Ren'Py - Completed - V.I.R.T.U.E.S. [v17] [NoMeme]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    5 stars for the character and H-scene, fun to play with.
    the story feels flat and nothing exciting just like my daily life, the conversation also feels flat, lack of comedic things. the only competitor is the harem hotel.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game, very wholesome... at least on the love path... Didn't have the heart to go for the sexual partner path...
    200 characters is far too much for this review, but take what you will as I'm willing to write that much to show how much I enjoy this game. Thanks for the read!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best Harem games in my opinion. There are a lot of Harem games but this one is excellent in delivering the right amount of content for Harem. The animations are good. No need for grinding or anything, just proceeding with the story, which should be the norm for all the games
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    version 13
    If you are a teenager and you like tags, you might like this game. If you are of a certain age and have read a lot, you will notice that the writing style is quite childish.

    I don't recommend it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This one is great!

    It is one of the rare sandboxes that's not grindy at all and it has a lot of content. I love the models personally except mc, but it doesn't really matter, you rarely see him.

    Anyhow, I don't see any weak points in this game, updates have been constant with decent content each time.
    Totally worth a try.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    THIS IS IT! THE ABSOLUTE BEST HAREM GAME SO FAR! Lots of depth and development to the relationships of each girl, while also trying to slowly ease in the harem development and acceptance of every party. Amazing and unique characters as well. Looking forward to future updates, and I highly recommend this for an AMAZING HAREM GAME!
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    My first rating of this was 5* as I was new here and thought this was a great game. But after playing many more games I have to change my rating. Most of all because of the grinding. The LIs are good and different, but you don't get much for all the work. The story is ok, but nothing more. So, summoning all the pros and cons I end up with 3* instead.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I flipped a coin to decide between a 3 and a 4. Fair warning.

    This is, I think, the fourth time I've "discovered" this game and been pretty excited by it. Then once I actually start the game and load into the main game screen/map, I go "oh, it's this game again?" That should tell you something.

    This time I finally got much into the game at all. I don't think I ever got much past the prologue before. I *think* the map markers for interactions must have gotten added since at least the first time I tried playing this, but I think I've seen them before this latest go-around.

    The art largely speaks for itself. This is the only reason I even bothered to flip the coin. I won't really talk about it any further. The screen shots are going to be more useful than anything I could say.

    This game is... disconcerting to play. There are a variety of factors - intentional and otherwise - that contribute. But they all just kind of wreck your sense of presence/immersion/wtf is going on.

    First up would be the bugs - or at least I'd classify them that way. You can trigger the standard "event repeat" kind of scene prior to the initial event sometimes. This can lead to some odd sequencing and confusion.

    Then you have the way a fair number of transitions/forced events happen. I'm not so keen on the whole sandbox thing in general, so I don't mind at all when the game just moves something along for you. I'm actually pretty happy about that. But. The game doesn't really bother to actually transition into or out of them. You can often wake up in the morning, go to the library or something where nothing happens, and then the very next screen is you in the middle of a conversation halfway across town. Then the conversation ends pretty quickly and it's late at night. It's super disconcerting. The game went to the trouble of having a relatively granular (5 or 6 time phases a day, I think?) time system, and is entirely based around the map screen. Yet you get somewhat regularly teleported across time and space with no warning or even acknowledgement. It does a pretty good job of wrecking any sense of coherency and control that might be one of the main benefits of the whole sandbox thing.

    Then you have the main character. One of the major benefits of the whole first-person VN thing is the relative ease of the whole self-insert thing without needing the MC to be so entirely generic as to be more rock than human. This game however went with more of the rich, ignorant, and quasi-well-intentioned asshole thing. It's not a terrible character or anything, it just clashes a fair bit with the whole self-insert bit. It's not particularly comfortable and is, well, a bit disconcerting to watch yourself go around being a bit of an ignorant asshole while genuinely thinking you're a totally great guy.

    All in all it's just a lot of factors that come together to make the experience not quite work. It's not terrible, but it's just all a bit uncomfortable and never feels very right.

