The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v1.9...
This is definitely a management type of game, with cartoony visuals...
The visuals of the characters are 2D hand drawn, and same with backdrops... They are ok in quality, but the sex scenes are kind of a turn off, as they use a cut out of the male protagonists hands/Johnson/etc. and don't look all that pleasing to the eye... Plus they don't last long at all... The user interface is alright, but a exit and/or cancel choice needs to be added to some menus in order to back out if you don't intend to actually do anything, rather then having to re-read the same thing for a choice you didn't really want to make...
The script has a tiny bit of broken English here and there, as well as the occasional spelling/grammar error... The plot revolves around a male protagonist who happens on a survivor vault in a post apocalyptic world... He then needs to procreate, enslave, have sex, explore, and lots of other things with the overall goal of repopulating the Earth... There are lots of quests to go on, and other interactions, pretty much like an adventure game with management functions... The story elements try to portray a lot of humor to what is going on, but does have it's serious stuff as well... There are lots of things to do, so I will not get into too much detail on all of it, but exploration and discovery will play an important part of figuring the game mechanics out... Sometimes that can be easy, and sometimes it can feel tedious...
I only played this game for a little over two hours, mostly because I just couldn't get into it... And the fact that some menu's you can't cancel out of, if you didn't want to do anything in them, as the option is missing, I found a bit annoying... So you end up repeating something you may have already done, just to get out of the menu...
Overall, the game shows some potential, but it has it's issues that I've already mentioned... The humor elements are ok, but not laughable enough sometimes... And the sexual content isn't all that great, even though the game does play into different fetish's as you progress... Will I revisit this game? Most likely not, because it just didn't hold my interest, and it's not really what I'm looking to play/read...