[R>Artist 3D] Paid VAM Importable House based on reference images


Nov 22, 2019
- To-Be-Named Project

- Riis

Looking for:
- VAM Importable House Asset based on floor/house plan / reference material | HQ Textured

Employment Type:
- Paid

Work commitment:
- Just this contract | More opportunity in future if I can re-message!

Preferred method of contact:
- Discord, Telegram, PM (Up to you)

Job Description:
- I have a reference build in another software that is unimportable into VAM (Virt-A-Mate) that I'd like for someone to recreate with HQ Textures that is instantly usable in VAM without too much hassle.

Additional comments:
- I have the reference material ready, and would prefer a quote based on the plan I give!
- Quick note, you don't need to design your own house unless you think it'd be better then what I provide!

Forgot to mention: PM me here for contact details or drop yours below!
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