Ren'Py - Completed - Valia: Life of a Succubus [v1.0A] [Apocrypha's XXX Productions]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Icarus Media

    Well, basic premise of the game is you are the youngest succubus, unleashed upon an open world environment in order to battle a more evil succubus. Nice premise, wrong way to go about doing things.

    Now some of you might be thinking "hey 1 star!?, at least the dev tried right?" Well, have a look at the name of that dev, now look at mine. Yep the 'Apo' in my name is a nod to a previous name.

    In short I'm the dev, and I say this is crap. I'm not going to run away from it, I'm not going to bury it. My initial imagination was great, the idea was good, it attracted followers. But it failed, I have no worries nor guilt about that because by failing and learning from my mistakes THIS has shown me how NOT to do it.

    The flaw with this was when I started I knew nothing about programming languages (from that I immersed myself in Python and C# which I am still learning), I knew nothing about photo editing (Now I can make a decent shop in GIMP). I knew nothing about different engine for different types of game, in short all i had was a great idea but no idea as to the actual mechanics of it. Etc etc, I learned from this and that's the only good outcome of it.

    The flaw in the whole project was 3 fold:

    1) Renpy Engine - i know now that open world games are better served in other engines, and that Renpy is great for short storytelling or sandbox games. Not for an open world game.

    2) Not knowing File type impact - A lot of people saw the file size and thought there would be a lot of content. Not so. As you can see I'm a video producer, and so my logic was simply to put WHOLE VIDEO FILES in the game folders. This meant each scene was about 500mb or thereabouts. The size of the overall game soon ballooned. This is why I complete led it early with so much missing, I didn't want to. But I soon realised I was alrady at about 6GB. If I put in everything I wanted who is gonna download a file over 20GB?! So I rushed the finish, I hold my hand up to that. NOW however I have learned NOT to do that, and taking a leaf from other devs (always be willing to learn from others) If I did in the future something like this, I would have GIF files with a coded GUI to go from slow to fast to cumming.

    3) Not looking before jumping in - As I said before I had NO knowledge of games, coding languages, photo editing etc. But i shared it eagerly on my patron and soon everyone liked the idea and then the pressure was on each month even though I was learning month by month, having to visit python code forums to adapt code to use. Eventually that pressure and eventually realising the file size issue, imploded it.

    So no. Please don't play this game, it's utter crap. the reviewers giving two stars i thank you but they are being generous.

    There are only 2 good things to come out of this:

    1) I've learned from this how NOT to do a game, and I have learned skills that I didn't have before, I now have a love for Python and C# and I have started to continue learning them. I still practice basic photo editing in GIMP. I have purchased books on Unity Engine and also downloaded RPGMaker MV and I'm going through the tutorials before I announce anything!

    2) They still live on - The characters are still making an appearance in my videos which I still do. I wasn't willing to let the idea die, nor the characters I had come to love so much. So I adapted to what I know: Videos. You can find Xala and Valia, and Emily etc etc in my videos.

    If a mod is reading this yes, I am aware that this means I have that green 'Game Dev' tag, but this barely qualifies me for it. Still....I guess I did try. And I bounced back from it.

    So yeah, if anyone is reading this, take this for whatever you will. I'm not gonna run from it, but I've left it behind and only took the lessons learnt with me.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Completed doesn't mean good.

    I tried playing this for a few hours. Between the pretty terrible renders, the pretty poor dialogue, the bugs, and the random and some times jarring music, it really just isn't much to speak of. It's a shame because I love the premise, but the execution is just terrible.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.9...

    This is a very basic grind porn fest game... And of course it includes the overused Family Sex stuff...

    The visuals are low to moderate in quality... The navigation map is simple to use... There are lots of short sex animations, most of them with lots of clipping...

    The script is alright with a few spelling/grammar errors here and there... There really isn't much of a plot, but what little there is revolves around a very young succubus who is sent to the mortal realm, possessing a young woman... Her goal is to drain energy, have lots of sex, and so on... This will include building relationships and making money...

    The game mechanics involve building stats, increasing relationships, lots of random exploration events, and lots of other stuff... It is a very grind based game, with content either opening randomly, or being tied to stats and relationships... The protagonist has sexual/erotic activities she can perform all over the place... There are various fetishes that will play out... Being that she's a succubus she can grow a penis at will... There is also a very basic combat system...

    Overall, the game is quite boring and at times feels a bit archaic... There is very little story at all, just a few bits of dialogue here and there... I found myself becoming bored very quickly, and didn't find much entertaining... Even the erotic content seemed rushed, and repetitive... I'm sure some folks will like it, since it is very sex focused... I will probably not revisit this one...