Ren'Py - Completed - V.I.R.T.U.E.S. [v17] [NoMeme]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Category: Video Game
    Version: 0.10a
    Visual novel/Script: 3,5
    Gaming experience: 4
    Graphic quality: 4
    Character development: 3,5
    Xcitement: 5

    Considerations: Good game, have free roaming / sandbox along with a nice plot. The map hints are nice to help cope with grind. Graphics are adequate, though in some situations human anatomy are quite forced (ankles)
    Adding easter eggs would help navigation / exploration the map.
    As geminiw45 puts it, pace is balanced, but sometimes character development fails. Personality evolution of some characters as plot evolves is quite hard to believe, there is a jump in the character interaction "corruption/love"progression. And also sometimes, lovely route is not lovely as MC behaves quite strange. Sometimes have high moral standards and suddenly their actions border the rape.
    It is not very clear the difference between love and sex partner route.
    In game decisions have little impact in the game. For example, wrong answers should reduce the girl love level, or requiere a gift to progress further. Economy in the game should be more important. Objects to buy, inventory...
    To sum up, a nice game worth playing it, lots of content, lots of action, but have room to improve.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game so awesome, I love how the way u build character and of course the story too.
    I've enjoyed this game for many reasons, pace is balanced, dialogues and plot is good enough and the characters are really sexy
    The sex scenes are pretty good.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game had decent reviews so I thought I would try it. Absolute waste of time, I wish I didn't. The writing is god awful. I know it's a harem game, so I don't expect much but this game truly has bad writing. English doesn't seem to be the creator's native language, but that's not even the real problem with the writing. The dialog is just so cringy and seems like something someone with very little experience with women would write.

    The characters are all uninteresting tropes seen in other games. Nothing new is added with this game. There are games that do the same harem sandbox thing as this game but just better. I would recommend looking around to find better games than this.

    The only reason I don't give this one star is that the character models and UI look good. You could just download a completed save and look at the gallery, it would save you a lot of time.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I want to like this game, the premise and plot are pretty decent and so are the graphics but for several reasons I can't really give it much praise.

    The characters while having somewhat different personalities are not thought out whatsoever, maby it's just the terrible English that makes it hard to convey but I wish they were more fleshed out.
    The game mechanics while being a good idea in theory are quite horrible due to the fact that transitions make up like 50% of this game and I'm not even joking.
    If there were less of those and more renders it would actually be so much more enjoyable.
    Ontop of this I feel that it's pretty hard to get immersed in a game where you have no choices and just repeat the same scenes over and over to progress while suffering through the appaling English.
    With some more renders raghter then transitions, proof reading and choices this game could have been a strong contender for best game of it's kind.
    Hopefully the developer improves in the future.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is I mean this is the shit I want to see when I'm playing a game like this. Perfect models, solid story, fantastic characters developments and personalities.
    I almost never reviewed anything in almost 3 years except this and Being a DIK. This is seriously a must have if you are into harem and big tits. Just waiting to be surprised with new content!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I've enjoyed this game for many reasons, pace is balanced, a bit of grind, but not too much, dialogues and plot is good enough and the characters are really sexy (though I thought this style of render wasn't my style)

    BUT lots of content seem to be missing as you progress and things get really hot and steamy, so it's a bit frustrating. There might be other characters which have more content than the one I was exploring and got stuck with, but I think I'll wait now for the next major update before playing some more. Hopefully, gaps will eventually be filled, cos it's a very pleasant user friendly game which scores on many levels.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Some decent renders and scenes aren't enough to off set a very unpleasant MC and some equally skeevy women.
    The MC spends his time waxing lyrical about being a virtuous man before immediately raping the first woman he meets. Some of the other characters prove to have similarly flexible morals and the story does backflips to justify their actions. It wouldn't be such an issue if it wasn't at such odds with the script and the actions you choose to take. "Helping" someone get home shouldn't immediately result in sticking your dick in her while she's asleep. It's Fallout 4 levels of dialogue and consequence dissonance.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best harem dating games ever made.