    I'd suggest basing any decisions on the renders. If they're just something you have to try to see more of, give it a shot. Maybe it'll be worth it for you. Otherwise, I'd probably give it a pass unless you've got a time machine that lets you actually play all the damn games that are out these days and you're struggling to find something to play next.
    Likes: kvier
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Templar Knight

    I found this game yesterday and I have to say, not only the graphics are very good but the story of each character is written with care and attention as I have not seen in any game before. For me, the best character is Theodora, I really want to see the ring scene, the wedding scene, and since the mc doesn't remember what he did, she lets it out to him right away.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A very pleasant game, brought a lot of pleasure)))
    It helped me a lot not to die in depression while I was writing my master's degree.
    Animations my compliments)
    Thanks for not leaving her.
    UPD: Just for information. Theo is my favorite.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Okay so bad stuff out of the way first, for 3/4 of this game i really disliked the MC. So much so in the beginning that i actually stopped playing the game a couple times. I'm generally pretty flexible when it comes to needing to perform some mental gymnastics to enjoy these games, but the MC was really testing me, thankfully he gets a bit better as the game progresses and isn't as much of a drag. So the good: everything else. The girls are great, the game looks pretty great, and the H scenes are really great. It's a sandbox and it can be a bit grindy but i like that there are multiple ways to increase stats it helps make the game feel a bit more alive even if it can be a bit tedious sometimes. Narratively the game is pretty simple, not a lot of main story drama tough some of the girls have their own trials and tribulations. I really liked the inclusion of some alternate endings for some of the girls they were some of the best thought out and well written portions of the game. Overall I'd highly recommend this to any fan of harem games with the caveat that the MC starts off as kind of a dick imo and for a lot of the game is kind of all over the place personality wise. But if you can deal with that you'll be treated to some great H scenes with some really nice looking and well imagined LIs.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Try immerse yourself in the plots they said. It will be about romance they said.

    I made a mistake and gave it a chance based on the aggregate score instead of reading individual reviews. My bad. The amount of 5-star reviews is unlike I've ever seen for such a poorly made game.

    The main issue. I hereby can confirm that writing in this game is simply atrocious. The grammar is extremely bad, dialogues are cringy, characters are clichés, sex scenes are bad, and even narration, the easiest part of writing, is stilted. "I am already 21 years old, currently a student [at UniversityName] with a finance major. I am a rich good looking young man with a lot of one-night experiences." What the... Real people do not think about themselves like that. Ever. The promised romance? Well, first thing you see in terms of sexual encounters is MC raping someone. Mmm, what a hopeless romantic!

    Anyway, I tried to soldier on in hopes it gets even slightly better, but I was unable to take it for long.

    Since this is mostly a VN, such writing spells the death sentence. Renders are worthless, just play HS2 or whatever Illusion game this is made with.

    In short, this game is shockingly bad and I should feel bad for playing it. And I do.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite harem games that I have discovered on this site. All seven girls are distinct and have heir own unique personalities and kinks. The story isn't amazing but significantly better than the average h-game. Great variety of scenes and the fact that there is little grinding to get new scenes is a major plus. I'm such a fan that I'm now a patreon of the creators.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    If good writing is important to you, avoid this game. I'm not referring to the broken English, though that is a problem. The writing is excruciatingly bad. I literally couldn't play for two minutes before it drove me away.

    I'm honestly shocked by all the positive reviews this game has. I've played plenty of games on this site with poor writing and managed to enjoy them. This one, however, is on another level.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    tl;dr : It's not a masterpiece but it's pretty damn good.

    4/5 stars.

    I actually really liked this game. At the beginning I wasn't sure about it at all but within the first hour or so I got pretty invested. Now to be perfectly honest there isn't really anything amazing in this title. The mechanics are decent, the writing is decent, the scenes and renders are decent, the characters are decent (with a few exceptions, though that last one is based entirely on preference and personal perception), however, the game as a whole is pretty damn good. Better than most IMHO.

    It can be a bit repetitive and (somewhat?) grindy due to RNGesus running the show but it's not too bad in that aspect, especially compared to some other games out there. There was obviously effort put into the character's personalities so they don't come off as clones of each other (the models and visuals on the other hand can certainly be argued to be, though I had no issues there) and I personally like all of them.

