it looked great but this game is a real pain
it's grindy as fuck , seriously , even with cheat , the combat are hard , long and boring .. and all this grind for what ? 10 small scene , with "average to good" art
the concept of the story is also really bad , the game start with femdom content , so everyone who DL it for that can enjoy it , but it turn out that at the end you rebels again the vampire and it's you who become the dom
seriously , why ?
what kind of people will DL this ? femdom fan
what femdom fan don't like : male dom
so why this game turn 180 and abandon the femdom to give you male dom , that make no sense , the game if called vampire's slave and you don't end up slave of the vampire ??
if only they let you choose , if only you can either rebel or stay her slave ..
the game have many opportunity in the story where you can choose what you want , but no ! the game don't have any choice , only one ending , and a really bad one , it feel so rushed
spoilers :
you are captured by a vampire girl , she take you to her castle and make you her prey / sex slave
at the beginning you want to escape so you exit your room , and do fucking puzzle labyrinth and really hard fight , then you come back to your room , fight the vampire , lose and get one sex scene
the day after , here we go again , exactly the same , exit room explore castle , fight labyrinth , speak to PNJ who explain that you need this and that to make the vampire submit to you , go back to your room fight her again , lose , contract vampirism and start to enjoy be her slave
.... do this 6 or 7 time each time liking her more and more
and then , no choice to stay her slave , even after she said she liked you more and more , suddenly she want to kill you because....... scenario ?...
so you fight her , win ( of course ... ) and use a orb to make her submit 1 time
she fly ... , you sleep , explore again , fight ... encounter and dominate her 2 time
she fly ... , you sleep , explore again , fight ... encounter and dominate her 3 time and it's the good one she is entirely submitted to you
and then , you have the game ending : one poor line of text explain that you cured your vampirism and you are now in your bedroom with her , she is your brainless slave , END !
femdom or vampire fan , don't loose your time here ..
if you really want to see the scene , DL a save and use memory room