    The graphics are a touch generic, but other than that this game is really special. Despite still being in a fairly early stage of development this game is filled with content, interesting girls to date and steamy sex. Also a rare game which employs a map screen without requiring an obnoxious grind, this game respects your time and actually offers a well paced dating sim experience.

    Properly brilliant.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Yup I really like this game.
    One of my favorite ones so far
    The character models are awesome with huge tits.
    The sex scenes are pretty good.
    I like each girls personality
    i found this game entertaining.
    Can't wait for more content.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Really outstanding game with every character has her own story
    This is the first time I have enjoyed a story so much.
    Would recommend it to others who also like to see full story instead just play the sexual part of the game.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I read some of the bad reviews and thought "nah its probably not that bad", its that bad.
    I'll start with the good: the renders are pretty good, and the UI looked pretty clean when it worked. the girls personalities seemed like there was potential but I didn't get far enough to tell.
    The bad: I only played for 30ish minutes but couldn't be bothered to go on longer. MC constantly goes on about wanting to be virtuous, but then acts like a complete creep. Ogling every woman, inability to take social cues from his best friend, jokes that can be interpreted as implication that he's willing to marriage rape his fiancee if she doesn't put out. everything felt pretty yikes and then I got to the first choice I was given: forcefully rape a girl or "take it slow" which happened to be not very slow and also rape. it was at this point the map broke and I didn't care enough to fix it. Either make the MC a creepy asshole or let me have to option to actually be a good person.

    TLDR: the MC is a creepy asshole but claims he's virtuous, the game is buggy, but the renders are good
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A small amount of issues regarding ren'py on android, otherwise a really cool game. I really enjoy the possibility to make choices with all the girls, and the animations are also great.
    Keep up on the progress !
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the greatest game I have played. The characters are all really really great. Each image could be a wallpaper. The animations are smooth. It might lack a bit story wise, but in terms of aesthetic and content (version 0.6c as I writ this), it is incredible. I have played most of the at least somewhat popular games here and this one is on par with the best. This is why I felt like I had to finally leave a review and see it hopefully get more exposure. I can't believe it took so long to find this. How do we get it featured on the main page scrolling bar lol
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked this game.

    The characters were pretty good. I found myself reading most of what I had not seen yet.

    The art was well done. I felt like the characters looked different and were attractive.

    The H scenes werent too bad. Although they took way too long to work up towards I feel.

    The gameplay... I like and dislike it. The RNG part felt nice at first. Then it just became obnoxious. If the little scenes that aren't main story for the characters were the only RNG I'd like it more.
    I felt like it took way too long to get to story stuff when I wanted to. So much rng clicking.

    Overall 4/5
    I can't decide if I recommend it or not. The content is great, to me, but the time takes to get it is terrible.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    - Great models especially for HoneySelect and thankfully "loli" doesn't look like a 8 years old.

    - Gameplay is as simple as it gets. Orange icon flashes in a place? Well there's your event, go get it. Your collage friend is in collage, runner girl is in the park running, CEO girl is in her office... You can easily find what to do next unless you skipped every text.

    - Plenty of content for v6.0

    - You can choose romance or sex friend routes. They are not hugely different. Romance route is more wholesome.

    - Gallery! Though I wish it was better organized.

    Edit: So we got another update after 2 months. It had good amount of content and advanced the story. Good stuff.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    desolate sharidan

    Story 10/10 - One of the very few games on this website that actually got me invested in the story and made me care about the characters.
    Art is 10/10 - Realistic proportions and beautiful renders (if you love big boobs you'll love this game)
    Gameplay 10/10 - Perfect amount of grinding, you don't have to just click next again and again you actually have to interract with the characters which is actually fun and the grinding isn't too much so that it gets annoying

    Love this game one of my favs can't wait until the next update :)
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    the version. 0.5b:

    I personally love the characters so that my personal rating to the game can only be higher than 4/5.
    Although the story plot is insufficient, the content has great potential to elaborate (the reason why my rating is 4/5).