    Overall it's definitely worth playing if you're looking for a new game to dive into.

    Recommended by that guy who just downloads the gallery mod on 80% of the games and never actually plays them.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Reviewed at version 12a.

    Not great, unless you love big tits.

    Part of the problem is that at least 3 of the women have the same body, just different skin tones. There are scenes in the harem path where all 3 are together, and that's when it became painfully apparent that they are are effectively identical.

    The mechanics are painful, especially if you want the harem path. You can't skip interacting with any of the main 3, or you end up struggling to get one ore more of them up on their harem score, so others can join. I mistakenly didn't elevate one of the duplicates, and paid for it with it taking more than an hour of repetitive tasks before I finally got the last one's harem score high enough to reach the current end of the version. Most of this was because the only options to raise the harem scores are random occurrences, so if the RNG gods are against you, you're screwed. Plus, those events only are for certain girls, so unless you get JUST THE RIGHT ONE, it's days and days of nothing in game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Andrew Espinoza

    I'm usually too lazy to write a review for a game, unless it is either brilliant or really bad. In this game's case, it's the former. Where to begin? Well, the premise of the game is really simple and rather obvious by the front page; it is a harem game, consisting of 7 heroines, whom each has her own story. As it is an open world, you can romance whoever you like in whichever order (for the most part, since in Uno's case, you must pursue Irene's story a bit before unlocking her), so in that regard, you can skip a girl's story if you don't like her or anything of the sort, so that's a plus (I really hate it when you are forced to do tasks for another girl in order to further another one).

    Story-wise, the game is not any masterpiece, as it is really simple; you are a rich boy who is not only really smart (detailed in the beginning and in Seinen's story, but really not showed outside of it as your character is pretty naive and oblivious to most things) but also handsome (well, in my standards you're only average, but the game depicts you as such). As such, most of the girls already find you attractive and easily fall in love with you (the harem aspect of the game is not skippable, so if you don't like it, then move on).

    Character-wise, all the girls are attractive in their own way, whether you like tits, ass, or face, so you will probably find your kink here. My favorite characters are Elisa (blonde woman) and Uno (Pink-haired one), as their story is rather intriguing and captivating, specially Uno's, like I did not expect to feel blissful when playing a porn game, but really, she is really sweet and as she is depicted as vulnerable, you feel protective of her, and It helps it so much that the relationship between your character and her feels genuine and heartwarming.

    The only issue (not as much in my case but I can see some people would probably find this aspect lacking) is the playability, since the only way you can advance in any girl's story is by roaming through the map and clicking on repeatable events. The game is not that grindy itself, but it is pretty boring (like you repeat tasks 10 times in order to further the story), but man, the scenes really are worth it, as the visuals are stunning and the models are hot asf. However, a plus within this, is that the events that you must do in order to proceed the story are really clear, so you do not need to use any walkthrough (really, like I can listen to a podcast while playing and still proceed in the story); this is also one of the few games that I've never used a cheating interface to play (amongst the few I can count with one hand).

    Overall, I rated this game as a 5/5 because even if the mechanics are predictable and kinda grindy, the interactions, character design, visuals, and scenes, really make up for it, and it shows how much love, care and effort the author has invested in this game. In my case, this is within my top 5 games, alongside A town uncovered, The Visit, Corrupted Kingdoms, and Summer Memories.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the game
    Nice structure, clear, not too nested, you can find everything without guides.
    There are also interesting characters, even if I don't necessarily like that big boob thing about all characters.
    I also like the beginning and the individual scenes more. The harem story doesn't go really well with all stories.
    Maybe you can still bring in one or the other fetish.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is fucking Masterpiece. The girls and scenarios are well thought out and are centered right in the border of realistic and fantasy. As close as a harem simulator can get anyway. A little grindy at the beginning but not to the point of excess. A new scene was never more than just a few clicks away. This is the first game that I wouldn't consider using a cheat interface for. I'm excited for future updates. 10/10 recommend. Complements to the Chef.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is ezi to play art and story is awesome too. great job.i really enjoy this game very fun too. narrative is also superb.. the art is well executed..................................................................................