I do redux packages which speed up loading time of looks / clothing.. that part is going well.
However, it does not prevent my VAM from crashing ... probably due to 2000+ var in my AddonPackages. and long opening - hanging time!
Can anyone share some thoughts with me about VAM performance.
What is the best practice with plugins / morphs / assets in general
I'm planning to do some performance checks with HuaQ clothing set,
try to combine all (168) of the packages into 1, reduce textures.. compression. and I Will share my results here,
but please share some light.do you think any of these steps make sense?
All I was able to find is "having too many var files slows down or cause crashes." but nobody had a solid solution for it. (just reduce the amount)
However, it does not prevent my VAM from crashing ... probably due to 2000+ var in my AddonPackages. and long opening - hanging time!
Can anyone share some thoughts with me about VAM performance.
What is the best practice with plugins / morphs / assets in general
I'm planning to do some performance checks with HuaQ clothing set,
try to combine all (168) of the packages into 1, reduce textures.. compression. and I Will share my results here,
but please share some light.do you think any of these steps make sense?
All I was able to find is "having too many var files slows down or cause crashes." but nobody had a solid solution for it. (just reduce the amount)