    Overall, it is very impressive. The interface is easily accessible. The characters are designed and modelled very well that each character has own personality. The animations are relatively tedious though. Also, even though the game has some nice touches such as being automatically teleported to your room at night, the process may need to be improved.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great sandbox game and has a lot of potential. Especially modeling is the best of all Honey Select type games.
    -Renders 5/5 great
    -Animation 5/5 smooth and great quality.
    -Story 4/5
    -Characters 5/5 Each character has their own individuality. So attractive.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    And on the seventh day the Lord created a non intuitive sandbox game. The humanking got to experience hell on earth of their own volition to it.

    The game is horrible and non intuitive. My first 1 star I ever gave since I joined the site. The game consists of visiting various locations at various times and having a random girl encounter which raises disposition. It feels non organic and artificial to the max, the main character is an absolute dolt and moron obsessed with "virtue" to the point he doesn't notice his fiances sister wants to fuck his brains out and is angry at him because he said he'd never do that but is just fine fucking a destitute virgin saying no or outright raping her, then show up a few days later like nothing happened. Even offers her fucking money at the end of it. MC definitely needs to be beaten within an inch of his life, for idiocy and entitled behavior. The game doesn't explain what you're supposed to do, was stuck on prologue which requires you to raise love with two chicks to 5, all the quest say is give gift to Senan, not where and how to find her. Visited a bunch of places and couldn't find her. Had to restart and skip the prologue. Eventually as you go visit some random locations you will get a chance to visit a girl, which consists of going to her house and literally petting her head to raise lust. Man of the House is the most similar game to it I guess.

    The women have interesting art design but the MC, Jesus Christ does he look bad and sex scenes are stilted as fuck. He has a dick that looks like some insects proboscis, thought he's gonna shove it into a girl and suck her dry or maybe shiv her kidneys with it. Either way a frustrating game, 1 out of 10
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Harem Route

    Review as of version 0.5b

    + Beautiful
    + Has great potential in terms of variety of routes and maybe endings.

    - Potential only. So there isn't all that much in yet.
    - UI is a bit clunky.
    - Music is repetitive

    I'll admit, at first I wanted to give this game a bit of a lower score.
    The prologue is so annoyingly long I thought I'll just dump the game before finishing it, to be honest. I despise it when the games don't let you do anything for yourself.
    Thankfully, it does get better after. You get your free time and get to choose who to spend it on, so no more (or, well, at least not as many) forced events. There are still a lot of dead ends, but at least it shows the game has some potential.
    It also gets just a little grindy, clicking through the same events to get extra affection with the girls. It's not too much, you usually need about 5 events, but if there was a bit more of a variety of those, it would be a more pleasurable experience. Still, far from the worst culprit in that regard, it's barely noticeable.

    The writing, while not necessarily bad (I've seen A LOT worse), is frustrating at times. The protagonist is infinitely annoying. I swear if I hear "I'm a man of virtue!" one more time I'm just never going to play this game again.
    The dialogue also makes no sense sometimes, and the choices don't seem to affect much. It's especially weird with Vera. You get a choice to rape her, and just a couple days later be like "hey, want me to drive you home?", and she's like "yeah, sure, I'd love to". WTF?

    Other than that, I like the character personalities. I'd say Vera, Senning and most definitely Theo are the best girls. But I do enjoy spending time with everyone.

    The visuals are good. The girls are absolutely gorgeous, although with a very little variety in body types. Great body types, mind you, but a bit too samey nonetheless.
    Sex scenes also look good, with some nice touches so they don't look like your standard copy-paste poses. I appreciate it.

    I could say that it's also a nice UI, but unfortunately, while it looks nice, it's clunky and not entirely functional. Some locations break the interface, so it just disappears. The save screen, for whatever reason, reacts to RMB, so when you just try to close it it offers you to save your game. Things like this are somewhat frustrating. But let's see how it'll be once it's done and polished.

    The music is fine. Not something I particularly care about, but it's not annoying and doesn't make me want to turn it off. It does get a bit repetitive if you play for a long time, but it's not a huge issue.

    Overall, I'd say it definitely has a potential to be a great game. Especially if the routes will differ more than what we currently have with Vera, for example. I'm really looking forward to seeing what it looks like when it's done.