only say little about the errors, since English is not my native language.

    About the character design:
    I just have a weakness for girls with white/silver or red/pink hair although the others are also attractive. As mentioned before, I'm less into the MILF content, so Elisa & Lady Minna just fall through for me.
    The poses are mostly well chosen.
    But I do not understand one thing why so many creators are fixated on huge breasts that are beyond realistic
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    You ever want to feel like your reading MTL without MTL? Here you go.

    All told its not an awful game, its grindy sure, but so are a lot of sandbox games, and the inconcsistent English.
    You'll have Ow for OH and Ow for Ouch used interchangeably, which is one of the more minor issues that just can outright change the context of a scene.

    The protagonist is also kinda just annoying, he speaks highly of his virtue, but is down to fuck a drunk chick and take advantage of a chick who knows little to nothing about sex.
    You can't have a 'moral' character that constantly does immoral things and then is just like 'oops'

    This game definitely needed an editor and probably a protagonist with a different moral structure.

    That aside it is nice that you can unlock the endings and view them or other subplots again from your room, which is something not many games I've seen have thought of.

    The models are fine, but the girls definitely don't feel like they were given an equal chance and there are clear favorites.

    You can play it, and can generally grasp whats being said, but dev really needs to go back and edit the broken English, make the PC more consistent, and give reason to unlocking the trainings and such beyond just to see the same event again.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    good game despite being a 'japanese harem game' with to much focus on big tits, that is not something bad but variety would be better and girls talking about being conquered in the middle of sex sometimes, some of the content didnt get finished and i would like more harem/pregnancy but is very much worth playing
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    The start is a little rough, I sometimes had the feeling the MC was somewhat mentally unstable, becouse one day he would seem to be a spineless virgin, the next day a dominant man, the third day he'll stammer and stutter becouse someone mentioned boobs and the fourth day he'll grab a girl by the throat and fuck her roughly.
    Luckily it does get better, untill he settles into a somewhat simpy dominance, you know, the type who'll dominate a girl and then apologise profusely when it's over.
    Not a bad personality type, but not ideal for me either.
    Regardless, as soon as things start getting more serious with the girls is when the game really picks up, the scenes are great and the story is good. Just remember it takes a little while to get there.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful renders, It doesn't happen very often when I get attached to a character like I did with Theo who's really hit everything I like in a Main female character. First time I've played a harem game where I actually felt more like just staying with one
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story along with a great cast of characters. However, since all models were made in honey select, I can't give the dev too much praise on that side. The UI was amazing but I hoped this game would be made in an engine other than renpy because it lagged at mostly every moment, and it wasn't a PC issue. The sandbox aspect was also amazing, however, the game felt a bit "fetishy" at some points considering the master-slave stuff and the whole harem with one master stuff, but that was fine since thats the kind of game this is. The grammar and spellchecking needs to immensly worked if the dev is working on another one after this and maybe get a native english speaker to help with the writing and language. But other than that, great game. 10/10. Enjoyed it alot and didn't get bored.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has bad graphics and poor details. There is a lot of women but they are not so attractive. The story is a bit strange (probably because the harem setting). The gameplay is between average and poor.