A definite 5/5. Great scenes, story is pretty good, pretty damn immersive and characters are pretty well defined (As in, they have a certain personality and don't 180 all of a sudden). There are some pretty humorous scenes as well.
All of the above would put it at a solid 4/5, but the fact that it comes with so much functionality right out of the box is what pushes this into a definite 5/5. You have the ability to replay scenes, which is pretty damn good, which doubles as a mini-walkthrough to figure out how to unlock the next scenes. You're also able to edit the run speed (which, in RPGM games, is about 80% of time wasted), and it comes with a developer function if you so wish to skip certain grinds (For instance, waiting for arousal to go back up is kind of annoying, and grinding it is boring, you can just giver yourself infinite red seeds instead and always be maxed arousal).
So yeah, a definite must try if you like RPGM games.